Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Slow Posting - Update on stuff

Not sure how I feel at the moment - man, things were going so well around the time of the event and during the event. I had a great stride going and somewhere I broke stride and tumbled down a hill into a pile of muck and lost myself. Been steadily doing my thing out of Chaos and just it faded into the background?

Sad to be honest.

Consider this a quick update with the reason at the end.

I gotta get my thoughts together on which direction I wanna take with whom and what.

I know [member="Kiskla Grayson"] had some great ideas, as did [member="Darth Vornskr"] to which I'm going to pursue - slowly. Regarding Aaralyn.

Mira is sort've in limbo due to not being able to really find that one Master that fits the desired powerset and well alot is going on with alot of people right now, including myself. I love Mira so much, best character every and want to continue to build her from scratch - it's fun. Aton's player is currently on a hiatus for IRL purposes which is cool but I can't wait for him to return.

November - well, she's just there in the Fringe world so she'll probably stay here. Nothing really planned for her.

Alyesa Organa - probably the center of alot of conflict for me. Incom Corporation is in a bit of a jam right now - after losing Corellia R&D but still maintaining all their production facilities, thank goodness for that. However, ICly having broken off ties with the Republic officially due to conflict of interest - she's lost. So the moral compass is sort've spiraling out of control and in different directions. I hear the words of [member="Cira"] in my head regarding her character - "Character Development" and it's great - just have to find the path.

Decker - Well, lol, he hasn't gotten off his feet. >_> <_<

Anyways, I felt this was due because maybe some people wanted to know what was up or maybe why I wasn't on or just not talking - I just sort've fell off the grid for a while cause well I did. So, here I go again - off the grid.

Last week was one set of kids spring break, this week is my son's. My wife takes her CCI test for Invasive CVT/Electrophysiology otherwise known as a Cath Lab Technician, then has a pinning ceremony followed by graduation with her degree. Then it's summer time.

Regardless of all of that - I'd like to get back to posting - and as noted above, that is where my characters currently are.

Anyways - this is just kinda an explanation or whatever to those I have neglected or just poofed on. Maybe a soft rant? Maybe a subtle way to ask for a little push with some RP.

I dunno, staying positive and keeping my head above the barrage of events coming my way....and avoiding the Xbox :p

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