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Approved NPC Skull Squadron: The Hands of Rausgeber

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  • Intent: To resubmit an old NPC unit in time for the First Order's war on the Galactic Alliance.
  • Role: Skull Squadron acts as Fleet Admiral Carlyle Rausgeber's personal protection force, and enforcers. Often found aboard his vessel, or arriving before him on planets, securing the
  • Links: Original Unit (x)

Unit Name: Skull Squadron
Affiliation: Sieger Ren, Carlyle Rausgeber and the First Order.
Classification: The unit is a hybrid of unit types. Skull Squadron can effectively act as a TIE fighter escort, should they be needed,



  • Availability: Unique.
  • Deployment: Limited
  • Strengths & Weaknesses:
    ​+Versatile: Because of Skull Squadron's personnel roster and combat experience, the unit has become a versatile unit. Able to adapt to any and all challenges thrown at them by the First Order's enemies.
  • +Elite: Skull Squadron are some of the best in their fields of expertise. Anyone going up against them better be ready for one helluva fight.
  • -One of a kind: There's only one Skull Squadron. They can't be everywhere at once.

Team Composition
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  • Sag. Mairon "Ronnie" Ordo: Mairon "Ronnie" Ordo is a veteran of the First Order and holds the rank of 'Sergeant' In the Army where he served as a heroic and distinguished Stormtrooper; Mairon was recruited by the Security Bureau and provided with advanced training, he is a jack of all trades and master of none. Capable of the use of all small arms issued by the First Order, and operator of cavalry and infantry fighting vehicles. With such a broad skill set it should surprise nobody that he is no expert in any single field and relies on his team for specialist support. Mairon's true talent lays in his inspiring leadership; distributing orders to his team so that they may work together efficiently and overcome their conflicting personalities. Mairon executes his duty with extreme prejudice for the First Order's enemies matched only by his dedication and love for his countrymen.

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  • Agt. Jaina "Lex" Ventor: Amoral, Pragmatic, Cunning and Loyal; Jaina Ventor is a First Imperial Navy Officer and qualified pilot who came into the employment of the First Order Security Bureau sometime ago. Jaina is a skilled practitioner of advanced marksmanship, programming and slicing making Jaina a rival to Lukas Bexley. Jaina is the team's designated marksman and sniper who is reputed for never missing her mark, also quite capable of breaching encrypted security in her own right. Jaina sometimes has difficult working in cooperation with her team members. The other skulls are often frustrated by Ventor's lone wolf "antics" where she often performs actions off of her own initiative and whim sometimes with undesirable consequences and this alienates the Agent from her peers. While unreliable and unpredictable in the team environment, Ventor is perhaps the most lethal personal combatant on the team if not the most experienced.

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  • Agt. Lukas "Tek" Bexley: Previously a special forces pilot for the First Imperial Navy, Lukas came to the attention of the First Order Security Bureau after being shot down and Captured. Lukas escaped his captors when they let themselves become inebriated. Lukas proceeded to slice into the network of a pirate cruiser, reverse the antiquated gravity plating in determined compartments, download the ship's navigation computer records and then trigger the vessel's self-destruct system. There were no survivors or witnesses to this action and the ships' last transmission to another pirate vessel mentioned their prisoner, though not his allegiance or defining characteristics. Lukas off the field is an honest and hard-working member of First Order society, characterised by his friendliness and kindness. Tek is probably the most valued member of the team for his astute intellect and unyielding reliability.

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  • Agt. Erwin "Gallows" Edelmann: Explosives, Heavy Weapons, Flamethrowers, Chemical Weapons and disarmed fighting; Gallows is the expert. Formerly a Stormtrooper of the FN Corps with the rank of Private before being selected for special training with Special Activites Division. It was on Kaeshana that Erwin Edelmann, then known by an FN serial single-handedly assaulted an Eldorai insurgent repeating blaster position and killed four insurgents in hand-to-hand combat while carrying a heavy flamethrower on his back; Saving the members of his platoon. Gallows has since become a master of explosive ordnance disposal. Erwin is the team's designated Heavy Weapons Shadowtrooper and so usually carries a repeating blaster rifle to lay down suppressive fire on their enemies when engaged. Physically he is the most imposing member of the Skulls and inhumanly strong; Standing at 1.85 meters tall and weighing one-hundred and twenty kilograms or two hundred and sixty-four pounds with large hands and broad shoulders.

  • Agt. Auk "Jindy" Gunter 9876: Auk Gunter is the only non-First Order member of Skull Squadron, and the oldest by far. Born and raised on the original First Order world of Terra Damnatias, and descended from stormtroopers who had been exiled there for eight hundred years earlier. Auk was a member of the local Stormtrooper Corps, and acted as a pathfinder on the planet for twenty years. Although he didn't fight humans, and solely tracked animals, Gunter became a legendary tracker and hunter, renkown for his skills of survival and shooting. During the Galactic Alliance-First Order War, Gunter joined the First Order Auxiliary, and saw combat on Barkhesh, Skor, and finally on Hoth where he distinguished himself as a sniper, easily adapting to whatever circumstances he found himself. Gunter was approached as his unit demilitarised by the FOSB for a position in the special forces, which he accepted. Within months, he found himself in Skull Squadron, working as the teams sniper, and survivalist specialist.
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  • Agt. Angus "Legs" Dermont: Born and raised on Dosuun, Agent Dermont was picked to join the FOSB in the aftermath of the Ssi-Ruuk Invasion. A Planetary Defence Force trooper by trade, the then private proved himself to the First Order after he and his squad managed to take a disabled First Order scout walker, and reactivate it. Dermont and his squad had been keeping watch on a small enclave of civilian survivors, when they noted the massive movement of Ssi-Ruuk troops into the area. The squad then lay waste to an entire battalion of Ssi-Ruuk with their walker saving dozens of civilians, until their walker was subsequently destroyed. Dermont, was caputed by the Ssi-Ruuk, and interrogated by hostiles during the duration of the occupation, losing his arms and legs during this thanks to his refusal to betray his countrymen. He was rescued by special forces, and underwent extensive therapy and cybernetic augmentation. He was recruited to the FOSB, originally into their Death Trooper program. However, due to classified reasons, he was transferred and now works in the realm of infiltration, and ground combat, specifying in the hijacking of armoured vehicles and versatile use of ground and some space vehicles.

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  • Agt. Cara Dellvue: Born in the former One Sith territories, Agent Dellvue was trained in the art of espionage from an exceedingly young age. Designated to sneak into enemy installations, perform reconnissance, and then sabotage using whatever items at her disposal and whatever means necessary. Dellvue has been trained to create weapons from anything and everywhere. Whether it be creating explosives out of household cleaning products, all the way to crafting spears out of the very elements around her. Dellvue, as she grew older became cybernetically augmented. She was fitted with artificial bones when she reached mature age, along with processors within her skull to ensure maximum neural activity. The surgeries had their effect, rendering her infertile. With the collapse of the One Sith, Dellvue's unit was officially listed as MIA. However, ex-One Sith officers, within the FOSB saw to the extraction of Dellvue and others from the Core, and incorporated into the FOSB.

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  • Agt. Hannibal Bross: Agent Bross was born on Jakku and spent his early years scavenging and slicing old equipment left on the planet from the the numerous conflicts. Bross was born in the midst of technology, and raised by it, eventually managing to make enough credits to escape off world on a freighter. Mayer used his machinist abilities to help take apart machinary and droids, selling valuable components for a premium. His main line of work was the tearing apart of vessels, and in the aftermath of the Ssi-Ruuk-First Order war, there was plenty of material ready for salvage. However, the ship Bross was on was captured by a Ssi-Ruuk war party, wishing to return to the scene of a previous battle. Bross was captured, and for a year, he was trapped in a Ssi-Ruuk vessel, waiting in line to be turned into starship fuel. However, a First Order naval taskforce intercepted the vessel, and Bross was returned to civilisation. He enlisted in the FOSB, wishing to take revenge on those who had captured him. Mayer's work in the signals division, and communications interception was admirable, however, his quick thinking and piloting skills saw him shuffled into a more front line role, having him work in support in terms of shutting down networks.
Description: Skull Unit as it was originally called, was an elite unit headed by Marion Ordo, designated for the protection of important First Imperial military staff by the FOSB. Skull Unit was successful in its objectives, working well in conjunction with its charge, Fleet Admiral Carlyle Rausgeber, to ensure that those who defied the First Order and the Fleet Admiral's plans were destroyed. Shortly after the end of the First Order-Galactic Alliance war, the unit was reformed to make way for more operatives, effectively doubling its size and capability.

The unit was crafted from a mixture of extremely loyal and skilled operatives, hand picked by the FOSB's special forces to serve in it. Alone, a single operative may not be much. But together, the unit can, perform and inflict as much damage as a battalion of stormtroopers in the right conditions. Armed with the latest in weapons technology, Skull Squadron as it is now called, is ready and waiting for the moment to strike back against those who dare to defy Sieger Ren.
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