Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Slight change in plans, anyone currently roleplaying with Gherron please read.

So some of you may know that I've enlisted into the Marines, and am leaving soon for boot camp. Well a thing happened; today my recruiter informed me of an opening for electrical engineering, and the bus leaves October 27, and that there's one spot left. I'be been training pretty hard, and I've got the support from my dad, so I took it. Now depending on the posting time of those I'm in roleplays with, I may not finish them in time. As of now, I will not be taking on any more rolepays, and other than my current ones, all my time to the site will be put into finally finishing the planet I've been working on.

Now with all of that out of the way... Anybody wanna send me off with a goodbye? May not be too much time for that at this point xD

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