Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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To those I'm rping with, you've noticed how much slower I've gotten with my posting. It's partly because of being burnt out, but that's not the main reason. Main reason is I've been working way more, and attempting to (finally) move in with my girlfriend soon to be fiancé (it's not a secret). As the weeks go on and the impending moving day arrives, I'll be around less and less.

Also, to those who remember that whole moving to YouTube thing, that is still going. Turns out I'm really ashamed of how big I was, and while I do have the video I still don't want to post it. Now that I've lost near 30 pounds however I'll try to get that started. It's still something I want to do, and once I get my own place I should be able to.

I'm still here though. Just less here.
[member="Darth Ferus"] Good luck with everything, and we'll be here whenever you're around.

But what I wanted to say was - I feel you on the embarrassment thing, BUT...I used to be enormous. I lost 70 pounds, and let me tell you, there was a long time where I wanted to sweep through any picture ever taken of me from that time and burn it. But I learned to look at it as proof of a transformation I'd made, and the balls it took to do it. It's something to be proud of. Good for you! :)
We'll be here for you man. Looking back on who you've been is a part of moving forward.

It's sort of like in the Lion King.


Only past tense and not about being royalty.

I guess my point is, don't let embarrassment take too much of a hold. Maximum effort.

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