Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Slyce Opro

Slyce Opro

World Class Thief
NAME: Slyce Opro [Slice Op-row]
RANK: Thief
AGE: 22
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5 feet, 6 inches
WEIGHT: 132 pounds
EYES: Black
SKIN: Deep green / Sage


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

[+] Agile – Slyce can run, jump, and climb in expert fashion, usually with an added amount of flair.

[+] Silent But Deadly – Slyce is a master of stealth, and as such can move in complete silence. He's also well learned in the art of silent kills. Only amateurs slice throats.

[+] Technically Minded – Slyce has spend time learning how to pick locks, slice doors and computers, and generally slice anything that can aid in theft, or the subsequent getaway.

[+/-] Small Stature – Slice is by most standards, small in size. While this means he doesn't posses the same strength as most, he can move quicker, and slip through small spaces like air vents and narrow passages, aiding him in his sneaky endeavors.

[+/[SIZE=9pt]-] [/SIZE]Modern Day Robin Hood – [SIZE=9pt]While being an expert thief, Slyce can scarcely turn away from someone in need. Living by the words “If I can help, I will.” However, this has lead to him nearly being captured on several occasions, as well as having little personal money.[/SIZE]

[-] Cleptomaniac – Slyce has an eye for valuable objects, and a hand for them too. Stealing is in his blood, and he can't resist the urge to- Oooooo.... Shiny.....

[-] Overconfident – Slyce likes to brag. That's pretty much the long and short of it. While he has the right to, he tends to over-estimate his own skills on occasions, which lands him in some precarious situations.

[-] Galaxy's Most Wanted – Slyce's face has appeared on many a planet's wanted posters. He's moderately recognizable, and as such, he has several fake identities. Interplanetary travel, especially to major planets, can be a hassle.

[-] Alcoholic – Slyce is a man who appreciates a good drink. A bit too much. He can never turn down a free drink, and scarcely ends a day anywhere but face down, drunk, and possibly in his own filth.

APPEARANCE: Slyce is as average looking a Rodian that one can find, yet he's easily distinguished by the odd pattern of his skin, a mix of a deep green and sage mixing to give his skin an ornate pattern around his eyes and cheeks. He is usually seen wearing a hood, and if he needs to hide in plain sight, some sort of eye wear. His clothes are a dull gray, and fitted loosely to break up his figure, and with light armor plates overlaying them. He wears a mechanic's vest, rife with pouches to carry his tools of the trade, and his ill gotten goods.

Slyce ran away from his home on Rodia, and fled for Coruscant at the age of 12, his parents disowning him upon finding him stealing from a neighbor. Since then, thieving has been his trade, and he has adjusted his lifestyle accordingly. While he may be a criminal, he hasn't lost his sense of justice, preferring to steal only from those who can afford to lose their wealth, and as a member of the infamous underground of Coruscant, he passes along any information he finds on future criminal activities to the CSF, anonymously, of course.

However, the force lies dormant within him. Waiting for the chance to be unleashed, and Slyce is none the wiser.





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