Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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So Roleplay time line.

Elias Arna

What do I do when Im making my wings (via Rp) and the people who are in it dont respond? do i just say "oh I made these" or do I have to complete the RP?
Well you could try pming them. Sometimes they forget or are swamped in rl. You could continue rping on your own to show the 'progress' you have made as another option.

Elias Arna

Well then I would be Moving them too. They are helping me get the materals for the wings. and well if they dont move I cant move.


Disney's Princess
  • PM them and discover their schedule.
  • If no response, wait a week, close the thread, and start fresh from where you left off.

This is the Internet. Your malleability is as immense as your own creativity. :D

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