D A R T H . S I R O N
Location: The Hub, Golbah City, Geonosis
"Kalwan a loo canka?" <Looking for a good time?> A red skinned Twi'lek turned on the spot and leaned back into a man on the dance floor. "Do ktan qa dan laboo." <I know what you need.> Her lips were parted as she smiled over one shoulder into the eyes filled with the club lights. Her left hand reached back over her shoulder to stroke the clean shaven face, while her right slid back to his hip to make sure they didn't drift apart. Not that there was any chance of that. The Zeltron and the Falleen had their pheremones, but all a Twi'lek had to do was smile and say 'Fal,' <Hey> and every man in ear shot would do just that. Especially when you had red skin with every inch adorned in tattoos as dark as the void itself.
Most of them didn't even care if they understood a word she said. They let their bodies do the talking. At least that's what they told their friends. Poor, hopeless romantics. As much fun as they were, they weren't worth taking home at the end of the night. Oh, they 'talked' alright -- it's just they had nothing to say.
Cute as this one was, and with footwork that wasn't half bad, Zlova's mind hadn't been changed by the time the song ended.
"Do ohk elan ar fiyet a clernis. Kumsara circaa," <I'm going to get a drink. Stay here.> his Twi'lek partner said with a open palm gesture conveying the need for him to 'stay there.' With a smile, the red woman slipped into the crowds and over to the bar to toss a stiff one back. Dancing was thirsty work.
Was there a chance of running into someone she knew here? The golden eyes of the Twi'lek scanned the nearby faces. A chance. It was a big city though. Even at its heart where all the bodies pressed together eager to slip into or out of one venue or another, there were only so many Knights. Not that it would have mattered. The day she started caring if someone saw her behaving 'inappropriately' for a 'Master' was the day she confessed her sins before a Jedi Grand Master and saw the Light. They were alive, and they only lived once. What was wrong with enjoying it?
The glass clacked against the bar top as her arm fell away from her lips. A heated and drawn out sigh slipped between her dark lips. That was good. Maybe it was time for another dance. Another partner. Someone with a little extra. Rue's eyes roamed the crowd once more hungry for company. The night was young; there were still many more drinks left in her before calling it... or raving about controlling the galaxy. She loved hearing stories about those nights later.
Tag: Solana Arasne