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Approved Tech 'Slimfit' Personal Body Armor

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Jack Sandrow

Writer, Character, Invasive Species
  • Intent: To craft an armor type, combining previous Sylva Vitae systems for a new generation of SV biotech
  • Image Source: N/A
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Sources: F. conexias, L. ferra, 'Chyme', VPEA (all SWRPC)
  • Manufacturer: Sylva Praesidia, through Sylva Vitae
  • Affiliation: Jack Sandrow, Sylva Vitae and all subsidiaries
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: 'Slimfit' - Series: SPSV-J1.3.0
  • Modularity: No
  • Production: Limited
  • Materials:
    • Exterior armor platings are made of still-living L. ferra wood
    • Connective tissues holding the armor plating together are comprised of F. conexias threads
    • Regenerative and restorative nutrients are contained within a thin layer of Chyme that acts as a fluid layer within the armor
  • Classification: Self-repairing multi-purpose light armor
  • Weight: Average
  • Resistances:
    • Energy: Average
    • Kinetic: Average
    • Lightsabers: None
    • Sonic: High
    • EMP/ION: High
    • Elemental: Average
  • The regenerative properties of SV biotech extend to this armor as well - any damage can be repaired with enough time and nutrients. The built-in Chyme reservoirs allow limited regenerative capabilities in the field without any source of nutrients, enough to fully regenerate missing patches of armor.
  • Self-repairing biotech, this armor can be shoved into the dirt to fix itself, and within an hour can be fully restored and repaired.
  • Compatible with SV biotech
  • Noticeable Force presence
  • Nigh invisible to standard tech detection
  • Naturally grown biotech is durable against EMP, ion, and sonic attacks
  • Regenerative properties allow out of combat restoration of armor within minutes
    • Full 100% regeneration takes a set time:
      • 1% of armor integrity per minute
      • Has a total of 100% of 'armor health' in reserve to repair
  • Compatibility with SV biotech makes it very useful for various configurations
  • SV biotech has an unmistakable Force presence
  • This armor is particularly vulnerable to lightsabers, due to its thinness and lack of additional protection.
  • Regenerative properties have a limit; starting at 100% integrity with 100% in reserve, once this is depleted, the armor cannot self-repair until it is replenished with a SV-compatible nutrient source
  • Even as 'light armor', the armor's weight is significantly above standard technology-based 'light armor'.
The 'Slimfit' armor type is an olive-to-beige lightish green in appearance - the thinness of veshok wood allows durable protection against basic kinetic or energy weaponry, though it is not designed for prolonged nor direct combat. Its appearance gives the illusion of a fluid swirling just beneath the surface as the Chyme reservoir pools and streams around within the armor to regenerate and repair as necessary. This armor type is considered 'light' for Sylva Vitae, as its regenerative capabilities are offset by the lack of dense plating and energy sources. For those accustomed to standard galaxy-wide light armor, this material seems heavy by comparison, but its regenerative capability allows it to retain functionality well beyond the lifespan of standard armor types.

As an estimation, where standard 'light armor' may weigh no more than 10-20 lbs, a similar armor set of Slimfit may weigh anywhere from 15-35 lbs.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Jack Sandrow Jack Sandrow

This is a very interesting technology. However, I would like to ask one thing before accepting. What are the limits of self-repairing? You didn't mention that. Can the armor only repair minor injuries, or more serious ones as well? If the injury is more severe, does self-repairing slow down?

Jack Sandrow

Writer, Character, Invasive Species

I've added a blurb about self-healing into the Strengths section:
  • *Full regeneration takes a set time:
    • 90% integrity - 15 seconds
    • 75% integrity - 60 seconds
    • 50% integrity - 5 minutes
    • 25% integrity or less - 1 hour
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Jack Sandrow Jack Sandrow

It's still very powerful. This pretty much means that if a unit hides from an enemy and waits for some minutes, all of their armour will be perfect again within one turn or two. These numbers would be too strong even for a Unique armour. I would say hours, days and weeks of self-repairing. So slow, as in the case of Laminanium. It doesn't really matter, since you tell the extent of the damage anyway and weeks or months pass between fights anyway, but the time values you give can be easily abused in any PvP thread.

Jack Sandrow

Writer, Character, Invasive Species
Those are good points; I do want to emphasize this armor type's rapid regeneration, but in order to keep from abusing it in PVP, I have added a limiter in the form of having a set amount of healing potential.

  • Regenerative properties allow out of combat restoration of armor within minutes
    • *Full regeneration takes a set time:
      • 90% integrity - 15 seconds
      • 75% integrity - 60 seconds
      • 50% integrity - 5 minutes
      • 25% integrity or less - 1 hour
  • Regenerative properties allow out of combat restoration of armor within minutes
    • Full 100% regeneration takes a set time:
      • 1% of armor integrity per minute
      • Has a total of 100% of 'armor health' in reserve to repair
and added a Weakness:

  • Regenerative properties have a limit; starting at 100% integrity with 100% in reserve, once this is depleted, the armor cannot self-repair until it is replenished with a SV-compatible nutrient source

If this is insufficient, or you feel this is still overpowered, please let me know! I do want the armor archetype to be rapid self-repairing, and I am very much willing to work on properly nailing archetype vs balance.

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