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Approved NPC Skull Squadron

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  • Intent: Recreate a Sith starfighter squadron that existed during the OS
  • Image Credit: Click -
  • Role: Darth Carnifex's Personal Starfighter Squadron
  • Links:
    Original Skull Squadron
  • Old Version

  • Unit Name: Skull Squadron
  • Affiliation: The Sith Empire
  • Classification: Starfighter Squadron
  • Equipment:
    Skull Group Ragnos
    TIE/K Sith Starfighter [4]
    Ragnos Leader ( [member=Darth Carnifex] )
  • Ragnos Two
  • Ragnos Three
  • Ragnos Four

[*]Skull Group Sadow

[*]Skull Group Nadd

[*]Skull Group Exar

  • Availability: Unique
  • Deployment: Limited
  • Strengths & Weaknesses:
    Sith Starfighters: The starfighters used by Skull Squadron are state-of-the-art, capable of great feats of agility and armed with weapons empowered by the Dark Side of the Force. The individuals piloting these craft are likewise powerful in the Dark Side, comprised of Sith Lords and Ladies hand-picked by the Dark Lord.
  • Crown Connection: The Pellucid Crown allows the Sith Pilots to intimately connect with their starfighter, creating a bond between pilot and fighter that enhances their capabilities in space to incredible degrees.
  • Symbiotic Danger: When a starfighter enhanced with the Pellucid Crown takes damage, so too does their pilot suffer mental and physical agony. Only the most well-trained and experienced pilots can handle such a strain.
  • Small Squadron Groups: Because of the limited number of TIE/Ks in service, only a maximum group of four can act as a squadron, which runs the risk of them being overwhelmed by standard twelve fighter squadrons.

Skull Squadron had been an existing Imperial starfighter squadron since the establishment of the Fel Empire during the reign of Emperor Jagged Fel in 44 ABY and was designated as the 1st Imperial Center Core Defense Squadron charged with protecting Imperial assets within the Core Worlds. When Emperor Roan Fel was deposed by the Dark Lord Krayt, Skull Squadron served at the behest of the One Sith and engaged in multiple skirmishes against their former comrades until the tactics used by Krayt's Empire caused them to defect during the Attack on the Hidden Temple.

Ever since Skull Squadron had served the Fels despite their earlier lapse in loyalty, but the resurgence of the One Sith nearly seven hundred years later found Skull Squadron bowing to a new Lord and Master.

Darth Vornskr, Voice of the Dark Lord and infamous Butcher King, had sought out a starfighter squadron of his own in the battle against the Republic. So he weeded out the best of the best and ultimately set his sights on Skull Squadron, but the Sith Lord's brutal tactics and unrelenting style of attack left most of the original Skull Squadron roster dead or permanently crippled. Disgusted by the weakness of these 'elite' pilots, Vornskr reformed Skull Squadron as an all Sith fighter squadron empowered by the Dark Side of the Force. Vornskr led this new Skull Squadron to victory after victory in the Great War, becoming the bane of many Republic pilots and fleet officers as he cut a swath of terror and suffering through their ranks.

When the One Sith Empire fell, so too did Skull Squadron. However, it would not remain disbanded for long. With the advent of the New Sith Empire at Bastion, the re-christened Darth Carnifex, now Dark Lord of the Sith, reformed his personal starfighter squadron with new state-of-the-art vessels to be piloted by a new generation of loyal and capable Sith.
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