Eli-Mae Forrest
Well-Known Member
Skyler Swaffer

NAME: Skyler Swaffer
RANK: Jedi Padawan
AGE: 20
SEX: female
HEIGHT: 4'9"
WEIGHT: 75lbs
EYES: Blue
HAIR: fiery red
SKIN: Pale as porcelain
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+ saber - she is extremely strong with a lightsaber especially forms 4 and 2 because of her small stature
+ stealth- due to her small size she is extremely stealthy
+ Flexibility- she is extremely limber she can put herself in almost any shape
+/- Empath- she is an empath this meaning she can feel the feelings of all those around her and sometimes if the feelings around her are extremely strong they will take control of her but this can help her identify those in need
- Flirt- she is an extreme flirt but she has never tried to use someone
-Head strong- she is extremely head strong she believes she can do anything
As above
She was taken from her family at a very young age to be trained at the Jedi temple, she was trained as a youngling and soon her amazing skill with a saber was noted and she was taken under the wing of the battle master at the time until he met his demise at the hands of a Sith. She felt so much anger off of this she would have a great tantrum ever since then the Jedi have kept her in a calm place for fear what she could do if not
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