Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Smuggler Busting | The Diarchy

Location: DSD-Dominion Command Center
System: Orbiting Taspir III
Tags: Corvin Nylund Corvin Nylund Riven Terrik Riven Terrik

Darth Reign had an important task for the newly elevated High Councilor of Intelligence Corvin Nylund Corvin Nylund . Recent discoveries in the personal effects of the former Governor Paltros of Taspir, had uncovered that the man had been smuggling doonium off world to line his own pockets. The Diarchy needed this smuggling operation put down, as it threatened the newly established order and vaunted status as "Liberating Saviors" that the elimination of the governor had secured. The only problem the Dark Lord faced is that he had no clue where to start this investigation. He had the governor's effects and had combed through his office, but, he was not versed in the world of Intelligence gathering.

Summoning the High Councilor to the command center, Reign laid out the task for the other man.
"High Councilor Nylund, I find myself at a loss. We have secured our interests on the planet Taspir, but there is an element out there, that threatens the order we have established. Your task is to root them out, and remove them from our System. By any means necessary" Reign did not need to advise on the resources available, as a member of the High Council and the direct head of "the Network" Councilor Nylund had the full resources of both his own domain, and the Diarchy itself at his disposal, should he need them.

As the Intelligence officer walked out, the Dark Lord sent one more passing comment.
"Remember my friend, this operation is of the utmost importance, I would trust no one but you with it. I have every faith in your success." it was not a threat, however, the rage inside the Dark Lord at this "distraction" from the Grand Plan was palpable and would make every word feel as though it carried the dread weight of a death sentence.

Location: Taspir III Starport, Hangar 12
Ship: Starstrider

It was a motley crew that unloaded their cargo of fruits and the like for the local populace. Sometimes you smuggled goods, sometimes you just brought in legitimate goods. That was the life of a freighter owner. Of course there were a couple of crew members stealthily loading a shipment of doonium into the smuggling compartments hidden within the ship, but nobody needed to know that, now did they? Of course not. Both he and the now late Governor, whom he didn't know was dead just yet, made a tidy profit by running doonium off world and selling it to the best merchants he could by. It was mutually beneficial.

"Let's wrap it up," he called to the crew as he filled out paperwork with the local official, someone on the payroll. "Have to load up this shipment of evaporator parts when you guys get that unloaded."

He finished signing all the paperwork, no literal paper signed, and handed the datapad back to the official, who promptly checked it over and then was on his way. No reason for him to hang around since everything was in order. After he left, a team came in and started fueling up the ship once more, making it ready for their flight to their next destination. The evaporator parts were easy cargo, something of high use on desert worlds where water was scarce. Offload the shipment safely and he got paid for delivering.

It was the doonium that would be the hardest to offload, but he knew the right people to go to. As long as there wasn't some local patrol hanging out in space to harass him, or he didn't have to go through one of those farcical fake explorations of the ship again, things would be fine. He just had to wait for the loading to be done.

Darth Reign Darth Reign | Corvin Nylund Corvin Nylund
Corvin stood at attention whilst his Lord gave his orders. His uniform was pressed, his long dark grey jacket unwrinkled. His head and face bore no signs of hair at all. In Corvin's line of work, his appearance helped him to become nearly invisible in a crowd. And his Imperial training taught him discipline. It wasn't hard for him to make the difficult decisions that some would hesitate.

The mission was simply stated. Find the smugglers and take them out. The fact that he had every resource at his disposal would indeed make the accomplishment of this task all the easier. Most especially once his prey began to run.

They always run.

But never for long.

"Understood, my Lord. I will find them." Corvin pivoted on his heel and began to walk out, only to hear his Lord's added comments upon which he paused and half turned so that he could bow his head. He gave no added comment of his own before continuing out of the room. Corvin wasn't the type of man to spout out monologues, afterall.

A short time later he was at the docks with a number of armed soldiers. They all had been briefed on their journey down and that brief was simple. Inspect every ship, examine it's contents and bring forth any nervous individuals for questioning. Corvin was well aware that some hide their nervousness with a cocky swagger, and it was those in particular that he had an interest in.

With the silent signal given, Corvin had the soldiers disperse to hit every ship at once while he quietly walked down the middle. His eyes surveyed every individual in his sights, looking for the tell-tale signs that they had something to hide.

Tag: Darth Reign Darth Reign Riven Terrik Riven Terrik

Location: Taspir III Starport, Hangar 12
Ship: Starstrider

All the contraband had already been loaded by the time the new guard types had even shown up at the starport. Fortunately. His crew was just in the process of loading up the evaporator parts when the goon squads showed up. Wasn't the first time he'd dealt with such a situation and wouldn't be the last, either.

"Unless you want to help load things, stay out of our way," he called to them as they approached his ship. "And stay off my ship. It aint your property."

He pulled a cigarra out of his pocket and stuck it in his mouth before lighting it. A good smoke always made him feel better about life, plus it probably made him look at ease since he was fumbling for things. New smugglers were easy to spot. They got nervous about this, that and the other thing. Someone could walk by they didn't know and they'd start freaking out. Not Riven, though. He didn't give a rat's rear end about anything or anyone other than himself and his ship so why should he care?

"Bugger on, boys. I gotta get this shipment off to Tatooine, preferably before harvest."

Darth Reign Darth Reign | Corvin Nylund Corvin Nylund
Oh now there was someone drawing their attention. The mere fact that he was telling them to stay away; and badly so, only made Corvin's interest in them pique all the more clearer.

With a silent signal of his hand, a half dozen of his men made a b-line towards the ship. Corvin approached one of the docking crew fueling up the vessel. "Lock it down." With the flick of a switch, magnetic docking clamps rose out of compartments on the floor and secured themselves to the vessel's hull.

Following that, he approached the ramp of the dock, his gaze solely on the smoking man that was spouting out orders. "I assume that you are the Captain? You and your crew will step aside for mandatory inspection." There was no room for compromises. Corvin knew that the inspection would take place. It was all a matter of how quickly it would start.

Tag: Riven Terrik Riven Terrik

Location: Taspir III Starport, Hangar 12
Ship: Starstrider
Tags: Corvin Nylund Corvin Nylund

Yeah, he knew that was coming. Always someone trying to make their stripes. He didn't even flinch in response to the mag clamps shooting up to grab onto his ship. Wasn't the first time someone thought they would find something. Wouldn't be the last time. There was no way they were finding his compartments. They were too well hidden, and their construction was of a type that made them extremely difficult to detect. These goons stood no chance, and it inwardly made him smirk at how satisfying it would be when they found absolutely nothing.

Riven puffed quietly on his cigarette before approaching the man who was giving out all the orders. He didn't like him. Stank of authority and bootlicking. He quietly exhaled a cloud of smoke in the direction of the mans face.

"What're you gonna do if I don't?" he asked.

He was always eager for a fight. This pipsqueak didn't look like much of one, but he knew those wirey types could be pretty feisty if you backed them into a corner. Never underestimate someone when they're fighting for their lives.

Corvin made no move as the apparent Captain blew smoke into his face. In fact he didn't even flinch. These cocky types were all the same. One could almost write manual on them and see if they follow the script word for word. So far this apparent Captain was hitting all the marks.

"Non-compliance is something only a fool would do in this scenario. So how much of a fool are you, Captain?"

A slight tilt of the head by Corvin, and two of his men made a move to grab the Captain's forearms, while the others walked up the ramp to bring the other crew members out at gunpoint.

"You and your crew will step aside for a mandatory inspection. Any further non-compliance will lead to detainment."

Tag: Riven Terrik Riven Terrik

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