Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Slaving You Say? Well Too Bad (Open.)

Jaycob Lynx

Coolest Kid On The Block OOC Account
Location: Unknown
Reason: Taking A Slaver Ship Down To Free Slaves.

"Coming out of hyperspace in 3,...2,...1" The Pilot of a Galactic Liberation Conclave said.

They came out of hyperspace within range of the slave ship.

Lieutenant Jaycob Lynx looked around, he saw [member="Geneviève Lasedri"] and [member="Regor Laxvan"].

He grinned under his mask, he hadn't heard of the GLC before, but so far they had the right idea.

"Hello, my name is Jaycob Lynx, Lieutenant Jaycob Lynx frome the Grand Republic. It is nice to meet you Regor Laxvan, and [member="Geneviève Lasedri"]." He said with a smile, he was ready for the oncoming mission.

"Anyone have a plan?" He said with a chuckle because he had not actually came up with one.

(Okeydoke, this thread is open to all, we need opposition, slaves would be nice, and maybe one more freedom fighter other then me, [member="Geneviève Lasedri"] and [member="Regor Laxvan"].)

(One last thing lets Try to keep the posts in order :) )
Regore smiled under his helmet he shook the soldiers hand "i am regore laxvan, as you alredy knowe, commander of the G.L.C, th plan is simpel we board the ship, take out the slavers one way or the other, and set these people free" He cheked his weapon, aswel as the dog-tack of his ancestor thad siad Luitanand Laxvan, Volunteer corps, grand army of the republic, he spoke sofly "geas you never thougd a other laxvan would stand whit a republic soldier"

[member="Jaycob Lynx"]
[member="Geneviève Lasedri"]
Geneviève glanced away from the viewport upon introduction from this Lieutenant [member="Jaycob Lynx"]. Uncapped--unlike her two male comrades in their Republic trooper gear--the woman stood lax in her own uniformed, composed of her typical black trenchcoat draping over the sleek Bactarma series armor. "I'm Gen," she said, nodding briefly at their new acquaintance. She and [member="Regor Laxvan"] needed no initiation.

"It's not going to be so simple," Geneviève stated. "You can expect them to hold the slaves at gunpoint. They'll have nothing to lose once we've stormed in."
Regore lookd at [member="Geneviève Lasedri"] as reasonebel as ever "true gen, but wat other choice do we have, we cant sneek special forces in, the nearest commando unit is 2 systems away, and we dont have the overwelming forces and firepower to force them into surender, so wat do you suggest?" he asked calmly, honestly hoping she would come up whit a better idea.
Saran's head rose up to look at the man in front of her, a piece of cold metal the only comfort she had. Her hands tied in front of her, the end of the rope in his hand. Shoving her into the pen, the man laughed and walked away. "A Jedi? Ha!" Turning to glare back at the receding figure as best she could, before slinking into a corner as best she could. A simple comlink flew to her hand. "GLC, If you're there, come in. Drast here." A small laugh came from her throat, turning the heads of a pair of nearby slaves. "Man, these guys are sloppy."
[member="Regor Laxvan"] [member="Geneviève Lasedri"] [member="Jaycob Lynx"]
Regore heard his comlink go of, he activated it "Regore here, wats the problem Saran?" he siad un shure wat to think of this unexpected call.
[member="Saran Drast"]
[member="Geneviève Lasedri"]
[member="Jaycob Lynx"]
Saran smiled as she heard [member="Regor Laxvan"]'s voice through the com. "Regor, I'm on the target. Will do my best to protect these here when your attack starts." Murmurs started running through the crowd of slaves. Her head snapped to one of them. "If they find out, we're all dead." He nodded, and the group dispersed to their own devices in the cell. The silence of her own corner was deafening. over the past few weeks, she had hardly had a moment's rest. Now, in the silence of the slave pen, she began to meditate, repeating the code she had grown up with over and over to herself.
Regore smiled under his helpet "oke Saran, keep them save, and dont take any unasasry risks" he turnd to the rest of the group "wel we dont have to worry about the slaves, it just so hapens thad [member="Saran Drast"] is one of them, se will keep them save wel we teatch this slavers a hard lesson"
[member="Saran Drast"]
[member="Geneviève Lasedri"]
[member="Jaycob Lynx"]
"Well, I guess that solves one issue. Though, can we afford to rely entirely on Saran from the inside?" That was a difficult position for even a Jedi to manage, much less keep all the 'dispensable property' from being wasted by ruthless slavers. "I suggest the main force heads for the bridge immediately. I'll make for the captain's chambers. If we get the captain by the neck, they won't hurt the slaves."

Gen could be ruthless, herself.

[member="Jaycob Lynx"], [member="Regor Laxvan"], [member="Saran Drast"]
Regor smiled "thad seems like a good plan, cut of thad head and the body dies, if the captian got any will to live, he or she wil oder the other slavers to stand down, it should work" regore made shure evryone on boad was aware of the new plan.
[member="Saran Drast"]
[member="Geneviève Lasedri"]
[member="Jaycob Lynx"]

Jaycob Lynx

Coolest Kid On The Block OOC Account
"Ok coming up on the target." The G.L.C pilot said.

"Well its good to hear we got a plan mates, but expect some opposition, mthere might be sith on board." Jaycob said before looking out into the space.

"Nice to meet you both." He said

He was ready to liberate the slaves.

He took off his helmet and wiped the sweat off his face.

"Ok we're starting the assault soon, be prepared."

[member="Regor Laxvan"]
[member="Geneviève Lasedri"]
[member="Saran Drast"]
Aboard the ancient YV-330 light freighter (Slave ship), the morling stood arms crossed with his finely chiseled and tatted upper body exposed in the cargo bay watching an idiot human handle a beautiful piece of humanish meat, [member="Saran Drast"], into her cell. "Waaat a cr'ahp job dis is!" Toro Voo growled to himself for the the hundredth time since departing from Kessel. The captain was an idiot and from the looks of it so were most of the crew he had hired to do this run. If it hadn't been for that Toro was desperate for creds he wouldn't have spent a bit more time waying his options before joining this rag tag group.

The Morling's crystal blue eyes scanned the immediate area, the slaves were not carbon freezed nor were they lock in proper holding cells. They were caged like animals in mobile durasteel cells, some packed up to five pending on their size and priority of handling. Like the one that claimed she was a jedi was housed separately, she a dash of beauty to her and more then likely was being pampered for the sex trade or some rich slob's personal toy.

The captain was low balling this entire operation right to the downgraded and medieval style of rope restraints on most of the slaves. They should of been at the very least restrained with stun cuffs.

The klaxon alarms flared up and echoed through out the ship. That was the second clue that this day was going to be a bad one, the first being the mere presence of his current company. Toro's first instinct was to reach for his DL-44 heavy blaster pistol, resting his hand in the ready draw position on its wooden grip and metal trigger guard. The pistol was holsted in an old worn nerf hide leather holster, low off his right hip. The DL-44 itself was slightly modified having its sights filed down to reduce the snag when drawing the weapon. The Morling also sported a hunting knife sheathed off his left hip and a collapsible stun baton resting off the hook behind his knife. The only clothing he wore was his black trousers that flapped over top of his brown combat boots. He made a point of it showing off his tattooed body and his powerful muscles.

"Incoming......" The captain panicked over the PA system "Prepare to defend against boarding party" He warned making it very obvious that they had no chance of out running those that pounced upon them.

"Scon are in me weck 'eadin' back ter jail!" He promised himself as he drew the pistol, glancing towards the human thug he was working with in the cargo bay, his crystal blue eyes a shade of crazed "Wonder 'oy many we can make die, aye?" He challenged his co worker as his dog like tongue licked the length of his jowls. The fight was what this pooched lived for and this day it was coming to him all gift wrapped under the gaze of a boarding party. The Pirate life for him it was.......
The purpose of this mission was to acquire more slaves for Tantorus, but before they could even start heading towards his home planet they had been set upon by some form of the Galactic Republic. It wasn't the best situation that he found himself in, but it was one that he could work with.

Nodding to the Captain on the bridge, the Sith Knight removed his lightsaber from his belt and walked through the door to deal with the boarding parties. He tasked himself with defending the bridge. If the Captain was taken, then the rest of the pirate crew would break simply because they had no aspirations. At least, not yet.

He smiled darkly to himself and continued.

Of course, throughout the whole time he had been upon the ship the Sith Knight, Darth Acarus had concealed his presence, but he still bore his black cloak, durasteel helmet, and Yuuzhan Vong armour.

[member="Toro Voo"], [member="Jaycob Lynx"], [member="Regor Laxvan"], [member="Geneviève Lasedri"], [member="Saran Drast"],
Saran, although she was alone, and with less weapons than she would have liked, sat in a sort of uneasy readiness when the alarms went off. Standing slowly, she approached the guarded door. "What's going on?" she asked the guard, trying to portray the innocent, Naive padawan that had gotten in here. The guard seemed to scoff at her question. And then went back to looking around. Slinking backwards, she let her fellow slaves push against the door. Still silent, she waited once more to approach the guard. "You will go fight the invaders."
"I will go fight the invaders."
The man rushed out, running off to aid those in the breach.
Regore readyt his DC-17 carying it, he slung his ECHO SXB-1 'Scatterblast' over his shoulder. "if we run into sith this baby should be abel to take care of them" he siad pointing to the scaterblaster whit his thum "noting better agiens forc users than some solid slugs" He moved to the boarding hattch, ready fore wat wiated inside.
[member="Geneviève Lasedri"]
[member="Saran Drast"]
[member="Darth Acarus"]
[member="Toro Voo"]
Malphas himself strode back towards the bridge door, and when it stayed close, he assumed it was locked.

Good, that made this go so much faster.

Glancing at the guards that had formed a redoubt at the end of both of the hallways with barricades, the Sith Knight ignited his lightsaber and started to melt both sides of the blast door together so that they'd stay welded.

Impossible to open unless broken completely, or a hole was cut in.

After a few moments when he was content with his work, he turned around and started heading towards the slave pens. The guards that held the hallways should hold for a while...

He sensed something was wrong...

Jaycob Lynx

Coolest Kid On The Block OOC Account
"Ok looks like we're ready." Jaycob said while taking his dual blaster pistols out of their holsters.

"Ok, Regor, you can open the hatch, lets get moving." He said while heading for the hatch near Regor.

There was going to be opposition, but at the cost of freedom for the slaves it was fine.

[member="Darth Acarus"] [member="Regor Laxvan"] [member="Saran Drast"] [member="Toro Voo"] [member="Geneviève Lasedri"]
Geneviève held the rear, also with an SXB-1 at the ready. Her composure was not much different from usual, her 'game face' almost indiscernable from her normal expression. Saran had not been able to fill them in much on the number and variety of combatants they would be facing, so there was much hesitation about going headfirst into this situation. But, really, it was inevitable at this point. If they wanted to save the slaves and keep Drast safe, the only way was forward.

Gen awaited the opening of the airlock hatch, straining to quell the butterflies that always filled her stomach prior to killing sprees. Once Regor opened the door, adrenaline would take over and everything would be alright. Just another day wreaking justice.

She nodded to Lynx and Laxvan and raised her firearm.

[member="Jaycob Lynx"], [member="Darth Acarus"], [member="Regor Laxvan"], [member="Saran Drast"], [member="Toro Voo"]
Regore smiled inside his helmet readying his dc-17 at the airlock as he was about to open it "evryone stick together, and lets theach these bastards a lesson"he siad wel opening the ailock, aining down the hall ready to fire.

[member="Darth Acarus"] [member="Geneviève Lasedri"] [member="Saran Drast"] [member="Toro Voo"] [member="Jaycob Lynx"]
There were three beings hiding just up from the airlock breach. Two were of the human variety the other was a fat gamorean and all with their backs against the wall and no guts to start the fight. Toro cool and confident like, brushed past all three, snagging a thermal det off the chest of the walking pig with his clawed hand, snarling "Ye pussies!". Two seconds later, without a thought of life the Morling armed the det and hucked it down the hallway towards the intruders only exposing himself for a quick second to complete the action.

The stocky canine would then step back to take cover around the corner in anticipation of the explosion, DL-44 gripped in the right hand and ready for combat.

[member="Geneviève Lasedri"] [member="Jaycob Lynx"] [member="Darth Acarus"] [member="Regor Laxvan"] [member="Saran Drast"]

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