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Skosk Fett

Skosk Fett

NAME: Skosk Australis (Formerly Fett) " Workhorse"
FACTION: Mandalorian Empire
RANK: Captain
AGE: 25 (Body age 20 due to the force helping Skosk maintain his athleticism at his best shape.)
SEX: Male
WEIGHT: 325 pounds ( 98% muscle )
EYES: Yellow
HAIR: Horns ( maul style)
SKIN: completely tan, no patterns , mandalorian insignia tattoo ( upper back, right side)

Relationship Status: Taken (@Mavarah)


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+Work Ethic: Skosk Does not give up, and will keep fighting for his success.

+Veteran:After fighting many skirmishes in General Kaines army, and competing in many tournaments, along with collecting many bounties.This mountain of muscle has knowledgeable experience in leading men into combat,fighting trained combatants, and dealing with force users.

+ Unnatural muscular strength and size , fueled by the force. This ability is passive and not even known to Skosk, these enhancements also allow him to maintain his fitness regardless of age, at a quick pace as well.

+ Heavy weapons and armory specialist: Skosk knows his weapons, more preferably heavy weapons. The mercenary can wield almost any heavy weapon with deadly effect.

+ Athlete: Skosk was an intergalactic wrestler, a pro at staying in shape. His career ended because of his rival Lon Michal a transdosian ( correct my spelling). Who sent hit-men after Skosk knowing that there was no chance he could beat the big brute in the ring. Long story short, while Skosk was able to defend himself easily, he ended up having to deal with the destruction of his own house. The collapse of his house showed no mercy to the zabrack, when it toppled him.

+/- Devoted love: When Skosk loves someone, whether it be romantically, with friends, or with family he will do anything to protect them. This type of loyalty and value came from learning the importance of family in his culture, such a personality trait can cause him to face unwinnable odds. Which could lead to his death.

+/- Body Type: This mandalorian brute has always had an extreme athletic, bulky build to his body. The zabrack has huge Biceps, Triceps, Shoulders, traps, Latts , Pectorals,and core muscles . Unlike his lower body, which is muscular like the upper body, but more lean. While Skosk's body is extremely muscular, and strong the downside is that the Fett is extremely massive. Thus making him an easy target in battle, and in some cases making it hard for him to find cover that would be useful to him.

+/- Training: Instead of focusing on other methods of combative training, his focus is on wrestling, a style which promotes his strength, endurance and explosive movement. However, due to recently being trained by Strider Garon, he is now a novice in Shock boxing techniques and strategy, which gives the giant a huge ability in engaging and disengaging in fights.He also has recently formed a greater ability in reaction times needed for a better defense. As such his style evolved from his earlier days, into a more tactically aggressive style. Skosk many times could easily be figured out by the more trained mercenaries, because his style for awhile would become predictable. Regardless, most of the time Skosk tends to get the job done with his perfected combat style, as not many can prevent his double leg take down, to the ground. As a ground pounder however his newest weakness is dealing with those who prefer to fight at a distance. While he is trained to close the distance between his foes, should the select few figure out how to stay out of his attack range, things could get very ugly for the horned beast.

+/- Unapologetic about being crude: Due to hanging around much of the filth of the galaxy. This Zabrak Bounty Hunter is very rude and has no filter when it comes to his beliefs or what is on his mind. While such a thing is good to have when it comes to showing dominance. This can easily lead to angering the wrong people.

- Slow: While the Zabrack athlete may be athletic, his speed is slow because of his huge muscle mass presiding over his body. This allows others to slightly out-maneuver him.

- Education: Aside from anatomy, Skosk only has a decent enough education of a high school graduate.

- Trust issues: There are a few people the mercenary trust's, mostly mandalorians. With the exception of one friend who is not part of his culture.

-Troublemaker: This being likes to make trouble, and can be quite a jackass. His vod Beth does not seem to mind tho.

APPEARANCE (No armor): Skosk Fett, is an extremely large, muscular, zabrack weighing around three hundred pounds. This mandalorians horns are medium sized spread around his head instead of hair. Skosk's skin color is completely tan. ( the tattoo is no visible unless by chance he's in a hospitable where ....)

APPEARANCE (Armor): Armed to the teeth with a heavy blaster repeater, this fearsome Mandalorian is armed in Heavy ,RED Colored, Beskaram. Even then, mountains of muscle can be seen through this heavy piece of armor. Many after seeing the fearless mercenary then describe Skosk as if he looks like a big, green, tank.


As a child Skosk lived alone with his mother, on the planet of Ryloth. A horrible, rocky planet where slavery, and crime thrived on the desolate planet. Many times the future mandalorian, look for a bigger goal, but what exactly would this be? The zaback would go to his horrible rundown school every day to achieve education. Not much, was acquired from it except one thing: sports. For such a horrible education system there was always enough budgeting for sports. To this day it confuses Skosk, how could he get help? In the classroom many of his classmates would notice him based on the fact that even as a kid ; at the age of eight years old he looked strong, fit, and mean. Like the others, he was the same in the regards of the brain, its rarely there. The street rat, had something better for him that would later make him a success. It was as if he had something surging through him that helped him get a head start. The kid was always energetic and playful with his friends, eventually he had the reputation of being the strongest kid in his grade in the his slum ridden back water village of Ryloth. Soon after, one of the schools sports teams had gotten to him first: the wrestling team.

Many more years would pass as the kid wrestled, he was his first season a natural athlete. His first year of high-school became a great one when he won the world championship for local wrestling. A sixteen year old freshman ! The youngest world champion to ever win such a high title in local history on Ryloth. Skosk's mother was proud, she had been there for him his whole entire life going to every single match and tournament. As soon as Skosk graduated, becoming an undefeated champion all four years of his highschool career . The Inter- Galactic wrestling team of Ryloth had immediately drafted him into the professional level, where two days later she would die of cancer. This gave a bad start of the year because neither his mother or him knew she had cancer, this obviously showed how affected he was when he could only take second in the entire galaxy. That had been the lowest ever for him, the entire season he barely won all his matches to get to that point. All of them in overtime!

This was when Skosk realized that his mother would want him to make a living out of a sport which he dearly loves. The entire off season was his moment to shine, from just being two hundred pounds of pure muscle. He rose to be three hundred and ten pounds of hard rock manliness. Skosk, would be the lightest heavy weight to ever compete in the next galactic season, but also the most muscular. Skosk had been undefeated from that point on till the end of his career, constantly being known for his double leg takedowns, headlock throws, and aggressive tie ups in which he would squeeze his opponent. Skosk would at least launch someone out of bounds once per match. His career seemed to be amazing, until his last match he had to face. A transdosian ( Fix my spelling) rival named Lon Michal , there matches always ended with Skosk tossing him hard over his shoulders to the ground, into a headlock. Later matches, Lon would purposely stall (back away like a coward which is illegal in wrestling) in an attempt to tire out Skosk. This just ended up with him giving the match to the big tank anyway by default.

Lon knew, things would repeat the same way. The only way to stop Skosk from winning was to harm not only his ability to make money, but his ability to actually wrestle. Hit-Men where sent to kill Skosk, they failed miserably, but succeeded in destroying his house. This not only gave the famous wrestler, bad publicity, and a loss of money, but also horrible injuries. Such as a concussion, and multiple cut/ stab wounds. The two wrestlers due to there being a suspicion of illegal activities between the two where kicked off the wrestling federation as nobodies.

With shame, Skosk had to find a new brotherhood, he found the mandalorians. A culture built, around family, honor, and war. After, finally earning the title all the mandalorians became his vod, his brethren. Skosk Fett, is part of the next generation of the fetts, how will he make his mark in the family?

Chapter 2:

In progress

SHIP:SHIP:Beskad-Class Patrol Ship

Command ship:
Rest of Fleet: (2 of them)
Forces: Siege Unit:

Vehicle use: Doorknocker

KILLS: no one important yet




Skosk Fett

Force Powers (Apprentice is the lowest, Master is the Highest:

(Master) Force body: Fueled by the force. This ability is passive and not even known to Skosk, the force enhancements of the body allowing him to maintain his fitness regardless of age, at a quick pace as well.Allowing the berserker explosive athleticism, power, and stamina.

(Apprentice) Force Smash: With a combination of brute strength, and it's enhancement . With a force push to the ground the brute can smash the ground creating a mini five meter quake. This ability physically draining the user to the maximum . This can be trained to be stronger and more powerful.

(Apprentice)Force Push: A weaker force push that can be trained to become stronger.

(Apprentice) Force Rage: Untrained, the user becomes enraged with anger giving a small extra supply of stamina for the brute to use. At the expense of less control. This ability able to be better trained.

Skosk Fett

ROLE-PLAYS: The top thread is the newest, the last one is the oldest. an uprising ) (onderon dom) RR Skirm, Duel ) thread amber)! ) (Skosk being there for the distraught Beth, family is more then blood.) For Mykrr) ( Meet and greet thread, introducing the love of his life to the clan) ( Bounty on an angel, with a twist at the end) Beth to turn into beastmode) Skirmish) skirmish vs mandos) (faction celebration thread)
ac-24/#entry1781176(MANDO WEDDING YAYAYAYYAA) DOM) WHEEL) (Round two of the mando fight tourney, defeat) raiding ME , Skosk defending) mando raid againest The Galactic Empire) 1 mando fight tourney, victory) hunting thread, mandalorian vs mandalorian action) No longer canon .) (training learning shadow boxing), utter defeat) battle dom) my return) (merc job against the OP, abandoned) (First faction invasion :3) ( getting my ship) (Duel, with a rare elephant type humanoid) (One on one duel, with a rakghoul.....) ( First invasion, as a mercenary helping the republic retrieve some artifacts.) ( Body guarding thread) ( Dominion) (null void) ( null void) ( Pirate attack, first duel, tie) ( First campaign, exploring the unknown region) ( Intro/ training thread) the consortium)

Skosk Fett

What beskaram looks like this awesome piece of art:



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