Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Slow posting from 18th-22nd of May

I have exams this week (ew I know) so I'll have slow posting until Friday but then I have a week off to make up for it yay. This is my first LOA so I'd like to apologise for any inconveniences but these are my GCSEs. (if you're English and know what they are..)

These are my characters (just in case you wondered why they're inactive):
Ethan Matumaini
Callie Sha'Co
Emilie Madowki

Tags: [member="Cylus Jest"] [member="Sophia Walsh"] [member="Cyril Grayson"] [member="Solan Charr"] [member="Uri Aureleos"] [member="Dair Cotarin"] [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] [member="Sayl Bane"] [member="Emerald Sage"] [member="Anastasia Rade"]

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