The Lion King
For those of you who don't know, there is a Skype Chat available for eveyone in the Levantine Sanctum. We tend to keep quiet much of the time and mostly keep it to faction buisness. That's not to say we don't like to mess around as well, but for those of you who don't like it when people spam in chats know that we very rarely do so. 
You may list your Skype name below, or if you do not wish to let everyone know your identity on Skype, you may also PM me your name so that I can add you to it.
Mine is "heavenshield".
May the Force be with you!
You may list your Skype name below, or if you do not wish to let everyone know your identity on Skype, you may also PM me your name so that I can add you to it.
Mine is "heavenshield".
May the Force be with you!