Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Slow(er) Posting

Hi! So, I have been having a lot of problems with stress lately and in an effort to minimize its effects I have decided to take a break or just simply post a little bit slower than I usually do. As such I will be posting slower than usual for the next while. You will notice when I am back though, absolutely.

This affects:
  • [member="Aela Talith"]
  • [member="Allyson Locke"] ([member="Spencer Varanin"])
  • [member="Boo Chiyo"]
  • [member="Catya Delarn"]
  • [member="Eshtaol"] ([member="Aria Vale"])
  • [member="Jamie Pyne"]
  • [member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"] ([member="Ajira Cardei"], also: Heh. Had to.)
  • [member="Myles Vylumnar"]
  • [member="Rebel Sunka"]
  • [member="Saint Monica"]
  • [member="Tia'Ilandra Shaasa"]
  • [member="Vanja Del'Vaan"]
  • [member="Velus"]

Our threads can still keep going, but because of the stress I have been experiencing IRL I will be slow with my responses.

Thank you, and stay classy.
[member="Kana Truden"]


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