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Persecuted and Hunted by the Goliath's, Shaper's of the Elements
- Intent: To create a new and unique race of creatures that specifically are element shapers and possess the ability to telepathically communicate with each other
- Image Credit:
[X](Marvel Comics; Deadpool Comic)
[*]Canon: N/A
- Name: Skarr's
- Designation: Sentient
- Homeworld:
- Skantu - Common language, written and spoken language
- Soquy - Uncommon Language, written runic language
- Swuxio - Rare Language, spoken ceremonial language
[*]Average Lifespan: Unknown
[*]Estimated Population: Rare
[*]Description: [ Provide a short paragraph that describes this species at a glance. More in-depth descriptions can be added in distinctions below. ]
- Breathes: Type I
- Average height of adults: 7Ft to 8Ft
- Average length of adults: N/A
- Skin color: Green
- Hair color: N/A
- Distinctions: [ Describe the unique physical traits that define what they are and set them apart from more common species like humans. Be sure to include any differences between male and female, as well variations between differing regional groups if any, and characteristics that denote a matured or aging specimen. ]
- Races: [ Not subspecies, distinct cultural or physical races (aka, just like human races). ]
- Strengths:
[+]Elemental Shapers - - [+]Semi-thick Skin -
- [+]Fast & Agile -
- [+]Intelligent -
[*]Neutral Attributes:
- [+/-]Two Hearts - The Skarr's have a remarkable genetic trait, within their chests, are two hearts. This allows them to operate under far more physical strength than most if not all other human-like species. These two hearts allow the Skarr's to work longer, and much harder than most other species and allows them to sustain themselves in combat for much longer than most others. The two hearts also help to allow their intake of breath and breathable air to be doubled the normal amount, greatly improving their performance. If one heart is damaged or destroyed, the Skarr can still survive even with only one heart. Although, it's going to be difficult for the Skarr. With now only one heart working, their lifespan will be shortened. When only a single heart is present, however, the Skarr's will experience shortness of breath more often and they will not be able to do as much work or work for as long as they used to be able to do or be able to easily sustain themselves for long periods of time during combat. Also with this, the Skarr's won't be able to use their elemental shaper abilities for as long or as frequently during combat.
- [-]Sensitive Hearing - Skarr's have large sized, goblin-elf like ears on either side of their head. These ears can help them hear things from up to six-hundred feet away. They had developed this evolutionary trait due to them constantly being pursued and in some cases, killed by their larger and stronger genetic-relative, the Goliath's. However, their large hears are highly sensitive to loud sounds. Such as sonic weapons for example. When a sonic weapon is used against a Skarr, they will in most cases be temporarily deafened and if they are using any shaper abilities, than these abilities will automatically stop working as their concentration will fracture which will leave them temporarily vulnerable to damage.
- [-]Sensitive Vision - Skarr's have large eyes that can take in many details from their environment. The exact reason they evolved to have this evolutionary trait is unknown, though most suspect it was to help them survive against the Goliath's who hunted them down. With their eyes taking in many details, this can leave them actually quite open to attack. They don't have much of a peripheral vision, basically blinding them in some areas of their vision. The Skarr's eyes are also highly sensitive to large, blinding lights which can temporarily blind them and can make them lose their concentration easily.
- [-]Energy Requirement - The Skarr's can accomplish many things, and with these many things, they use up a large amount of energy. The Skarr's can get tired more quickly than most other species in prolonged combat, even with their two hearts. They need more subsistence than most other species due to the heavy toll their shaper abilities take on their bodies physically, draining their energy at a steady rate.
- [-]God Complex - The Skarr's view themselves as superior to many other species, save for the Goliath's They view themselves as being faster than most other species along with viewing themselves as stronger than most other species through their natural shaper abilities. This makes the Skarr's act extremely overconfident in their abilities and makes them extremely arrogant when fighting against species that they view as 'lesser' than themselves. This makes them unintentionally open up themselves to attack and makes them leave themselves up for enemies to exploit their weaknesses.
- [-]Shapers are not Forever -
- Diet: [ Note down common fods, what is poisonous]
- Communication:
Telepathy, the Skarr's
[*]Technology level: [ Describe their societal technology level ]
[*]Religion/Beliefs: [ If this species has a prominent religion or set of beliefs, describe them here. ]
[*]General behavior: [ Describe general behaviors such as: family life, values, how they raise their young, how they find mates, how they interact with the world and other species around them. Do they hunt? Do they build? Are they inventors? Are they explorers? Are they nocturnal or diurnal? Do they attend schools? Etc, etc. ]
[ Describe an abridged history. If your species is genetically engineered or Sithspawn please describe the process through which they were created, by who, and why in at least three paragraphs. Explain the various challenges encountered during their creation. Most galactic species will be quite old - major events relevant to the species in how they evolved and developed into what they are today where appropriate. ]