Jaycob Lynx
Coolest Kid On The Block OOC Account
Location: Unknown
Reason: Taking A Slaver Ship Down To Free Slaves.
"Coming out of hyperspace in 3,...2,...1" The Pilot of a Galactic Liberation Conclave said.
They came out of hyperspace within range of the slave ship.
Lieutenant Jaycob Lynx looked around, he saw [member="Geneviève Lasedri"] and [member="Regor Laxvan"].
He grinned under his mask, he hadn't heard of the GLC before, but so far they had the right idea.
"Hello, my name is Jaycob Lynx, Lieutenant Jaycob Lynx frome the Grand Republic. It is nice to meet you Regor Laxvan, and [member="Geneviève Lasedri"]." He said with a smile, he was ready for the oncoming mission.
"Anyone have a plan?" He said with a chuckle because he had not actually came up with one.
(Okeydoke, this thread is open to all, we need opposition, slaves would be nice, and maybe one more freedom fighter other then me, [member="Geneviève Lasedri"] and [member="Regor Laxvan"].)
(One last thing lets Try to keep the posts in order
Reason: Taking A Slaver Ship Down To Free Slaves.
"Coming out of hyperspace in 3,...2,...1" The Pilot of a Galactic Liberation Conclave said.
They came out of hyperspace within range of the slave ship.
Lieutenant Jaycob Lynx looked around, he saw [member="Geneviève Lasedri"] and [member="Regor Laxvan"].
He grinned under his mask, he hadn't heard of the GLC before, but so far they had the right idea.
"Hello, my name is Jaycob Lynx, Lieutenant Jaycob Lynx frome the Grand Republic. It is nice to meet you Regor Laxvan, and [member="Geneviève Lasedri"]." He said with a smile, he was ready for the oncoming mission.
"Anyone have a plan?" He said with a chuckle because he had not actually came up with one.
(Okeydoke, this thread is open to all, we need opposition, slaves would be nice, and maybe one more freedom fighter other then me, [member="Geneviève Lasedri"] and [member="Regor Laxvan"].)
(One last thing lets Try to keep the posts in order