Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Slipping and Sliding

Serena had made arrangements on Naboo for an adventure. One that could only be shared by another kindred spirit. She sent [member="Coren Starchaser"] the message to come and meet her.

The lush green world of Naboo was a beautiful welcoming sight. The warmth of the sun kissing her skin made everything alright. Naboo another world rich in history it showed in the design of the buildings the elegant angles, the warmth of smiles that greeted her as she waited patiently for Coren to meet her in the square.

The square with it's exquisite fountains casting drops of water into the sky sparkling like tiny gems as they fell back into the pool. Coins littered the bottom she held fast to the one she carried. She would wait to cast the coin in.

She turned scanning the crowds again looking for the familiar gait, and smile. He best not stand her up.

She had told him Bring your swim suit, I got the rest. She wasn't planning on any dark rooms this time though what waited for them at the end she thought was pretty terrific they would get there about dark. She couldn't wait.

She was back at studying temple ruins again, and studying rock formations. The blonde Jedi nerd. But for this weekend, she was just Serena adventure junkie.
Coren Starchaser was working on a lot of projects lately. It was the way Starchaser behaved. He got inundated with a few things at once and would get almost mechanical in how he existed. He knew that, but the Corellian had a lot of things on his plate. Meshing the Frontiers Corps into the Silver Sanctum, planning resistance cells for the Underground, working, somewhat, on mapping and trailblazing the Blood Trail. But when he got the message from [member="Serena Bouie"], he was working on designs for his new ship.

He needed something to replace the Tiburon and had a few designs kicking around. Lucky for him, the Frontiers Corps had money and that gave him one of the best holographic computers, mixed with some Silk Holdings equipment and he was on his way for the design. Just a few more tweaks and he’d put it into production. But the idea of a trip with her? That was a smart idea. He needed an escape.

And that was why he hopped his Rassilon, because, yes, Coren was on the Event Horizon out in the Unknown Regions, and made his way around the Sith space and to Naboo. A world he knew, but didn’t care for. Their queen was weird.

The fact they had a queen was weird.

He had his gear stowed, and changed into board shorts and threw a rash guard on his torso as he made sure his fighter was secure. Sometimes he missed his TIE Exalt, but flying Silk’s flagship starfighter? Couldn’t turn it up. Perks of his job.

Still, he made his way to the meeting spot. He wasn’t that late, was he?
[SIZE=12pt]Serena was not one to watch a clock but there was only so much daylight in a day and thought it was only a few hours past the rising of the sun she was antsy to go. Some might think because of her hobbies that she was eager to begin to feel that rush of adrenalin pump through her giving over to a high that could only come from the feat of jumping into darkness.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=12pt]She was excited to see [member="Coren Starchaser"] again. While in that little room they had shared something that had opened up Coren thoughts and hints of memory to her. They shared a bond from that time a closeness that many could never know without having that same experience.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]What had he been doing since then? Had he discovered anything else? There was news certainly for them to share together, right?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She looked again, this time she climbed up on the edge of the fountain so that she could see over the heads of the others. There were a few glances that hinted at their surprise or displeasure that she did so, but it was only for a moment it wouldn’t hurt the fountain.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Was that him standing at the edge of the square?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Was he hesitating?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Was she letting her excitement get to her?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She waited ….[/SIZE]
Jumping into the unknown. That was the tricky piece. Coren loved going where so many wouldn’t, or so few had. If he was the first somewhere, that would just be about the best feeling. He could name the trail, he could discover some place new. Somewhere no one else had been, or had seen for millennia. That was what kept him going at times.

When he made his way to the square, he took the moment to look around. He spotted her but gave a moment of looking around. Naboo was a unique planet, he’d not been here… for a while. He’d been here before but it’d been some time. It was a beautiful world, and part of him was wondering what it felt like to still have his homeworld.

He smiled as he looked around.

Then he’d look in at [member="Serena Bouie"] and smile. He made his way over to her. “Well, well, well, Wren. How’re you?” Was he supposed to hug her? He thought so.
[SIZE=12pt]What! He wasn’t going to hug her hello! Oh this would never ever do. Serena reached over and pulled Coren to her hugging him tightly.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“I missed you” She lightly kissed his cheek, this was behavior not uncommon to her she liked hugs before memory loss and enjoyed them more after return of some memory.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Little did anyone know that Coren was not the only one in the Galaxy who called her Wren. She would not be stopping him anytime soon, it was nice to hear the name and remember the good times that came with it.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“So” He still smelled of spice, must be his soap. She hugged him tight again and then let go, “I’ve been doing well, what have you been doing?” She said with bright eyes and a big grin as she thought I hope you are ready for this.[/SIZE]

[member="Coren Starchaser"]
Coren grinned. There was always going to be awkwardness with him. Sure, he knew Kaia wasn’t too thrilled to call him her father, because he was missing during her childhood. Truth be told, while Coren got the fire in himself when he was on a ship, diving into the unknown reaches of a world or the galaxy herself, he would have made a crappy father. He’d have stayed as a pilot, and began running extra supplies for the crew to make credit, to keep the ship afloat. He’d have tried to teach them what he knew but it wouldn’t have panned out too well.

So for him to not hug [member="Serena Bouie"], despite how close the pair were, in each others minds and sharing that intimate moment in the past, it wasn’t anything against her, it was… him. His mind didn’t work in that fashion, not often enough anyway. Still, seeing the exploring blonde did bring that feeling to the appropriate regions of the man. Especially when she kissed his cheek. He wrapped his arms around her and smiled. “Missed you too! Good to see you again.” What he really wanted to say was that she shouldn’t be running way from him. And the ‘all-business’ aspect of Coren wanted to offer her a job right then and there on the Scout or Event Horizon, having Wren around with him when he was doing his exploration trips? It’d be the best partner he could think of for those particular missions.

It felt good, to see her, feel her, both physically and in the Force. What had he been doing? “I’ve been… keeping busy. Frontiers Corps and a contract to do some hyperspace trailblazing has been keeping me busy.” He shrugged, talking shop only got so boring so quickly. “What’ve you been keeping busy with?”
Serena was content to listen to [member="Coren Starchaser"] for the few moments that he spoke she wondered how much she should tell him.

She knew from their time that he held back, cautious and yet she couldn't figure why really. All of the glimpses of memory she had of his isolating them was difficult and required an energy that she at times did not possess. But she wouldn't fret on it instead she just hugged him and let him know her feelings.

It warmed her to know that he missed her too life was entirely too short not to have someone who missed you, or cared that you walked a path.

Now he was asking what she had been busy with, "Well I went home and saw my family and after a great deal of emotion have slowly been putting myself together. Though there are still things I don't remember and trying is just a headache." She smiled as she tried to be playful with her words.

Not one to really talk about the boring things of life she couldn't help but be pulled back to what he said, "So what is the Frontiers Corp again, I have a faint recollection but that says Explorer's Corps." She bit her lip as her eyes half shut as she tugged on the memory.

"I might like to do some work with the Frontier's Corps if it is what I think it is" There were some people in the galaxy that you just knew working with would be full of trials, but working with Coren she just knew would not be difficult.
The man had a lot going on for him. He was always busy, and most of the time, he didn’t mind that. But sometimes, he just needed a break, like this trip. It was unplanned and he had no idea what was going on. Sometimes even just getting off a schedule was a trip into the unknown. And that made it all the more exciting.

Life was too short for a lot of things. Like living in one place for too long, the galaxy was meant to be explored and that was what Coren did. He always did, wouldn’t quit. She went back home, though. “Memories coming through?” He had a lot of people helping him piece it together. That would be good for her, re-learning who you were without any sort of flood of ideas? That was hard. But if things were coming back?

That’d be easier.

“We’re similar to the ExplorCorps, but since we weren’t founded by the Jedi Order, and instead by the Levantines, we’re under a different name. Mission is pretty similar, get out there, explore, trail blaze, and learn what we can about worlds and civilizations that have since been forgotten. Its good work, clean work. Well, sometimes.” He gave her a wink.

"Where are we off to today?"

[member="Serena Bouie"]
[SIZE=12pt]She looped her arm into his and then gently turned him to walk with her in the direction they needed to go.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“Memories are seeping in slowly, some..I don’t think will ever come back. “ She laughed a bit nervously, “and you know I’ll never miss them because I never knew I had them” She put her head to his shoulder for a moment, as funny as she tried to make it sound, it was sad that she had forgotten so much.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She listened and remembered his connection to exploring, “Well I will work with you on the exploring part if you will have me along. I can find a few things easier now, some of my skills are coming back” Yes her psychometry, her far sight, “OHHHH”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Now she grinned real big, “One thing I remembered. When we were in the room together I said I felt like we had done that before, it was because I saw it in a vision. I was destined to meet you that day, for who knows what force reason” Now finally having cleared that up between them.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]They walked, “I have managed to have food for lunch, and perhaps a dinner while we are out. So, be prepared, no rations” She had made sure to have real food she had grown tired of the saw dust rations.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Now as for their trip.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“For today, I am taking you to a place out in the Lake Country, a bit remote, high on the water table, and offer three really fun things that I think you will enjoy. I am not expecting anything to suck us into alternate galaxies” She had prayed to whatever galactic god there was in power to make sure that it didn’t happen. “Are you ready to put your life in my hands Coren?”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt][member="Coren Starchaser"][/SIZE]
Feeling close to someone was important and with [member="Serena Bouie"], it was a definitely comfort. As she pulled him in the direction of their next adventure, he smiled. Nodding along as she spoke, it made a lot of sense. “That’s true. I guess with me, they keep saying what I used to do, and its… trying to find the balance between what is muscle memory and what the stories tell.” Legends Edition Coren Starchaser, with real Imperial bad-ass action was now Underground Coren Starchaser with real smuggling and pirate and Sith kicking action. He slipped his arm around her as they continued to walk.

Sure, things were weird for Coren, but was it him, or was it that Wren needed the comfort? Some secrets the world may never know.

“I’ll be happy to have you aboard. I’m working on training a lot of newbies but they don’t have the tried hand…” Oh? OH? He looked at her for a second with a piece of confusion. “A vision? Jedi stuff? So you… did you have all the pieces when we met?” He didn’t think so, visions were dreadfully unhelpful. A city in the clouds, that was what a hero got once. And we saw how well that ended.

“You’re pulling out all the stops, aren’t you?” He smiled and nudged her with his shoulder. “No alternative galaxies, and you’re promising?” He laughed a little. “Lead on, Wren.”
[member="Coren Starchaser"]

Serena understood, you know something because your mind knows, your body knows even if you can't remember how it goes. Fingers that move over keys because they've done it a thousand times, picking up rose quartz and knowing this is rose quartz.

But it wasn't the same as looking at a face and knowing who it belonged to, and she was having a lot of that. She tried not to let that part of her emotions pierce her today. No today was about relaxing, and fun. Her empathy had come back strong, and merciless but her training had also come back and all the emotions of those around her were silent. Should she warn Coren? Nah, not now.

It was so odd. But she understood exactly what Coren meant when he said it. But she was more the Serena Bouie with her Spira beach house. Serena always felt weird.

Wren is what Dad called me, it feels good to hear it again. She smiled. "My Dad called me Wren all the time" She nodded as if agreeing with something, "I'll be glad to be on board, I think all of my digs are cleared now. So. Yeah I'm ready for something new." She needed more things that kept her away from Voss, she was uncomfortable there still, and she knew it was because IT was waiting for her.

She shook her head no at the mention of all the pieces, "No I was still pretty fragmented something when we met up, and the vision, just was one of those things that said little only, that we'd meet." She held up her fingers the tip of the forefinger still looked a bit dark.

Pulling out the stops? She laughed softly, "yes, you are now at my mercy and I promise" She swayed as he nudged her. "We have a pod with gear waiting to be picked up" She leaned on him again he was practically her only friend anymore. She knew she needed to get out more.
Muscle memories and known skills. It was one of those things that even science understood became part of who you were. And if they were done enough, it was just kind of… stuck there, you would mind wipe and that bit of information would stay, and you’d know how but not the why or the what you were doing. It was almost as if the Force was taking over, but it wasn’t. The who and the past sometimes disappeared… And that was almost harder to fathom.

Training though, in the Force? That bit was something he lost. Having to start over again. It was…

“Did he?” Coren smiled at the blonde. He enjoyed these trips together, but reminding her of her father, that was new and different. Wasn’t sure how he felt about that. “I can promise that you’ll never not have anything to do at the Corps. Ship Captains are always swapping members out, and we’ve got tons of missions coming in every day. Most exploration, some data collection and that sort of deal.” And it kept them away from Voss. Coren was really the worst person to be working there, Jedi were only a small step above the Sith, but the Silvers, more militant, that was saving them over their Galactic Republic inbred cousins.

“So, miss Wren, where is our first stop then? Gear, lunch and exploring?” He was a bit excited.

More than a bit.

[member="Serena Bouie"]
"OH I'm good at data collection I've spent half my career picking up rocks for data, and then collating it, runnings tests, and then trying to figure out.well is it from here or there, does it belong or did it fall to the ground" Serena shook her head, "though many want my geology skills, I have more fun looking at history and figuring it out" She had one or two scars to show for it too. She had earned them proper.

The plan. Oh he wanted to know the plan did he. Well.

Well there wasn't much to it.

"Yes we will pick up the gear, then if you are hungry we'll stop and eat, and then.." Well maybe she didn't want him to eat until after, "Let me confirm it takes a lot to make you sick to your stomach right?" Her blue eyes met his as she waited for the answer. What he answered would determine the order of how they did this, as..well..she..and then he would. and that would be...ewwww.

She frowned at the thought, "please say you don't get sick easy..." She smiled.

[member="Coren Starchaser"]
He smiled at Wren. She was a good person to have on his side and he’d love to get her more involved within the Frontiers Corp. “Don’t need to impress me, Wren. I know you’re good for it.” He looked the blonde over again. “And the missions you get, you can pick. I’m sure we can assign a padawan or two, plus some students to you. You get to delegate the work you want to do, as long as you’re assisting the ones who are learning. I mean, its what I do. Help with hyperspace trail blazing, but teaching some cadets and offering to train pilots in my skill set, it helps the Coalition.” And the Corps. Mainly the Corps, Coren wasn’t about to teach people how to fight fire with fire.

The pair had that connection, he knew exactly what she could do, what she was capable of, just as she should know that bit about him. It was… exciting to know that much, but in the reverse, a created a bit of concern from his side.

Takes a lot to get him sick to his stomach, though? “Yeah, I mean… Fighter pilot.” He moved his flat-hand in a crazed maneuver. Coren Starchaser flew like he surfed, or hoverboarded, intense and unpredictably. And dialing his compensators down to 95% just made it all that more fun for the man.

Because taking G forces was fun.

“I’ll take what you throw at me.” This was followed by a wink.

[member="Serena Bouie"]
[member="Coren Starchaser"]'

[SIZE=12pt]She could pick her own missions just like she did now that appealed to her greatly, “I like that Coren I feel better knowing that I can look over requests and other mission logs to see if more is warranted than the small look” Too many times something small was over looked and grew into something of great importance.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Like studying rocks on Velusia and finding a cloning facility.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]"Good, I thought as[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] much but I wanted to ask” She grinned big, “you will find this…different, exciting. And when we tandem jump you can look while I steer” She moved them along, “Up ahead that’s where we pick everything up”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Serena was excited much like when she and Tara had done something similar it was the unknown ahead that enticed her. Add in that Coren would be with her and it couldn’t get much better. It was a perfect start.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“Ok food first, but we’ll drive out towards the Lake Country and stop along the way” She was excited about the food too, a few new things lay in their basket that she had never had before.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]A new adventure in tasting.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=12pt]They approached the pod Serena was looking everything over making sure it was there and in good condition she didn’t want anyone switching their gear out. She climbed into the driver’s seat, “I’m ready, if you are”[/SIZE]
Really, that was how mission commanders would work. And Coren knew that this was the sort of deal that [member="Serena Bouie"] had trained for during her life, science, exploration and fact finding. He was easily comfortable with giving her a rank of mission commander, and the leaders be damned, he’d make it happen. Sure, he wasn’t in charge, but people did look to him as a leader, for whatever reason… “That’s why I recruit certain folk, they have the intuition to look it over and sometimes discover that which others won’t see.” Deus ex machina, say what.

Tandem jump, though? Coren looked at Wren and quirked up an eyebrow. He was sure he’d figure it all out. Base jumping, sky diving… things he hadn’t done. He typically liked to stay close to the ground if he wasn’t in a vehicle, though, if this was a new way to find speed? That was perfect for him.

He smiled at her. “Sounds perfect to me.” Aside from her driving. He helped get the gear into the speeder and nodded. “Yeah, lets get moving!” He himself, reluctantly, got into the passenger seat.

[member="Serena Bouie"]
[SIZE=12pt]She could feel his reluctance, “It’s only because I know the way to the place where we can stop for lunch, otherwise Coren I’m quite content with your being in charge.” She smiled at him.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]He was very use to be the one to do it all, but today she was not pushing that agenda on him, today was about relaxation. And for him to do that responsibility had to assigned to her.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Yes he probably could figure out the jump, but maybe she just wanted him close. Maybe she wanted him to just have the experience.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Serena pulled out onto the streets of the city and began the journey towards the exit, she smiled at the citizens as they looked at them pass. No comments were made but their eyes said things.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Who is that?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Where are they off to?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Is there a problem?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Why is she driving?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]The thoughts were interesting, and soon the[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]y were outside of the city and heading off towards the Lake country. Serena loved the feel of the wind on her face, she didn’t know why, she just did.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She would try not to react to his emotions and thoughts but it was hard to do so. She looked over at him to see if he was relaxed.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“So what else have you done to satisfy your wander lust?”[/SIZE]

[member="Coren Starchaser"]
Right, busted on that. He smiled at Wren and shook his head. “Its no worries. Habit I suppose, being in charge of the vessel that’s moving.” A Starchaser habit, he could only imagine it translated to Kaia as well. Maybe it was just a control freak aspect of Coren, a bit more dominant than he’d ever admit to, but… type A personality. Military leader, explorer, and solo artist. Hell, the man wanted to solo quest Coruscant after all, and all but worked to find missing Underground operatives on his own.

It wasn’t trust issues so much as him wanting to do it his way. He could easily follow someone else’s lead, it just took him some getting used to. And someone like Wren would see things from the same directions he saw them, which made it a bit easier with her.

Naboo had a strange vibe sometimes, especially with outsiders. Coren was alright with letting them stare, he didn’t need to prove himself nor Wren to them. Just get out of the way, and nothing was going to go wrong. Even if they threw up some issues, he was in vacation mode, he’d let it roll off his back.

“Sadly not much. I’ve been helping teach courses over at the Levantine Astro Academy, around Laekia. So I’ve been doing that.” A lie, but he didn’t need to publicize his involvement with the Underground. He trusted Wren, it just wasn’t the type of conversation he wanted to have with people who were outside it until they seemed like they would be on board to fight the galaxy’s worst in a very special fashion. “Aside from that, been working with my ship and sponsors to help blaze a hyperlane in the Unknown Regions. That’s been… busy.”

[member="Serena Bouie"]
"that's almost boring" She looked over at him, "a Teacher, I can see that, but I can only see it for you in small bits not the long haul. You need to see something new at times, like the hyperlanes, forging ahead, blazing the trail" She grinned big as she watched the road ahead open up. They were outside the City and now she really let it open up and pushed the pod to go faster. Like the night she raced Tara on the beach, dirt and dust flying.

But she was trying to go slow enough that they could see the lush green of Naboo soon they were coming to open fields. Serena looked forward to seeing the Lake Country it would take two hours to get there but where they were going to jump from was near there. An hour later Serena was pulling off to the side of the path to where one could look back and see Theed.

Serena grabbed a basket, "let's eat Coren" She looked out, it was stunning from here. She would never forget seeing this it was the perfect picture of how one should know the city of Theed.

[member="Coren Starchaser"]
Boring was not so much false as not the whole story. Coren didn’t mind helping at the LAA, plus it was a career he could do long after he was done trailblazing. Looking at Wren, he shrugged. “I take a lot of courses that have me passing on my skills, exploration, blending in, astrogation, because, you’re right, I’d rot behind a desk.” Sure, it meant putting students in danger of becoming one with a planetary body, but the advances in gravity well detection helped keep a lot of ships from running into stars and supernovas.

Still, it wasn’t dusting crops.

Naboo did have a lot to offer in the form or scenic vistas. Not being the pilot for once did let Coren to have the chance to marvel at the world around him. This was a nice world. She wasn’t Corellia, but… well, there were worse places. And Theed did have a unique architecture to it. When Wren pulled them off the road, he nodded.

“Lead on.” He smiled.

[member="Serena Bouie"]

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