NAME: Skurr-Blest 876/42
FACTION: Point Nadir
RANK: TechPirate
SPECIES: Cyber-Tusken
AGE: Impossible to tell.
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5' 11''
WEIGHT: 250 lbs
EYES: Electric blue
HAIR: Presumably bald.
SKIN: In there somewhere.
+Cyborg: Machine enhanced and extra dangerous.
- All for the Scrap: He, and his pirates, will start a war for any tech they don't possess already.
- Binary Equation: Everyone is a 1 or a 0. Emotion is usually necessary to ensure full thought in action, but he seems to lack that capacity.
Clad in rust colored robes and a battered rebreather, Skurr is imposing not in height but in presence. He's alien, even in a galaxy full of aliens. Just like the Tuskens of Tatooine, his clan of tech-pirates are outcasts in a diverse galaxy. From his tattered robes to his mask, down to the whir of augmetics beneath the folds of his clothes, it's clear this savage has gotten an upgrade. His walk is purposeful, and he moves with the clank of metal weight.
In a throwback to his once-home, he walks straight-backed and with a weapon always in hand. At times, however, one could almost see a Jawa within him, as he's fascinated by technology. Invariably, his head moves to the most unique, or just the newest, piece of equipment in the room, and he can't help but walk over to it with a flap of rust-colored cloth. Some light body armor winds up layered beneath that robe, but who's to say how effective it really is.
He's clearly expecting a fight, though, that's for sure.
Born on a scapworld in the Outer Rim, Skurr is a member of the tech-clans that prowl the great boneyards of scuttled ships for technology both old and new. Radiation from too many reactors infuses the air, and cancer is rampant among the population. To compensate, they often made crude mechanical prosthetic limbs from the scrap available, or if they're lucky enough to stumble across a medical frigate, quality ones. These clans, for many years, kept to themselves and their planet, until they got their hands on mass shadow generators.
They then took to the stars, and to piracy.
After a brawl with the Corsairs, they were taken into the fold of Point Nadir, where they operate as a highly skilled repair crew for those pirates whose ships need maintenance. While they're as likely to steal as they are to help, there's no doubt that when you can't get to an actual shipyard, contracting the work crews at Point Nadir is the best a pirate can get. They make their homes deep in the bowels of the asteroid, where only the poorest live, and kidnappings are frequent, presumably to help maintain population levels among the forge-workers.
Even in a den of thieves, they're primarily left alone, and they prefer things that way.
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