Lysle of the Hydian Way
Silent and Violent
Payment: 85,000
Shipment: Glitterstim
Additional Info: Travel to Kala'din on Ryloth. A team of slavers are looking to buy a shipment of Glitterstim. Deliver the spices to the slavers and fulfil the contract. Travel back to Nar Shaddaa to collect payment.
Payment: 195,000
Shipment: Disrupter Rifles, Thermal Detonators
Additional Info: Travel to Coruscant where a swoop gang is trying to get their hands on some high-class weapons and grenades. Deliver the weapons, fulfil the contract and return to Nar Shaddaa for payment.
Destination: Mytus VII
Payment: 75,000
Shipment: Assorted low quality spices
Additional Info: Travel to Mytus VII and meet with the contractor. Deliver the goods, fulfil the contract and return to Nar Shaddaa for payment.