Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Skirmish on Coruscant.

Hai there!
  • Desecrate, destroy or otherwise vandalize Dark Lord statues.
  • Loot any open tombs
  • Leave your mark as the Galactic Alliance.
  • Engage at free will - don't get caught.

It clearly states in the submission it's an open place for tourists, janitors, etc. Easy to sneak in undetected. Now, can't say much once we start making waves.

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Original Post Edited with Objectives and overall ideas.*
[member="Mira Rekali"] [member="Julius Sedaire"] [member="Ellya"]

I was trying to get a crew together to launch a strike on the Sith temple. Destroy knowledge there and steal artifacts etc.
What about Coruscant or Byss?

Gotta be some place like that - make a statement with some thermal charges.

Was thinking of maybe decorating the landscape with the GA symbol.

Alright - so, me and [member="Roth Tillian"]. Anyone else?

I can't say what they have there cause I don't know, was going to discover a shard of a crystal for a lightsaber if we make it far enough and the thread gets big enough.

I'm sure we'll draw some attention - hell if we don't, that means more "damage" done, I suppose.

A big, bright, colorful GA symbol in the center of Sith space o_o;
[member="Mira Rekali"] - I'm not really down for a thread where I don't know the details. Especially if the target doesn't know we're coming. Simply put, it gives them no chance to co-author in the story, and (in the case of the 'surprise' skirmish on the OS on Coruscant) if they don't like what you do (I.E. me leveling the entire Sith Temple on Coruscant) they will just ignore it. And most won't blame them when they do. I know I wouldn't.

So, tl;dr? I might be interested. But i'd like to hear details a bit first.
[member="Julius Sedaire"]

Point taken and understood.

It'll be hard to ignore anything that is done when the opposition is given fair chance to reply. A skirmish doesn't require permission - at any point and time. The operation is the New Valley of the Dark Lords. The idea came to me in discussion by the way of someone on the OS side, so I'm pretty sure they're going to know it's being planned. The purpose isn't so much as to make it completely gone but to make it colorful - make our presence known and make our mark. I personally have an agenda otherwise, raid a tomb or two, destroy a statue if I can and bug out. Set off some thermal charges with some colorful paint and leave 'em a nice symbol.

It's basically to cause disruption more than anything, show them that even in the Core they're vulnerable. I believe they've done it multiple times when the Republic once held the Core, why shouldn't we?
This is now complete.

Thanks to [member="Roth Tillian"] and [member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"] (For awesome the awesome Medevac.)

Valley of the Dark Lords got a well needed paint job, and a face lift.

Assumed that the Tomb of Darth Talon was destroyed, Darth Krayt's tomb was damaged, several other statues were destroyed or damaged - Obviously the Alliance color scheme was left all over the place with symbols (As well as a mixture of bright pink and orange.)

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