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Approved Starship Skrii-Ro'ik Cruiser Analog

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Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
Image Source:
Affiliation: Closed Market, The One Sith, The Red Ravens
Manufacturer: Titan Industries
Model: Skrii-Ro'ik Cruiser Analog
Modularity: No
Production: Mass-Produced
Material: Yorik Coral
Classification: Cruiser

Length: 240m
Width: 420m
Height: 170m

Sixty Five Yaret-Kor
Forty Five Dovin Basals

Two Squadrons

Special Features:
Escape Pods
Encryption Villips
Yuuzhan Vong Life Support Systems
Targeting Brain
Thorn Throne
Holonet Transceiver
Hau Polyp Furniture
Qahsa Databanks

Maneuverability Rating: 12
Speed Rating: 14
Hyperdrive Class: 1.7

Self Healing: Like all Yuuzhan Vong Vessels the Skrii-Ro'ik is self healing. Given enough time the ship will heal any damage that is done to it. This is due to the organic nature of the ship and the fact that it is entirely composed of Yorik Coral. This feature of the vessel makes it extremely cost efficient for governments to use and makes it an increasingly popular vessel with One Sith Border Patrols due to the ability to fight and not need to return to drydock in order to effect repairs, simply needing time instead.

Second Skin: The Skrii-Ro'ik unlike many other Yuuzhan Vong Vessels carries a second “Skin” of Yorik Coral. This addition of a second layer of Yorik Coral makes the Skrii-Ro'ik somewhat tougher than normal Yuuzhan Vong vessels, allowing it to take more of a beating than other ships of its class and size, though not much more. The slanted skin of the armor helps it gain traction against kinetic weapons and the like. Again this feature has made it a popular ship in border patrols, especially in the One Sith.

Forward Fire Arc: The Greatest flaw with the Skrii-Ro'ik is the fact that all forty five of its Yaret-Kor face forward. Each one of these heavy plasma weapons faces forward on the ship and is unable to turn, this means that in order for the Skrii-Ro'ik to unleash all of its payload it has to be acing its opponent, a difficult thing to do when your ship turns like a whale on a beach. It should be noted that the rear of the ship is not completely defenseless due to the presence of Dovin Basals.

Lumbering: The Skrii-Ro'ik is relatively small vessel though its shape and design makes it difficult to to maneuver and shift about. Its massive wing like appendages and huge jaws make turning hard, and its forward facing Yaret-Kor mean that its turning is incredibly important, though still slow. Comparable to other vessels of its size the Skrii-Ro'ik turns extremely slowly.

When Alric Kuhn took over the running of Titan Industries one of his first goals was the reinstatement of projects researched and created by the Yuuzhan Vong Shapers working for Titan Industries.

A large part of these projects was the creation of new Star Ships.

Yuuzhan Vong Warships have often been dubbed as some of the most powerful in the galaxy, their ability of self repair and their powerful weapons as well as the low crew count of these ships means that they are incredibly efficient for their cost in production. Alric knowing this, and knowing the profit to be had in the creation of these types of warships ordered the beginning production of a planned Cruiser Analog that had first been commissioned by Tsavong Kraal.

The Skrii-Ro'ik was the first Yuuzhan Vong ship to be built since the Skarr-Ro'ik Carrier Analog and much like its larger cousin the Skrii-Ro'ik is entirely bio-technology. Though it lacks some of the larger systems of the Skarr-Ro'ik the Skrii-Ro'ik still contains many staples of Yuuzhan Vong Bio-technology including vilip pods, targeting brains, and normal amenities one would find on a ship.

Along with its menacing appearance the Skrii-Ro'ik carries adequate firepower to take on vessels of its equivalent size. Its powerful Yaret-Kor's and strong Dovin Basals give the Skrii-Ro'ik enough firepower to go toe to toe with nearly any vessel of similar size, its secondary skin giving it survivability enough to outlast most ships.

The trade off to this is a lack of speed and maneuverability as well as a strict arc of fire. These restrictions have seen the Skrii-Ro'ik fall into a more defensive frame of combat, being used to protect border worlds of the One Sith or used to stage analogs with interdictors. These ships are generally not sent out as hunters or killers, being far more suited for other roles.

It should be noted that while compared to standard weapon systems and ship designs the Skrii-Ro'ik may appear to have a low weapon count, however because of the function of Dovin Basals, and the power of Yaret-Kor the Skrii-Ro'ik is more than a match for any ship of similar size, if not more so due to the shield draining capabilities of Dovin Basals.

It should be noted that the Skrii-Ro'ik is also the first Yuuzhan Vong Ship to be sold outside of the One Sith, with Titan Industries opening its stock of this vessel to the Red Ravens, one of the One Siths major allies.

Development Thread: N/A
Intent: In Order to begin a return to Titans original purpose as a company, the production of Yuuzhan Vong Technologies.
Who Can Use This: Anyone Titan Deems Worthy
Primary Source: N/A

(reference of a similar sized vessel in canon)
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