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And I don't know where she's off to. She specializes in saber combat, and has spent time as a Blackguard and a Jensaarai in the past. So, anyone need a saber wielding twi'lek?
[member="Cross Ikon"] [member="Zane Hara"]
So, The premise is you have a Dark Jedi who's declared himself a king is now taking over a stretch of space and building a nation? Hmm. Who's the most powerful FU?
All of the Shadow Empire knows that their trusted Councilor, Silara, is the most gifted of the force users in the group.
But yeah, Romeo ([member="The Shadow King"] ) is the most powerful out of the lot of us, for now. Just based on experience, that is. There's still plenty of potential for anyone to become more skilled than him, myself included.