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Skrithurzmau Taav

Skrithurzmau Taav

NAME: Skrithurzmau Taav
FACTION: Yuuzhan Vong
RANK: Warrior
SPECIES: Yuuzhan Vong
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6'3"
WEIGHT: 223lbs
EYES: Blue
HAIR: None
SKIN: White


Strong - Skrithurzmau is large and strong and easily outmatches a similarly sized human opponent.
Intimidating - He's big, scarred, ambitious and aggressive. This is not an opponent you want leaping out at you.
Tactical Thinker - Being the head of the largest Domain means Skrithurzmau has both had the chance and actually used it to learn to command troops and think in a tactical fashion rather than just rushing in like a berserker on his own.
Aggressive - Though he can think tactically, there's still a pretty good chance that he's just going to rush in. He will also over-commit his troops and overestimate their abilities, sure than none can stand against the mighty Yuuzhan Vong of Solovarna
Schemer - This is largely kept in check by the fact that he is the head of the largest Domain on the only planet he knows, but Skrithurzmau likes to be in power, likes to be in control
Technophobe - On a personal level Skrithurzmau might be more likely than most of the Solovarnan Yuuzhan Vong to use technology if it provided him with an edge, however to maintain his hold he cannot be seen as heretical and this loudly decries it and has no practical knowledge.


What happens when a group of Yuuzhan Vong are stranded on a planet and left there? Or stayed at their posts and were never called away. Stories vary. The end result in this case was an ever dwindling population that throughout the years has gone from thousands to only scores as viable breeding options are existed with such a limited pool. The Yuuzhan Vong of Solovarna. A stubborn, bloodthirsty little remnant thought to be hardly more than a scary story for Soltarans to tell each other about what lurks in the jungles.

They've lost their Shapers and biotes over the decades, and now breed only warriors. They still practice self mutilation to honour Yun-Yuuzhan. Though they've had the opportunity to acquire tech from slaughtered Soltarans, they have chosen not to. Their lost knowledge means they cannot rely entirely on organic tools, and it is acceptable to work metal as long as it is done by hand.

Skrithurzmau is the head of the largest Domain, a position he earned through combat with other Domain Taav warrior. He is often bored as there is little to feed his ambitions with keeping to the old ways of secrecy.

None. Yet.


The Yuuzhan Vong of Solovarna

As of the creation of this character there are 168 Vong remaining on Solovarna. Whether this is the result of ship being stranded and never found or of them not leaving their post after being assigned to secure a foot hold from which to wage war, the galaxy may never know. The Yuuzhan Vong of Solovarna don't in any case.

An initial population of roughly three thousand has dwindled to 168. It can safely be assumed that initial population decline was major as the original generation likely did not realize the need to breed to stay alive and likely stuck to the caste specific breeding rules. Only later was breeding tracked in earnest, in some Domains more than others. The Domains and their details are as follows.

Domain Taav
Taav is the most numerous Domain with 43 members. The Yuuzhan Vong within it tend to pale white or grey skin. Though numerous, they occasionally suffer from deformities due to less than careful breeding in the interest of maintaining numbers. Only those born with deformities so severe that they cannot contribute are culled.

Domain Esh
Esh is the second most numerous at 38 members. They tend to be closely tied to Taav, though it is not uncommon to see the purple hue that hints at shared blood with Pasaar pop up within this Domain.

Domain Qat
Qat has 36 members and has come to learn a little more on the side of Pasaar than Taav, in the hope that the Pasaar records and methods can help bolster their breeding program and boost the quality of their warriors. About half their members have purple tinged skin.

Domain Pasaar
Pasaar has 31 members, the majority of who can be identified by their purple skin. They have been the most careful with their breeding, but are running out of options. They are also the most rigorous in their training and do not suffer deformities, though they do occasionally give babes with lesser deformities to the other Domains. They are exceptionally war-like.

Domain Shul
Shul has 17 members and clings to it's Intendant roots. In truth they are just as warrior-like as the other Domains at this point, but act as though it were not so. They focus slightly less on training and may be a little less muscled than the other Domains. Though they act as if they are in charge, they cannot actually stand against the other more numerous and stronger Domains.

Domain Yim
Yim is something of a joke. With 3 members and clinging to a Shaper Domain when no Shaper or biote has been on the planet for generations, they seek glory long lost. This will likely be the last generation of Domain Yim upon Solovarna.

The Yuuzhan Vong of Solovarna have retained their teachings of the Gods and many of the practices and rituals to venerate them, including self mutilation and sacrifices. They also shun technology, but without organic weapons to depend upon have adapted their beliefs enough that they do work metal, but it is only acceptable when done by hand. Though all identify largely as warriors, with no other castes available, they are forced to take part in the day to day chores of life. That said, it is commonly accepted that the worse of a warrior you are, the more menial tasks you do, while the better your martial skills, the less you do to the point that each Domain with the exception of Yim usually has one Warrior who does nothing but fight.

They maintain strict secrecy, killing any who see them. This is likely how they have lasted as long as they have without being wiped out or assimilated.

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