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NAME: Skyler Cohen
FACTION: The Republic
RANK: Jedi Padawan
AGE: 17
HEIGHT: 5'10"
WEIGHT: 155 lbs.
EYES: Light brown
HAIR: Light brown
SKIN: White
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Strengths: Smooth talker, great with a lightsaber
Weaknesses: Gets sidetracked easily and tends veer off of missions or the current objectives at hand, lonewolfism; is always trying to impress a girl
Whatever the Jedi give him at the time.
Known around the Jedi Temples as "the Jedi with the cool hair", Skyler has easily become a hit with the girls. And as much of a smooth talker as he is, and as much as he uses his silver tongue to try to impress the opposite sex, he can often become flustered and nervous. However, when it comes to his enemies, he's got a loud mouth and is not afraid to voice his taunts and hurtful jests.
He occasionally wears glasses, giving him that cool nerdy vibe, and has gotten many compliments on them, else he would have ditched them by now. He is very trendy and a hipster, wearing clothing from the latest trends and styles. It is very important to look good in front of your allies, and the ladies.
Not really remembering much of his childhood, besides liking girls from day one, Skyler only knows he was given up by his parents for Jedi training at the age of two. His history is sealed away tightly in the Jedi Archives, and he's always sorely tempted to dig into his files to find out where he came from.
As far as his training goes, he is ready for a Master. He is smart, gutsy, unafraid, and very talented. However, he still has much to learn. He's ready for a Master, he's just waiting for a Knight or Master to call his number.