Too Stubborn To Die


Gatz had promised

It was late, again. And he was up, again. Sleep had become fruitless, so Gatz found himself outside his room, wandering the halls. Even now, over a month after returning to the Order, he still felt a sense of unease within the walls of the Jedi Temple. This place had been home once—his first home even. But trauma had a way of warping the familiar, and twisting it into the stuff of nightmares.
The Jedi Temple would always remind him of Riggs, and the Jedi Shadow who'd murdered him. For Gatz, this was not a place of safety and shelter, and it never would be. He was most comfortable, oddly enough, at

And so, as much as the Jedi Temple made his skin crawl, he was stuck here for the foreseeable future. He wasn't happy about that—hell he wasn't happy with returning to the Order at all, not with the way he was struggling—but this was the future he'd chosen for himself. He'd known it wasn't going to be all sunshine and rainbows.
Gatz decided that dwelling on that was pointless. He hadn't returned to be happy. He'd returned because it meant better facilitating the process of helping others.
At some point, Gatz stopped meandering down the halls, and found himself looking out a window down at Coruscant's cityscape below. It reminded him of Nar Shaddaa in a way, only cleaner up top. Down below, though, Gatz knew it was as rotten as the Smuggler's Moon. And here they were, the Jedi, sitting above it all in a palace.
That irked him. Greatly. It was just another reason he hated the Jedi Temple. It made him wonder if he should just relocate to Master

Or maybe he was just exhausted, and exaggerating his problems.