RIP Carlyle Rausgeber
"It's all been bloody marvellous..."
Hey, just suggesting we should have some kind of battle with GA?
I think it'd be rather fun to have some kind of battle with them. After all, they're pretty much the biggest light side faction in our zone here. Plus it'd be a rather good idea to get ourselves acquainted with the good-two shoes guys we'll most likely be making enemies with in coming months. Hell, it'd be a great time to build some IC rivalries with the Alliance, and I think we should pursue it.
I even went through and made some ideas for why we'd be fighting in the first place:
1. Operation Thieftaker: As apart of operations to crush piracy in the Anoat system, First Order Naval personnel have taken to pursuing pirates and smugglers in an attempt to execute detain the crew. Perhaps an eager crew cross borders into Alliance space and in response the Galactic Alliance sends its fleet and troops to deter them. An overzealous gunner, still believing the Order is justified in its action fires against orders. This is seen as an act of war by the GA, and a space battle ensues.
2. Operation Saving Grace: For centuries now Nar'iin of Zarnathea have enslaved their primitive cousins, the Vax. The First Order stood to profit from the sale of Vax for their shipyards. The Free Vax have fought a so far unsuccessful civil war, and until very recently didn't seem to be a threat to the status quo. A series of victories however has put things on a knifes edge, which has meant the Vax have become a viable threat to Nar'iin supremacy. With the planet within the spheres of influence of both the Galactic Alliance and First Order, the two have sent military "advisers" and "diplomats" to quell the conflict. I think this idea would be more inclusive, and wouldn't exclude the military as the other idea does.
Nonetheless, what do you admins think?
I think it'd be rather fun to have some kind of battle with them. After all, they're pretty much the biggest light side faction in our zone here. Plus it'd be a rather good idea to get ourselves acquainted with the good-two shoes guys we'll most likely be making enemies with in coming months. Hell, it'd be a great time to build some IC rivalries with the Alliance, and I think we should pursue it.
I even went through and made some ideas for why we'd be fighting in the first place:
1. Operation Thieftaker: As apart of operations to crush piracy in the Anoat system, First Order Naval personnel have taken to pursuing pirates and smugglers in an attempt to execute detain the crew. Perhaps an eager crew cross borders into Alliance space and in response the Galactic Alliance sends its fleet and troops to deter them. An overzealous gunner, still believing the Order is justified in its action fires against orders. This is seen as an act of war by the GA, and a space battle ensues.
2. Operation Saving Grace: For centuries now Nar'iin of Zarnathea have enslaved their primitive cousins, the Vax. The First Order stood to profit from the sale of Vax for their shipyards. The Free Vax have fought a so far unsuccessful civil war, and until very recently didn't seem to be a threat to the status quo. A series of victories however has put things on a knifes edge, which has meant the Vax have become a viable threat to Nar'iin supremacy. With the planet within the spheres of influence of both the Galactic Alliance and First Order, the two have sent military "advisers" and "diplomats" to quell the conflict. I think this idea would be more inclusive, and wouldn't exclude the military as the other idea does.
Nonetheless, what do you admins think?