Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Slow-posting long week-end

Just to say that the Easter week-end signals a few things:

1. Sales of Prosecco will go up

2. Time spent with friends will go up (linked to point 1. above - but not exclusively)

3. Time spent wandering in the wilderness will go up (genuinely unrelated to point 1. above)

4. Time spent on the boards will go down

Normal service will be resumed next Tuesday, but after today I can't guarantee how much time I can spend posting. So any time I do get will be focussed on FL duties and then PMs.

And yes, I'm too lazy to tag everyone that needs to know - but please forgive me as I've started early... :)


Connor Harrison

[member="Corvus Raaf"] Have a super break!

In relation to this, I find it rather selfish you are dedicating time to having fun with friends etc in RL over the long weekend than being here, BUT you deserve it I guess.

So yeah, have fun and don't drink too much and get into mischief...



Connor Harrison

It's ok [member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] - Silver Jedi Connor is always here whilst Boss Raaf is away.


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