Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Skar Fett

Skar Fett was born on Mandalore, and currently serves in it's army. He is six foot seven and weighs two-hundred twenty pounds. He is muscular, with black hair, green eyes, and tan skin. He was raised by a Jedi stationed on Mandalore after his village was destroyed, but he is not Force sensitive. He carries a vibrosword and a rifle, though he isn't very good with the rifle. He also has a jet pack and body armor. His name earns him some standing in the military, but he is still only a private

William Flamespring

Howdy, just a small tip. You actually want to make your character like for example...

Name: *Enter here*

Faction: *Enter here*

And just look at the templates so you can get the idea.

To william,

I know, but I had to redo it several time, for various reasons, and decided that the format I use would be easier, and it does have all the required information

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