Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Slow Posting 18-21 Feb

Connor Harrison

Not a full LOA but I'm heading up North for a long weeking seeing my Mum and family so will be a bit quieter in posting from Friday 18th to Tuesday 21st AM.

This will directly affect my [member="Ara Ren"], [member="Irajah Ven"], [member="Lady Kay"], [member="Kaalia Voldaren"], [member="Matsu Xiangu"] and [member="Eldaah Aderyn"] with Connor.

For those in the SJ v SO skirmish,- possibly [member="Lynn Corerunner"] - please feel free to move around me or Eldaah can move me around for a while, I trust you, and then I'll be right back into it.

[member=Neesa], [member="Asemir Lor'kora"], [member="Catherine Soja"], [member="Theodosia Naphrite "]and [member="Perth Levov"] with Joon.

[member="Liliane Lancaster"] with Kyle Chambers.

I will post when I can of course, just not tied to a computer for 8hrs straight.



Connor Harrison

Thank you all! And [member="Ara Ren"] I never take %100 time off - I'm too hooked. :)

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