Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Slower Posting For the Rest of March

I just got hit with a bombshell. Figuratively. Despite it being a figurative, verbal bombshell, it was still rather large, painful, and unnecessarily heavy. Still haven't gotten it off yet (but I stopped crying, so that's a plus?). For personal reasons I will not publicly announce what the news was, and I ask that unless we're fairly close/write frequently that you don't make to many inquiries. I love you all... but this is something that's my problem. Dealing with it is my responsibility and, to be blunt, you guys don't really need to know.

As always, though, support is appreciated. So are whatever jokes you guys send my way. Seriously. Spoil me with bad jokes, puns, and nerdy references. I mean, if you want to. In the meantime my posting will be a lot slower than usual, the graphic shop will be temporarily closed (sorry Krest), and my messages/posts/everything will lack my usual dorky (and occasionally humorous) flair. Whatever posting I do end up doing is likely an attempt to stay relatively sane. It will not be up to my usual standards.
Please forgive me, and have a nice day.
{Tagging people who might want to see this:
[member="Corvus Raaf"] (Don't worry, I'll try to do a bit more on Cularin)
[member="Gherron Vael"] (We'll finish the training at some point)
[member="Enigma"] (Text me when you can, bub)
[member="Nickolas Imura"] (I'll try to respond to the thread we have with your alt when I can)
Uh... I think that's everyone.}
I hope everything resolves itself in one way or another.

Go take all the time you need, I've been in the same boat (not literally the same boat, I won't pretend to know what you're going through) - Chaos will be here when you return like it was for me.

RL before RP

[member="Matsu Xiangu"]
I started to decorate my room about six months back, because the empty walls hurt to look at. That quote was the first thing to go up. I never finished fixing the place up, but somehow it doesn't look out of place up there.

Not sure why a I felt like sharing, but something told me to anyway.

Good vibes are always appreciated.

Connor Harrison

[member="Drapeam Nyx"]

I don't know you and haven't RPd with you, but I've seen your work out there; you're a fellow writer here in our community, and I hate to see others having tough times. I wish you well and hope you find your way back from the issues you're facing. Problems we have all experienced, big or small, I know how a little post of support from those around you can help.

And 'please forgive you'? No forgiveness is every needed when you are simply taking control of RL which is far more important.

Best wishes to you - we'll be here waiting!

Corvus Raaf said:
[member="Drapeam Nyx"]

Will I forget about you when you're gone?

I've come to really like your gifs (even when you use the same one twice). I'd say I've come to like you too, but you never gave me a reason not to. You (and your Life Day sweaters) have always been chill in my book. Rock on, friend.
[member="Corvus Raaf"]
Connor Harrison said:
And 'please forgive you'? No forgiveness is every needed when you are simply taking control of RL which is far more important.
It's... a habit of mine, I guess, to apologize for anything that might inconvenience/sadden anyone else. Perhaps I should talk to my shrink about that? There's probably some childhood thing going on there. Har har har! (Sick person humor)
[member="Connor Harrison"]
I seriously love you guys<3


The Second Seal, broken.
[member="Drapeam Nyx"]

Work through whatever is happening, and we shall welcome you back with open arms when you feel ready to tackle the mess that is Chaos again. :)

Good luck! ^^

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