Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LFG Slice of the Pie

better run better run
it's crime time. sorta.

Enki Rak, after a brief meeting with the representative Lodd Grimmin Lodd Grimmin on Cato Neimoidia, has been contracted to locate Dant Zeerno and his hideout -- and, if possible, have the Skakoan run into a tragic accident. Flush with Trade Federation credits, Captain Rak pulls on new crew and cashes old favours to wrap what could be the biggest score of his life. These two criminals, alike in dignity, clash across the Slice, a glimpse of violence to come.

Yo, I'm cooking up a plot with the man Zeerno. These two mini-crime-bosses, both gun-runners with a pinch of piracy, are going to come to blows in the Slice (the big empty area on the map, east-southeast of the GA). We're looking for some writers to join us in this little story, who're committed to at least a couple of threads with us.

A couple of vibes, notes, and expectations:

  • This one's gonna be crunchy. Crimeboys out in the world; nothing's as smooth or shiny as in the Core. We on that crusty cantina alley pack and it HITS.
  • Scale will be several steps down from bigger Chaos/SW stories. Half-step up from Andor scale -- a couple individuals at the right place, at the right time, with a good plan can make the difference, but there'll still be warships clashing in the skies above, even if they're not larger than frigates.
  • Gonna avoid major faction shit. This is a side story.
  • The biggest dogs on the field are Rak and Zeerno. We boss you around, or you fight us, but certainly not on equal terms.
  • Heroism is in the small things. Broad strokes wise, these two crimeboys throwing down isn't a fun time for anyone, but it's too big to stop easily. Heroes here do what they can, and there's no shame in that. While the faceoff between Rak and Zeerno is the "center", I think most of the interesting stuff with come to the fore when backlit by this broader conflict. We might even have themes, guys.
  • Timelines are fake, but I think this would take place over a couple of months, if you're thinking about how long your character would be out here.
  • I am insane and reliably choose planets with like two lines of lore as locations for threads. Be prepared for me to make shit up. I encourage you to do the same. Big worldbuilding hours -- make the galaxy (and the underworld) seem big.
Our opening thread will take place on Hylobi. Rak, while previously a minor but respected player in the smuggling game in this part of the galaxy, is now throwing around big money hiring out new crew, ships, and equipment. For now, it's unclear as to what his objectives are or how he came into this money, but rumours are swirling, and it surely can't be anything good. The local Hylobon mercs are happy to take his creds -- but that's making rivals in surrounding areas nervous.

We'll workshop angles with folks who are down, pop up the initial thread in a bit, then start rolling out other stories surrounding it. I trust you to cook stuff up. Reply below. Big preesh.

Dant Zeerno

Heya, just throwing my hat into the ring here. If you're interested, my character Vergessen Contii comes with a decent bit of lore that you could use for any backdrop purposes. I'll be loosely referencing it all anyway for character motivation purposes.


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