Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Slaves freeing slaves....

"Ben.... you told me once you didn't have a Master. I've heard it is because you couldn't find one who's ideology quite meshed with your own...." the felinoid began, as the duo shared a speeder ride through a shifty.... er.... shiftier.... part of Nar Shaddaa.

"I invited you on this mission for a multitude of reasons.... firstly, you've become close to my family.... and there is one thing we collectively loathe more than almost anything, is slavery. So we are here to free some. Secondly, I've been considering asking you to become one of my Padawan, so this is a prime opportunity to see if we can work together in a manner that would make such a partnership viable. And thirdly, one of these slaves would be one of your fellow Padawan, should this mission end successfully." the young Master finished the overly simplified mission briefing, watching Ben intently. No mask was donned, both molten gold eyes locked on Ben's face, with one ear following suite, though the other remained ever vigilant, shifting about on high alert.

"Should these terms be agreeable.... I'd recommend getting your saber ready.... we will being going in.... shall we say.... a very.... 'Justified' manner...." he started, as he tightened the grip on his special quarterstaff. His twin sabers were ever ready, holstered at the small of his back, as were his trio of concealed Phrik short swords, his only visible armament being a metal 'walking stick'.

"Are you ready?"

[member="Ben Corscifine"]​

Ben looked intently into the golden eyes of the felinoid. Ryn'Dhal was intense in a way that wasn't threatening, but invigorating to the young man. He tended to respond well to directness. Perhaps that was why he had felt so at home with the Justice clan. Ben nodded at the terms proposed by the Jedi Master. Ben took no issue with freeing slaves--he remembered how he had gotten lucky saving Jessica from slavers on Soceras, and imagined how devastated he would be if he and James hadn't managed to keep her from that fate. There was even more appeal in the offer, however, of getting back to his original purpose in the galaxy: training to become a Jedi. He would gain from this both a master and a peer. These satisfied the two necessities for Ben's motivation: someone to please and someone to beat. He would never admit to these components of his character, but they were unquestionably true.

The Master was taking him through a dark portion of Nar Shaddaa. In a previous time, he may have been uneasy in such a part of space. Growing up on Coruscant, there were certainly parts of the city he would avoid (ironically, these were more than likely the nearby but unfamiliar places where his dear Jessica Justice was growing up beside him, unbeknownst to the young man). Over the past few months, he was more at home in alleys like these than in the more public sectors of urban systems. Still, Ben knew better than to have his saber far in a place like this, he ran his fingers over the armor weave grip on his saber's pommel. As he was reminded of a past's master, he addressed the Jedi who could prove a future's.

"Ready." He tried not to mince words, to show his resolve. He had already kicked into pleasing the superiors mode.

"If I became your padawan, would that make me a member of the Silver Jedi?"
Smiling slightly, the felinoid laughed. "That would make you my padawan. Only you can decide if your affiliation will be with the Silver Jedi. Though, it is not a terrible place to call home." he answered the young man. Nodding, the felinoid lead the way towards the holding facility. He'd attempted a rescue previously for this young Sensitive, but was thwarted. This time, however, he was determined to get to her. He had the place cased, and knew where the 'secret' escapes were. His initial goal was to seal them, preventing a hasty retreat for the young woman's captors.

As the duo approached the entrance, Ryn'Dhal ducked behind some cover, motioning for Ben to join him there. "Reach out from here, feel our adversaries. Don't reach too deeply within the compound though.... A Dark Jedi hides within.... Tell me, how many guards do you detect within?" the Master prodded. Yes, he could tell exactly how many armed 'soldiers' were guarding the facility, and even their races, but this was an opportunity to gauge the learner's potential. When Ben gave his estimation, right or wrong, the Master nodded in approval at the demonstration. "Then let us go.... These men are vile, violent, and torturous. They would show us no mercy or sympathy. While we should typically preserve life, these individuals bring no value, and most are far beyond redemption. Kill only if necessary, but do not hesitate if they are threats to either yourself, or an innocent."

As Ryn'Dhal came out from behind the cover, walking forwards, the two Rodian's snapped to attention, blasters raised to aim at the cloaked Jedi. They barked orders for Ryn to halt, and proceeded to open fire when the orders weren't heeded. The quarterstaff whirled in the air, catching the bolts and redirecting them harmlessly away, as the Jedi bolted forward in a flurry of motion, his mastery of the Art of Movement evident in just how fast he could move. The loud ringing of metal against bone filled the air, as the two guards fell, the Jedi standing unharmed with the quarterstaff back at the ready. "Should any wish to surrender without a fight, grant them their wish. We are not monsters, but we are here to mete out justice."

[member="Ben Corscifine"]​

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