Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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So I'm new here

And uhh... been googling up for a Star Wars Roleplay forum. Very new to actually roleplaying this wonderful series, but not new to Roleplaying. So uhh... I might start off pretty bad with stuff. I mean, it's apart of my nervousness into entering a giant GIANT fandom whom well... I might not even KNOW if I might get hit by elitism by people here- but you know, I guess it's the whole part of the plan right? haha...

Well anyways, hi. I'm... let's just call me, Lysandra, or Lyssie for short. I am a long time Star Wars fan, but as I said, new to roleplaying in this fandom. Previously, I had roleplayed in several other fandoms, and that is where I got my roleplaying skills from. I started Roleplaying in 2006, but my serious roleplays had came around 2011-12. I'm 20 years old, and well... yeah. Just living a good life!

Nice to meet you all! Sorry if I sound nervous when I'm posting and all... I'm just kinda scared of what the people here might give me because well... Although I do like Star Wars and understand the story, I have struggle of trying to really find out what stuff means (like the Dark Side or anything like that)... I mean, I get the basic concept, but don't know much. So if I do get something wrong, please don't go hard on me?

But yeah... Nice to meet you all!


How to spell my name: Seh-ren (star) eye-ama (dont ask what this means. ever please. this name was made in 2008 D:)
[member="Safiriel Bane"] Yeah, I know the feeling. I had a hard time even knowing such a button existed considering I am mostly a Proboards roleplayer hah.

[member="Haytham Kaze"] Thanks!
Uhh, one question,

Am I allowed to have my character already trained in the ways of the force as a Knight, or do I have to start at WAY at the beginning to be trained?


[member="Sereniama"] welcome aboard and enjoy the show

you have to start fresh on the force unless you have proof from another site of what the characters done and learned then you can rp them here
[member="Darth Rapax"] Got ya... so I have to start when my character is a small lass right?

If so, got ya. Because I already got a vision of how she's gonna turn out.


[member="Sereniama"] everything else about your character I believe is allowed its just when it comes to force powers that unless you have enough proof for a transfer to occur you must start fresh yes.

If i mis read your question wrong i apologies it happens alot to me x.x


[member="Sereniama"] we have a lota masters and knights and HELL even acolytes that can teach you what ever you want from any faction you wish to join. Or hell pick a rogue if you wana stay independant :p


[member="Safiriel Bane"] HUSH YOU

[member="Sereniama"] but srsly pick who you want and enjoy the fireworks is all i gotta say :p
[member="Safiriel Bane"] Yes I am but anyways

I also got a question about species. Since my character is new, is it okay if I make 3 applications for the species she is? Because if so, I'm going to be spending allot of time writing. Or should I wait on that? Because if I make my character a human it won't really work for her... and I really get impatient on making a second character JUST so I can do this? I mean... yeah.

Because at this moment, I have 2 other applications open, a Homeworld and a Species App.

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