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Approved Species Smarteelian Zabrak | Zabrak Subspecies

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  • Intent: To create a subspecies of a canon species for a new plot line.
  • Image Credit: Commission from here.
  • Canon: Zabrak
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: House Gyukia


  • Name: Smarteelian Zabrak
  • Designation: Sentient
  • Origins: Smarteel
  • Average Lifespan: 80-100 GSY
  • Estimated Population: Rare
  • Description: A subspecies that developed on Smarteel due to genetic isolation and modification that developed from the Iradonian line. The number of horns they are born with has been reduced to two, and their skin is a much paler than their cousins, appearing white or light grey. They tattoo themselves with lighter, less intricate markings, typically in brighter colors such as gold, blue, or red. Their biology, aside from these changes, remains rather similar, as does their carnivorous nature and natural inclination towards combat.


  • Breathes: Type 1, Type 2
  • Average Height of Adults: 167.80 cm
  • Average Length of Adults: N/A
  • Skin color: Pale white, light grey.
  • Hair color: Black, raven.
  • Distinctions: A pair of horns, typically sprouted on the sides of the skull. Less horns than their cousins, but still prominent. Typically the horns of the males are larger than that of the females.
  • Races: N/A
  • Force Sensitivity: Standard


  • High natural strength.
  • Horns serve as additional weapons on the body.
  • Two hearts provide additional resistance to physical pain.
  • Increased tolerance to extreme heat.


  • Increased aggression.
  • Decreased tolerance to extreme cold.


  • Diet: Carnivorous
  • Communication: Galactic Basic
  • Technology level: Standards
  • Religion/Beliefs: The Smarteelian Zabrak do not worship a god, believing in the strong individualism that Zabrak culture is known for first and foremost. Instead, the focus of their belief is on gain, profit, and the acquisition of power. A few of the particularly vain may see themselves as akin to deities, though this is rare.
  • General behavior: Like most Zabrak, the Zabrak of Smarteel are a warrior culture with a carnivorous diet. This, however, is where similarities immediately diverge. Smarteelian Zabrak pride themselves in 'high-class' combat, favoring a more refined martial art and a preference of swords over other weapons. They seek to grow the power of their families, with a knack for business and shady dealings in the world of the 1% and the criminal underworld alike. They present themselves as calm and composed, with class and elegance at the forefront of their culture. Like other Zabrak, however, they may snap back into their aggressive instincts if provoked.


The Smarteelian Zabrak were a subspecies that split off from the Iradonian line from an isolated population on the planet Smarteel and falling under a noble house, House Gyukia. House Gyukia, founded by a long dead Hutt Cartel enforcer, staked its claim on planet that had once been part of the criminal empire of Jabba Desilijic Tiure. When the planet was discovered to be rich in Songsteel, the house quickly made itself presentable and upper-class, sweeping the shady past of their founding under the rug. In this cultural transition, the Zabrak of Smarteel genetically isolated themselves from their cousins and began to genetically alter their DNA in light cosmetic changes that altered their appearance slightly overtime. By the modern day, while still compatible with other Zabrak, the Smarteelian line is distinct, despite their smaller numbers. All of their families are noble to some capacity, falling under the service of the primary noble house, House Gyukia.

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