OOC Writer Account

Captain Malys
Tython Surface, Cessea City, Kuligo Nature Reserve
Tags: [member="ST-00/0666"], [member="SC-01/2876"], [member="CT-94194"]
Nearby: [member="CC-15715"], [member="CC-239"]
Objective: #1 Knightfall

Lynda presses a palm against the paste-filled hole in her shoulder and inspects the greyish sanguine-flecked material. The helmet had become stifling and so Captain Malys pulled it from their skull dropping it to the forest floor she raised a boot into the air and crushed it in a swift single motion displaying astonishing physical strength that was far in excess of her ostensible height and build, it should have been impossible but alas Captain Malys dismissed that idea handily. "Damn thing was basically broken on impact." Her voice was beginning to compose itself even through the searing burning pain that burnt with a fiery pulse up through her left arm and shoulder. Lynda wearily draws up her G-11F Blaster Rifle up from the magnetically locked thigh-plate on the right leg and held its tightly in a clenched hand with its' barrel hanging beside leg pointing at the green leaf covered rich Tython soil beneath armoured feet. "Sounds like the Jedi and their Army have set up Comlink jammers, Sir." 'Sir' Lynda said it absent a sneer now and maybe even a hint of respect that could be heard on her voice if not seen on face, their visage was locked forever in a pained grimace, whimper or Snarl transitioning between the three phases with the severity of transient pain respectively.Studying the Clone's face she found the familiar rugged visage worn by all such creatures although Spear's was characterised by a palatable maturity and age that Lynda couldn't help but wordlessly admire, it spoke of experience which was reassuring for Dorn who wasn't so bigoted to spurn a man who might help her in surviving this forsaken mess of an operation gone awry, that was something the war stories always left out, the fear of mortal men and women. Always focusing on the elation of a hard-won triumph that in reality was often very hollow. Lynda met Spear's eyes and found within them a determination to complete that she despite being frightened, shared. The idea she'd let a Clone upstage her was laughable and Lynda shot Spear a wide beaming toothy grin spiting their own burning Pain her thumb notched the safety lever on their rifle to 'fire'. "Sit it out and let you make me look bad?" The question revealed no small measure of her vanity and pride. "Never." Spear had successfully brought out the competitive beast within Lynda, they had made her feel like she had something to prove and even though she would never admit it Lynda felt no small measure of shame for having been caught by surprise even if more competent warriors should have fared no better.