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Approved NPC Slab, The Undead Dragon-Rancor

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Darth Immortuos



  • Intent: I want a undead Rancor-Dragon mount
  • Image Credit: Origin
  • Role: Mount & pet
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: X, X, X, X
  • Age: 45
  • Force Sensitivity: Non-Force User
  • Species: Undead Dragon-Rancor
  • Appearance: Slabs namesake actually comes from his physical appearance. Slab stands 20 feet tall and has a 65 foot wingspan. All of which is a rotting mass of flesh, sinew, muscle and nerves. His maw is filled with sharp dagger like teeth and much of his flesh is missing around his mid section. His overall health seems grim despite the fact he is not living. A spindly creature and yet possesses the equal strength and speed of a bull rancor in the galaxy.
  • Name: Known simply as Slab.
  • Loyalties: Only to Darth Immortuos and the Rancidus Order
  • Notable Possessions: Claws, teeth, noxious breath
  • Personality: Slabs personality is a mirror image of his masters. Stoic, aggressive, sarcastic and all work no play. Slab knows his role and mindlessly functions to achieve the best it can as a mount. Occasionally he is prone to goof off and get very curious of others.
  • Training: Slab has been trained to obey and that is all that was deemed needed by Immortuos himself. To heed his masters call.
  • Combat Function: Bare and bones. Slab is capable of flying and/or sprinting after his prey at decent speeds, clawing, grabbing, biting, devouring and more interesting enough the ability to breathe out a noxious cloud of sickness. The smell of which mimics his own ghastly and rotten body of meat. Like wise Slab is also able to reguritate his own stomach acid and puke it out on his foes. ((Slab cannot infect other Player Characters without Writer permission first.))
  • Retains the amazing strength and speed of a Rancor
  • Does not tire nor feel pain
  • Hide resists blaster fire
  • Slab is a very large target. He cannot fit in some places
  • Can be smelt before he can be seen.

" Slab! Get over here!" ~ Darth Immortuos calling his beast.
Slab is a rather special specimen of mutations. Akin more to act like a Feline species than anything else the Rancor-Dragon was found in the fortress of another sith and promptly defeated by Immortuos himself in combat. Though instead of ending the beast in its weakened state, the sith lord bit the inside of the creatures mouth instead and ended its life in a different manner. Over course of a couple hours the Sickness that Immortuos had contracted and controlled was spread through the Dragon-Rancors body and caused it to rise again reborn in a new rotten light. Vastly more malnourished than before, The sith Lord kept the original name of Slab, A demonstration of his sense of his rare sense of humor and kept the creature for himself.
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