Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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So, about that...

I disappeared for a few weeks there unexpectedly. Sometimes you just need to refresh the muse, you know? Thankfully everyone I was writing with knew I was taking an LOA - just, none of us knew how long.

It's been beautiful, if hot and humid, up here in the Northeast and I've been enjoying my free time outside. (And yes, chasing Pokemon.) But I've gotten the laziness out of my system, or at least the laziness that matters.

Out of the respect for you guys and the fact that I WILL have a crazy semester in a few months I'll be keeping my IC threads to a minimum just so I can keep up with all of you and do your writing justice. I have a few people I have plans with/threads going on and I want to make sure those are seen to. I'd also like to make sure I can continue to be active for the Triumvirate, so no spreading myself too thin. ALSO that I can, you know, maybe drop Matsu and her zombies on a few unsuspecting planets and get a few more of her limbs/important features hacked up.

But other than that I'll be consistently harassing all of you OOC, back to business.

Connor Harrison

[member="Matsu Xiangu"] Glad you're well, and you've had a good break. As for Pokémon...errr I won't say anything!

Hope to see you around more. :)
[member="Isley Verd"]​

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