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Approved Starship Skittral Spaceglider

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Manufacturer: Hraelga
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Semi-Unique
Length: Average
Width: Average
Height: Small
Size: Average

Image source: [X] Colors adjusted by me.

  • Measurements: 25m length, 4m high, 12m wide
  • Armaments: Low
  • Defenses: Low
  • Verikast, Kraemonen for the hull and plating and tendrils
  • Mind Stones for enslavement protocols and navigation
  • Engines: Uses photosynthesis or Force siphoning as an alternative method of charging.
  • Life Support
  • Gravity Lift: An optional method of safely dropping from the deployment bay once it has opened.
  • Pulse generator, allows for Hyperlane travel at a rating of 0.2
  • Grappling arms: Kraemonen-generated tendrils with extreme strength stretch out from the flat side of the Skittral Spaceglider. These tendrils can drill into most metals and use electrostatic upon contact with any surface to immediately latch onto any sort of surface with extreme strength. When a tendril makes contact with a ship's exterior hull the tendrils contract like fingers attached to a palm, clamping hard and spreading their physical surface to greater tighten their grip.
  • Electrodisruption: The tendrils have small technological elements embedded throughout their structure that generate and electric disruption that allows them to partially bypass shielding.
  • Kraemonen Infiltration: When Kraemonen connect with any technology, they immediately begin to learn and absorb its function - the Kraemonen ability to evolve immediately to fit the function asked of it also allows (with assistance from a Mind Stone linked pilot), to slowly take over the functions of whatever technology they come into contact with. The more sophisticated the technology, the greater number of Kraemonen required.
  • Forward located mandibles: Hook-like appendages that seem to work on a mixture of hydraulics and biology, capable of ripping through and grabbing onto other spaceships in order to either siphon energy or simply disable the enemy ship.
  • Corsair Tails: Similar to Purrgils, the Skittral has two tails which house the organic starship's pulse powers in order to open natural hyperlanes and traverse great distances at great speed.
  • Mutated Draelvasier plating: Grants some general low resistance to the majority of standard issue weaponry ranging from energy to acid.
  • Organic materials grant stealth against common radar systems
  • Extreme speed: To outrun the best, you need to be the best. This organic starship has thanks to its aerodynamic shape and powerful organic hyperspeed capacities a speed greater than most starcraft.
  • Extreme Maneuvrability: To fully utilize the speed of this craft, it also boasts a near insurmountable level of maneuvrability that has yet to be surpassed, granting the ability to perform aerial and spatial acrobatics others wouldn't even dare to try.
  • Can be regrown: The ship can essentially be regrown and cultivated again if the user has the necessary components and material to guide the new ship through the grafting process. This also means missing parts can be regenerated if the ship is allowed to spend quite some time in the light of a star or by nourishing it with the Force.
  • Complete immunity to EMP: The lack of true metals and electronics allow for this ship to basically go through any EMP with little to no effect apart from maybe some momentary disorientation
  • Not exactly the most awe inspiring thing: This is absolutely not a ship for those who wish to dominated space and any battles in there with firepower or big shields.
  • Acid issues: As this is a mainly organic ship, with organic compounds and even an organic defense and engines, acid and corrosive attacks can actually hurt the ship, bringing it into a berserk state if the pain and the damage is too severe, which makes it nigh uncontrollable until it either fizzles out of energy or has completely drained its user's force reserves.
  • It can be regrown...but: While this can technically be done in space as well, healing the ship would mean momentarily powering it down to focus everything on the rapid regrowth of parts, meaning it would be a sitting duck while it's healing, with little to no defenses or warnings.
  • FOrce Nullification: Let's face basically uses it's user's force as fuel...nullify it and it has no fuel :D
The Skittral is one of the first beings that have been Perfaected by Hraelga, though not directly by the use of Glimmering oil, but by actually grafting her own flesh onto a strange creature which feasted on the remains of a crashed Bryn'adul ship, combining the creature and the bryn'adul ship's parts, Hraelga managed to create a wholly new craft which responds perfectly to her needs for a swift and speedy mode of transport with great maneuvrability to keep others off of her tail, in particular the Draelvasier, who she knew would be none too kind for her new appearance and powers.

The Skittral has a pulse engine akin to how Purrgils travel through hyperspace, but also has several of the typical Draelvasier ship designs incorporated. In particular the mandibles and kraemonen tendrils take their cues from the older Bryn'adûl ships. While it has bonded with Hraelga through her own flesh and her connection to the force, this being has the distinction over other organic ships that it CAN think and act on its own behalf, but will only do so when it does not contradict the orders from its owner nor the safety of their wellbeing.

Hraelga plans to create a small number of these ships when she has enough followers to finally make herself truly known to the the harbinger of union, the mother of oneness and the rival to the Titan.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a ship for Hraelga
Permissions: Draelvasier

Technical Information

Affiliation: Hraelga - Draelvasier
Starship Class: Small Craft (1-50m)
Starship Role: Recon
Modular: No
Material: Kraemonen, Verikast, mindstones, Aeravalyn flesh and armor
Armaments: see main body
Defense Rating: Low
Speed Rating: Extreme
Maneuverability Rating:: Extreme
Energy Resist: Low
Kinetic Resist: Low
Radiation Resist: Low
Minimum Crew: 0
Optimal Crew: 1
Cargo Capacity: None
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