Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Snees D'ner



NAME: Snees D'ner
AGE: 20
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 3’3 | 1 meter
WEIGHT: 55lb | 25kg
EYES: Yellow
HAIR: Thin and black

-his small stature allows him to navigate the terrain with stealth
-keen observation
-expertise in scavenging/ability to identify discarded technology
-bartering skills

-physically small
-overly cautious
-limited combat skills

He is a small creature that stands barely one meter tall, often radiating an aura of mystery and mischief. He is cloaked in a worn brown robe which drips to the ground, concealing his small frame. Peeking out from beneath the hood is a pair of glowing yellow eyes full of curiosity.

Snees was born in a small Jawa camp located near the outskirts of the Dune Sea on the desert planet of Tatooine. He was raised amidst the ancient customs of his people, who thrived on scavenging, and understanding the importance of preserving their culture. From an early age, he was taught the sacred art of scavenging by his elder brother, Greez, who would also whisper tales of legendary finds in the vast desert. His childhood was spent scurrying through canyons, collecting droid parts, shiny trinkets, and any other discarded technology. He quickly became skilled at repairing broken devices and using them as valuable goods for his tribe’s trade routes. While the elders urged him to uphold traditions, a flicker of interest for something different had already been ignited in him. Due to the constant conflicts with neighboring tribes and the ever-present danger of the Sand People, he yearns to escape his home planet and explore other parts of the galaxy, especially the wastelands of other junk-filled planets like Raxus Prime.

-With an extensive knowledge of mechanics he can repair, modify, and even invent gadgets from discarded scraps.

-ion pistol
-ion rifle

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