Smuggler Captain
Greeting I'm seeking Smuggler pirates and other criminal types to fill the Ranks of my new sub faction with the the Hutt cartel.
Name of the group:Shadow Hawks
Leader: Captain Colre Renfroe
Sub officer(-s):OPEN to PC’s
Area of expertise: Pricy, smuggling, blockade running
Hang out: Various Spaceport cantinas around Nar Shaddaa
Short description: A collection of smugglers, pirates, gun-runners, blackmarketeers , and various scoundrels, who rather than competing with each other decided it was more profitable to work to together. Under the leadership of Captain Colre Renfroe son of infamous pirate/smuggler, and Hutt cartel enforcer to join together for plunder, profit, and infamy. These ruffians, gunfighters, and otherunsavory(to everyone else) charters have hang in the various Spaceport cantinas around Nar Shaddaa always close to ships, and ready for a job or quick getaway. This group takes its name from the ship the their leader captains
Other: Open to PC and NPC’s
Name of the group:Shadow Hawks
Leader: Captain Colre Renfroe
Sub officer(-s):OPEN to PC’s
Area of expertise: Pricy, smuggling, blockade running
Hang out: Various Spaceport cantinas around Nar Shaddaa
Short description: A collection of smugglers, pirates, gun-runners, blackmarketeers , and various scoundrels, who rather than competing with each other decided it was more profitable to work to together. Under the leadership of Captain Colre Renfroe son of infamous pirate/smuggler, and Hutt cartel enforcer to join together for plunder, profit, and infamy. These ruffians, gunfighters, and otherunsavory(to everyone else) charters have hang in the various Spaceport cantinas around Nar Shaddaa always close to ships, and ready for a job or quick getaway. This group takes its name from the ship the their leader captains
Other: Open to PC and NPC’s