Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Slow posting

Just to say, my usual pace is not being maintained (i.e. zero posts). Hopefully today was a blip and I can post again tomorrow but that all depends. Most of my regular posting partners know why. Nothing personal, no need for sympathy (but chocolates are always welcome).

So thanks for being patient with me (Corvus and Maja mostly)

So I leave you with this...

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
I ain't got chocolates, but I've got hugs if you want one. Or two.
Or three...
What can I say, I like hugs.

In all seriousness, I hope things are going well with you, and if you ever want to talk I'm here. Even if I disappear every once in awhile.
And don't worry. We don't mind a bit (or a lot) of slow posting. Write when you can. You're worth the wait.
[member="Corvus Raaf"]

Avreet will bring a plate full of delicious cookies, baked with his Force lightning.


By the way, the dark brown bits are not chocolate... that's the Dark Side itself! It tastes the same though, which explains what makes the DS so sweet :)
I lied. 4 posts in 8 hours or so.

I'm sure that over the week-end things will settle down and then by say Sunday night I'll be back to my usual levels. Sorry to those who are waiting on me. If it's a thread I started, that's fine. If it's one you started, I don't mind you posting me a link below so I find it quickly (especially you [member="Darth Veles"])

Thanks for all your patience :)

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