Davin Jusik
Comrade Bin Tutis walked among the rubble strewn streets of Belgaroth with a look of a pained man. As he placed his cane on the ground and moved forward he thought back to eventful past weeks that had led to Belgaroth gaining their freedom from a powerful autocrat. A cruel businessman who had ran the planet with an iron fist, keeping the citizens in a perpetual state of slave labor as he continued to rake in ridiculous profits from their exploited labor. The road had taken years and cost Bun nearly everyone he'd ever cared about. His family, friends, and lovers had died over the near decade it took after his exile to gather the necessary materials to lead the revolution. Now the Free Peoples Socialist Collective sat as a beacon to like minded individuals throughout the galaxy. Those who sought Social Justice, Purpose, and all the benefits such a society could yield.
Several men with rifles in the red-green uniforms of the newly formed FPSC Army stopped and saluted as Tutis hobbled towards the newly created Residential Areas that The Party had formed after the autocrat's fall. Bin returned the groups salute and they continued their patrolThe area was essentially a large section of warehouses the Autocrat had stored various trinkets in, which had been converted into free housing. Thousands of formerly homeless citizens had gratefully accepted the offer the new government had extended them. Programs were in the works to create public schools, hospitals, water treatment facilities, and hydroponics centers to provide the people with access to all of life's necessities. It didn't matter what one's job happened to be or how low they'd been in their former lives, or even what species they were. Wages had been standardized, eliminating the disparity that had plagued so many before. Comrade Tutis made the same amount of credits as a factory worker. The massive surplus of industry the planet held was finally being redistributed amongst it's citizens and contacts with other nations were being made to promote diplomacy and trade.
Of course people had been killed to achieve this, those who would've killed the FPSC in it's most infant stages. Those who'd supported the hegemony that had ruled for so long were shown no quarter. Anything detrimental to the revolution was to be removed.
The future was looking so bright but despite this Bin still felt the pain of his dead fellows.
Bin continued along his path, nodding to those he saw as he moved towards the FPSC's first true accomplishment as a nation.