Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private So Good to be Bad


Location: The Hub, Golbah City, Geonosis

"Kalwan a loo canka?" <Looking for a good time?> A red skinned Twi'lek turned on the spot and leaned back into a man on the dance floor. "Do ktan qa dan laboo." <I know what you need.> Her lips were parted as she smiled over one shoulder into the eyes filled with the club lights. Her left hand reached back over her shoulder to stroke the clean shaven face, while her right slid back to his hip to make sure they didn't drift apart. Not that there was any chance of that. The Zeltron and the Falleen had their pheremones, but all a Twi'lek had to do was smile and say 'Fal,' <Hey> and every man in ear shot would do just that. Especially when you had red skin with every inch adorned in tattoos as dark as the void itself.

Most of them didn't even care if they understood a word she said. They let their bodies do the talking. At least that's what they told their friends. Poor, hopeless romantics. As much fun as they were, they weren't worth taking home at the end of the night. Oh, they 'talked' alright -- it's just they had nothing to say.

Cute as this one was, and with footwork that wasn't half bad, Zlova's mind hadn't been changed by the time the song ended.

"Do ohk elan ar fiyet a clernis. Kumsara circaa," <I'm going to get a drink. Stay here.> his Twi'lek partner said with a open palm gesture conveying the need for him to 'stay there.' With a smile, the red woman slipped into the crowds and over to the bar to toss a stiff one back. Dancing was thirsty work.

Was there a chance of running into someone she knew here? The golden eyes of the Twi'lek scanned the nearby faces. A chance. It was a big city though. Even at its heart where all the bodies pressed together eager to slip into or out of one venue or another, there were only so many Knights. Not that it would have mattered. The day she started caring if someone saw her behaving 'inappropriately' for a 'Master' was the day she confessed her sins before a Jedi Grand Master and saw the Light. They were alive, and they only lived once. What was wrong with enjoying it?

The glass clacked against the bar top as her arm fell away from her lips. A heated and drawn out sigh slipped between her dark lips. That was good. Maybe it was time for another dance. Another partner. Someone with a little extra. Rue's eyes roamed the crowd once more hungry for company. The night was young; there were still many more drinks left in her before calling it... or raving about controlling the galaxy. She loved hearing stories about those nights later.

Tag: Solana Arasne

Solana Arasne

Location: Genosis - Golbah City
Attire: [XXX]
Tag: | Zlova Rue Zlova Rue |


Living among a coven of witches was all well and good, and while it definitely had its perks, it was definitely lacking in certain other aspects - at least for Solana. The ravenette witch was quite aware of some shenanigans among her fellow witches, for the most part? Not a whole lot of action going on there, especially for Solana herself. She most definitely had an appetite for things that she just couldn't get sated there among the coven. Maybe if she visited the Twi'lek village more often? Hm...

Whatever the case, the lack of affections had eventually led her to old stomping grounds. Golbah City...she could definitely drum up some action there with little to no trouble. And a variety of action at that! If she wanted a good time? No problem, if she wanted a good fight? Hell, that was easy to get going too. But for now? Her appetite was a little less violent, which led her right into the thick of The Hub. The place was thumping with life and others who were just as eager for attention as Sol herself was. It made things almost too easy at times, but after her time spent away from such delights? Easy wasn't a bad thing right now.

She had just left the floor, abandoning a rather dazed couple who had thought they were ready to add an intense third member like Sol - boy had they been wrong. Sure, it had been fun, but they would have fallen apart the moment Sol got them out of this place. So, she had left them wanting and made her way to the bar without a backwards glance. There had been nothing more than a hand signal and the bartender brought her a drink, the contents of which were slammed back in a single go and the glass then set back on the bartop. Sol's frame then turned about so that her back was pressed to the surface and her hands braced behind her while her eyes scanned the area.

There was a moment where she saw red - literally - and a smirk lift one corner of her mouth. Seemed as if she couldn't escape the Twi'lek no matter where she went, though that wasn't necessarily a bad thing. Solana's head tipped a bit to the side and she eyed the red skinned woman from the bit of distance between them. And just from there, she could tell that tonight? Sol was not the only huntress prowling the floor of The Hub.
Zlova's golden gaze rested on an alluring green woman there at the bar. Her lips turned upward at the corners as she regarded the heavily and tightly bound body. Oh, what's this, finding someone with a little spice in the wardrobe in The Hub? That never happened. Well, actually one in ten thought to venture out in risque or scandalous outfits. Look at me, they cried, I'm horny. One sympathized. Still, there was something to this woman, and it was not desperation. The way her eyes held Rue in their sights, and how this attractive specimen held herself. Fit form, delicately muscular... Someone used to a little danger then.

The tips of her fingers spidered along the top of Rue's recently refilled glass to lift it from its perch as she stepped away. Toward destiny. It was always nice to narrate your own life privately to something worthy of being written down later. Perhaps Zlova should try her hand at one of those fantasy Sith Lord novels.

With a generous sway to her hips, Rue strode through the crowd until she turned to face the bar along side Solana Arasne. The glass was set down by Zlova's right hand, with her left propped up atop the bar and crossed back toward the right. A long, heavy sigh -- to rise above the noise -- escaped her lips. Then the smile returned and she turned to look over at the green creature. Unlike the leather-bound mistress here, the Twi'lek's top revealed a great deal of her tattoos; though not nearly so much of her chest. Admire the handiwork, not the assets. Some things still had to be earned.

"Love your outfit. Looking to have someone on their knees by the end of the night?" Zlova knew all too well how much fun it was to 'torture' a poor soul. The best was when you capped an evening of endless teasing with denial. The little surprise in their eyes, and the tremble of their lips. We'll see each other again, they'd ask while struggling not to beg. Sharing your bed was far from the most exciting or interesting way you could be intimate with someone. There were few times Zlova ever felt the need to undress in front of others.

Solana Arasne

Tag: | Zlova Rue Zlova Rue |


Ah see? Sometimes all it took was that one, single look. A meeting of eyes across a short distance, and it lured only the best contenders in. After all, this evening? Solana wasn't looking for some easy prey to stalk, corner, and boss around. Honestly, she wasn't quite sure what she wanted this evening, but she knew it wasn't some mewling, desperate, eager to please wimp. Oh no, she at least wanted someone who could keep up - if not surpass. Perhaps that was the mood...though that was rare in and of itself. Whatever the case, when the red skinned female started her approach, Solana shifted.

She turned herself so that her side was pressed to the bar rather than her back, one elbow propped against the bar, her weight balanced precariously against the support of the one arm. Currently green eyes watched intently as the other closed in, and fingers drummed against the bartop once as she assessed this other delectable creature in all of her up close glory.

"Possibly," the answer came much more smoothly than Sol herself had anticipated. "If the right candidate is found for such a task, that is." It was definitely going to take one hell of a volunteer to convince Solana to get out of here, so to speak. "And you? Can't find a dance partner worth a lick in the place?" Poor choice or words, or tactfully chosen. Either way, Sol didn't back down from them as she loft a brow and awaited some sort of answer to her inquiry.
Laughter flowed from the Twi'lek's throat at Solana's power of observation. Or perhaps they shared a great deal of experience in these matters. "Enjoyable for a song, but not even worth the toilet." Shameless as Rue was, she had standards when it came to these things. "I would be better off waiting for one of those social gatherings the Knights are known for." They tended to be open to most of the upper echelon of the Confederacy, actually. Or so Zlova had heard.

Slowly, the red woman turned to face Solana, woman-to-woman. "At least, that was my impression until you showed up." No, she wasn't that easily smitten, but Solana had promise. Bet they could enjoy the night dancing, drinking, laughing, and anything else that came to mind. Until dawn or they passed out from drink. Either way would be a very good time. "What's your pleasure? Fast, or slow?"

The two of them should be able to find a long list of things to talk about as they slammed one drink after another back. Cutest guy in the place. Girl with the largest rack. Most enviable outfit. Most desperate. Their favorite song, dance, or drink. How best to make a man acknowledge you were the one in charge. What kind of man was worth pursuing. And not a karking thing had anything to do with politics or their jobs because kark that; this was their time to have some fun.

Tag: Solana Arasne

Solana Arasne

Well, the red skinned she-devil standing beside Solana wasn't wrong. The building lacked promise for the night, which was a shame as it was usually one of Sol's favorite places to hunt, so to speak. So to have a night full of lack of potential? It was unfortunate and disappointing in a variety of ways. Or rather, it had been until this Twi'lek had come about. This had been a twist of events that the green skinned woman had not at all been expecting, and it was a rather pleasant surprise, if she did say so herself.

"Mm," she tapped her glass against the bar, signaling she wanted another drink before her attention went back to the other woman. "Fast or slow certainly depends on the partner I have at the time." Sol didn't want to divulge too much information, as the subject matter could be taken way out of context - which admittedly was perfectly fine with her. But the subject matter remained up in the air, "Drinks, dancing, primal satisfying...It most certainly just depends on the tempo set before anything of the sort begins."

Once her glass was refilled, she glanced to it, then back to the red skinned woman. A hand was then reached out and a half smirk took hold of one of the corners of Sol's mouth. "I'm Solana." she finally informed the Twi'lek.

Tag: Zlova Rue Zlova Rue
Zlova kept her eyes on Solana. Not out of fear -- though there was always suspicion in her heart now -- but because she was pleasant to look at, and had some intriguing thoughts worth hearing. The woman had the look of a killer, literally and figuratively; and a tongue to match. Solana was careful in not being specific what act they would be going at fast or slow. In fact, she left it open to just about everything, which was just fine to the Twi'lek.

When the hand was offered, Zlova reached out to take it firmly. A warm smile spread over her lips as they gaze into one another's eyes. "Rue. Zlova Rue. I can tell my fortunes have already gone up this evening -- to a time I'll remember." If Solana hadn't come along the Twi'lek wouldn't have considered the night a waste; just one that wouldn't be remembered. A means to let off steam and nothing else. With her, what transpired might play upon her thoughts for some time. Perhaps even arrange for further hookups, if she was lucky. It never hurt to have reliable partners for a night on the town.

Whether they released one another or not, the red woman turned around so her back was to the bar and slipped in closer to Solana. "Drink each other the bar?" Eventually they might need to find a private spot to collapse and talk. Once rapid access to copious amounts of drink were no longer required. "I'll admit, I haven't quite gotten used to the selection here in the Confederacy. Half the stuff I'm used to was designed to kill." Nothing said they couldn't talk even now though.

Tag: Solana Arasne

Solana Arasne

The Twi'lek had a firm, strong grip; that was most definitely something Solana admired in a companion. And yes, Zlova had just been elevated to companion status if only for the evening. The grip lingered for a short time, at least until the red skinned woman turned, and then Sol's hand dropped to her side while the other lifted and signaled for attention from one of the bartenders. "Refills," she purred out, flashed the poor flustered human a wink, and then shift her focus back to Zlova.

"Designed to kill?" Well that most certainly grabbed Sol's attention. She was a hunter after all and could certainly get behind things meant to kill other things. "Care to elaborate, or would that darken the mood and steadily building high of the evening?" she smirked, and when her drink was refilled she reached for it without tearing her gaze away from the other woman. And while personally Solana was only just cresting Confederacy living, she was certainly more curious about things this Twi'lek had to say.


Tag: | Zlova Rue Zlova Rue |
The Twi'lek laughed at the invitation. "With a woman like you at my side?" Zlova's golden eyes descended a few degrees from Solana's face and back up again. "In The Sith Empire," because every one of those felt they were the true heir to the name, "the alcohol isn't watered down, or flavored to be a fruity delight." They still sold those kinds of drinks, obviously; even an Empire had civilians that weren't all about suffering and death. "The stronger, the better. A show of fortitude and to help denature any poisons." The higher the proof, the stronger the poison had to be. Cut down on the number of enemies that managed the coward's route anyway.

Zlova smiled over at Solana for a moment. "I once found a jug of alcohol from 424 ABY. Sith Lord probably hid it there hoping to squirrel it away while the galaxy burned. Nearly killed me drinking it." Her fingers curled about her glass to lift it off the bar. "That or the Sith Lord trying to possess my body. I don't blame him; I'd want me too."

Solana Arasne

Solana Arasne

This bit of information seemed to make Solana give pause and really process. She hadn't considered the fact that alcohol in other places would be different; granted some part of her probably expected it to be as such, but she had never given the idea any merit. And the idea of an alcohol that could cause more harm than good? That made the green skinned woman smirk rather broadly. "An alcohol that can strip your insides as it goes down?" An elongated rumble vibrated her throat. "I might just need to procure a bottle of such substance." A strong brew sounded quite appealing to her, something built only for those with good fortitude? Sign her up.

The idea of possession once again drew Solana's focus from the immediate subject at hand. Her gaze swept over Zlova, looking for some sign of change, or anything of the sort - not that she really knew what to look for, considering she had only just met the Twi'lek woman. "This is true," she shrugged a shoulder and took up her own drink once it had been refilled. "Most certainly cannot blame anyone for wanting to possess you." And with that said, she sipped her drink, smirk still visible.


Tag: | Zlova Rue Zlova Rue |
The Twi'lek smiled at the evening's companion before she tossed her drink back. "People see lekku, red skin, and a shapely figure and all they can think about is getting me alone. They think me a perfect dream," Zlova slowly twisted in closer to Solana at the bar, "ignorant it's a candy shell to a murder scene." A soft clack followed her glass as it touched down atop the countertop. "Woman like us aren't conquered. We do the conquering." One hand lifted and slowly began to extend out to slide over the green woman's shoulders toward her back. "Don't we?"

Half of anything worth doing was the chase. Toying with what might be and what never should. Testing the limits of what the world allowed, and then spitting in its face and going beyond anyway. Who had time to be a 'good girl?' No one was going to give you a treat for playing by the rules... So, burn the rules.

Zlova appreciated the shelter the Confederacy afforded her. Their lack of demands, and attempts to conscript her into a war machine. It was nice being in control of her own destiny; but then again, she had been raised in darkness. It was all she'd ever known. It comfortably hugged every curve of her body. Should she try to be something more? Well, right now, in this club, none of that really mattered; because Solana wasn't a mark, and so far the woman hadn't tried to kill the Twi'lek. Trust wasn't necessary to have a little fun, for a short while.

Tag: Solana Arasne

Solana Arasne

There was a scoff from Solana, but it wasn't directed at the Twi'lek woman beside her. No, it was directed at the situation she had just painted a clear picture of. "Being an exotic creature does have it's setbacks." she figured they could both agree on that. While personally Sol couldn't imagine what it was like to be part of such a beautiful species, she did come with her own set of looks that either drew people in too closely, or made them run screaming in the other direction. "But, it also has it's many, many advantages." That reared a smirk back to her lips, and she downed the contents of her own glass before setting it back against the bar.

"You are correct however," When Zlova moved closer, Solana didn't budge. There was no attempt to escape or put space between them, why would there be? The green skinned woman hardly felt hunted, or like prey for that matter. "There is no conquering women like us. We either prowl and hunt for what we desire, or we grace someone with the blessing to be in our company for a time. No in between."

There had been a time or two when Sol had given someone the pleasure of being company and not prey. It was far and few between, but it had happened. She had yet to find someone who brought her to her knees, or even made her want more. Hence, the constant prowl. She did her best to be a good girl, considering that she represent the Solanaceae now, but deep down? Well...she was a creature of habit, and old habits certainly died hard.


Tag: | Zlova Rue Zlova Rue |
Zlova smiled as Solana spoke. It wasn't often the Twi'lek found such an alluring species. Not that it was Solana's physical appearance that commanded her attention. No, hypocrisy wouldn't do the woman justice. It was the package. Maybe she wasn't everyone's love interest at first sight, but the red woman found it difficult to find a fault in Solana's figure, or her authoritative presence. A huntress was just the sort of person a Dark Lord could enjoy as a companion. Whether that was reciprocated never crossed her thoughts -- her upbringing hadn't been 'wholesome.'

"Could not have said it better myself," Zlova said softly as she stood quite close to the other woman, her hand draped over Solana's shoulder and behind her head. "You want to say more on the dance floor? Otherwise, I'll tell you all about the time I chased a Stenax across the galaxy."

Solana was certainly better company than anyone else in the joint, and Zlova wouldn't mind either way this could turn out. Long as it didn't end in 'well it was nice to meet you, byeee.' One way or the other, there should be a physical element involved. She'd been lacking in both since coming to the Confederacy to be honest. There were strong people there, but most had too much visibility. She hadn't settled on stirring kark up as a life goal again; perhaps she should after all.

Tag: Solana Arasne

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