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So... I have a character development problem

Andrea Kryze

Innocence and Killer Instinct

Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this. I've come up with how many Jedi Padawans now?

- Carona Totsari.
- Saruh Sault.
- Amee Tor.
- Nellja.
- and now Nova.

Nova has barely made much progress, and here's the thing. I do have this idea of a Jedi in my head, but I can never stick with them because they weren't how I expected or someone's (I myself included) has gone inactive and the story got discontinued. The character I found myself most attached to was Carona, but she faded too when I went on LOA. I want to bring her back, but I don't know. Once again, I have other images running through my head as well. I've made two at the same time (Saruh and Amee, who actually was a failed Carona 2.0) and I became innactive with Saruh before the same happened to Amee. So...

Once again, I want to make a Jedi, I have this vision in my head, but I've gone through so many I don't know where to go. So... help? Any tips? Ever?

~ Elvira.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Andrea Kryze"] well if you wish to make a jedi and need someone who is around I am. I enjoy teaching and adventuring with padawans in the galaxy. If you want some help pm me and we can spitball ideas.

Andrea Kryze

Innocence and Killer Instinct
[member="Matsu Ike"] Nice profile!

Carona was planned to be majorly a Force user, while my other character idea is much more of a lightsaber user and more violent. If you like, I can send Carona's profile to you.
[member="Andrea Kryze"]

Being a Jedi should be... I guess, secondary to the actual personality and skills of your character? If you make a total skeptic who sees the functional/scientific side of the Force, but not the mystical psychobabble part, then that's a way you could go. A gunfighter who happens to be Force-sensitive is a slightly more cliche, but sometimes satisfying route.

The point is... Jedi can't all be the serene speech-makers we see in "mainstream" canon. Mace Windu was, by culture, a trained fighter before he was picked up by the Order, iirc... And there's your grandmaster for the last 20-ish years before the Emperor...
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Andrea Kryze"] thank you and yes please send it, I think we could have some fun with a pair of lightsideres ones being very bookworm and research heavy the other being a more feisty fighter. Learnign from each other could make for a good master/student pairing.

Andrea Kryze

Innocence and Killer Instinct
[member="Matsu Ike"] I were to revive this character, and I'm leaning towards it, it would need some edits xD

[member="Watcher Three"] The character always in mind was more of a rebel, with several of these characters (Saruh, Nova) fitting that area. A lot more passionate and stuff than a normal by the book jedi. I just never found that perfect picture in any of them... maybe Saruh. I actually don't know what happened to Saruh but I liked her.

[member="Darth Ferus"] Um... brutal training makes me say no.
[member="Andrea Kryze"]
Unique. Always unique. And I don't mean "Lol I use a dual sided lightsaber" or "I roflstomp the sithies with uberpowered force techniques" either. I mean the mentality.

Good and Evil is what Star Wars is based off of, specifically the battle between the two. But what is 'good' and what is 'evil'? Massacring a planet sounds evil, right? So it's obviously a Sith doing it, right? What if I told you it was a Jedi knight making the hardest call of his or her life to protect the galaxy as a whole from a plague that could possibly destroy all life?

Not quite black and white, huh?

You have to find that... uniqueness. Nothing is ever lawful evil or lawful good or even able to be properly placed in the D&D scaling system. If you want a story that sticks and a muse that keeps churning, explore that. It's more than just training and it's more than just what your character does.

It's who they are that matters. Everything builds this.
[member="Andrea Kryze"]

I'm gonna say: I only ever had one character who was exactly what I wanted him to be, and I never tried to write him outside of fanfiction. Other writers have an influence, and so it doesn't usually come out how you envisioned it. Occupational hazard, I guess...

I don't have anything against Jedi, but I've always had trouble writing them, too. The only one I truly enjoyed ended up being more like, "I kill if the person I kill hurt somebody that's mine." And, well... He was a Dark dude who took Force Body to an almost transformative level. I enjoy writing with the people who enjoy writing Jedi, especially when my character is the one making them question their Order.

Basically, I love people who can write Jedi, and I love not writing Jedi to screw with the Jedi writers.

Maybe you shouldn't listen to me :p
Andrea Kryze said:
[member="Matsu Ike"] I were to revive this character, and I'm leaning towards it, it would need some edits xD

[member="Watcher Three"] The character always in mind was more of a rebel, with several of these characters (Saruh, Nova) fitting that area. A lot more passionate and stuff than a normal by the book jedi. I just never found that perfect picture in any of them... maybe Saruh. I actually don't know what happened to Saruh but I liked her.

[member="Darth Ferus"] Um... brutal training makes me say no.
Not all Sith have brutal training practices. ;)
Arrbi Betna said:
[member="Andrea Kryze"]
Unique. Always unique. And I don't mean "Lol I use a dual sided lightsaber" or "I roflstomp the sithies with uberpowered force techniques" either. I mean the mentality.

Good and Evil is what Star Wars is based off of, specifically the battle between the two. But what is 'good' and what is 'evil'? Massacring a planet sounds evil, right? So it's obviously a Sith doing it, right? What if I told you it was a Jedi knight making the hardest call of his or her life to protect the galaxy as a whole from a plague that could possibly destroy all life?

Not quite black and white, huh?

You have to find that... uniqueness. Nothing is ever lawful evil or lawful good or even able to be properly placed in the D&D scaling system. If you want a story that sticks and a muse that keeps churning, explore that. It's more than just training and it's more than just what your character does.

It's who they are that matters. Everything builds this.
All of this. Make them a character first, and a Jedi second. Develop who they are as a person, what they might view as right or wrong, and then figure how being a Jedi would reflect that. It'll feel more natural that way.

Don't try to force a character into a box they don't fit in, either. If traditional Jedi isn't the way to go, then maybe they're an unorthodox rogue who calls the Order home because it's the only place they can find where they can actively do good.

Like Arrbi said, make the character your own. Don't follow the rule book, and add in quirks that make things interesting. Figure out their identity before slapping a label on.

There's no right or wrong way to be a Jedi. It's all about doing good for the people of the galaxy at the end of the day, even if some of the methods can be questionable.

[member="Andrea Kryze"]
[member="Andrea Kryze"]
Oh, one more thing. Don't corral a character into a mold. Let them go as they will. When I first made Betna, he was a solemn, solitary, sociopath bounty hunter/mercenary. Over the years, he's molded into what he is today. It's not quite the Boba Fett cookie cutter I had originally designed to be... but I'm very happy with it.

So... in short... Don't limit yourself to one outcome, either. What you didn't expect can be just as good, if not better, than what you wanted.

Andrea Kryze

Innocence and Killer Instinct
[member="Keira Ticon"] [member="Arrbi Betna"]

Alrighty. Good advice. I'll try to see just what type of character I want. I do know the outline, just not the particular things about her. And I do want a Terrelian Jango Jumper xD

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