Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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So...That's A New One

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
Sith were always a pain. Oka had been trying to get away from the war and the light side factions but still be a light sider. He could destroy anything as long as he had his light sabers that had freezing cold permafrost crystals in them. It felt good when the temperature rushed through his body. Today, he was fighting a sith, a very strong one to him. It was on a roof top unfortunately. Oka swung to his side but the sith clashed his saber with his. Then, Oka tried something new. Since he had been clashing with his saber for awhile, he used the force to pull a nearby crate behind the sith as he pushed the sith back at the same time. What was weird was he used force lightning that sent Oka off the roof landing in an empty market booth. Yes, it was on Coruscant. He saw the sith get killed by another person. Maybe he was just seeing things but the sith did die, he could feel the dark side dissipate with his soul.

[member="Hakora Cinthra"]
Some would call Hakora foolish, while others would say he lived without fear, but the reason he was standing on Coruscant, a sith occupied territory was because he planned to liberate it, but when was the question. He stood high on a building, over looking the city when he felt a ping in the Force of a fight. Hakora used his speed and rushed towards the area and was just in time to see lightning erupt. He dawned his hood from his dark blue robe, very few people knew what the dark blue robe meant. Hakora lept from one roof at the Sith and came down with a swift kick that took the sith by surprise and made him drop his lightsaber. Hakora ignited the fallen lightsaber and used telekinetic to draw it back into the Sith to kill him with his own blade. Hakora walked to the edge where the other had fallen off and smiled as he recognized the person. Hakora's face was hidden, but his smile was not.

[member="Oka Osaa"]

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
Once Oka got back up, he saw someone in a blue robe. Keeping his guard up, he force leaped up onto the roof about three feet away from the mysterious person. "I suppose thanking you would be appropriate." he said kneeling and getting back up. "I sense my death is near. That could've easily been the cause." It was true. Jedi were believers in dying if it was their fate. They pledged their life to the order and if they fell, they were remembered. But this was different. It seemed like a natural cause would be his death but you never know.

[member="Hakora Cinthra"]
Hakora removed his hood revealing his face. His hair was no longer spikey and blond, for some reason it had faded to white and grown longer, but his face remained the same. "Death is far from you, at least your death is. It is time you stop wandering, my friend and join me in bring peace to the Galaxy." Hakora was a leader in a secretive order that would soon reveal itself and bring peace to the Galaxy and he had been watching Oka since their meeting in Endor and wanted to recruit him to become a general and teach him how to completely use the force and not just one side of it.

[member="Oka Osaa"]

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
He nodded and said, "That's my mission. Even if you're neutral in the force, you still have a mission or goal whether you wanna face it or not, right?" he paused. "I will join you. After all, you did just save my butt." Oka said with a short laugh before picking up his cloak he seemed to have dropped. "Have I seen you from another order or was it only on Endor? My memory is clouded a bit but I do remember you from Endor with Mr Reynolds was it?"

[member="Hakora Cinthra"] (Sorry for not posting faster. Sorting out my new character.)
Hakora thought on Oka's words, "Of course, to resist a calling is foolish because you are being called for a reason and this if you ignore it you won't be living your full purpose." Hakora laughed a little at the idea that he had saved him when Oka was clearly toying with the Sith and merely taken by surprise. He then thought for a bit on if they had met before. "Hmmm, I have been a member of the Order of te Grey since 15 and briefly spent sometime among the Jedi. Besides that, I believe Endor was the only place, but your skills and accomplishments have traveled far and this war ahead for justice will be long and hard so I will need a second in command to aid me since I cannot lead an army alone. First, you only have studied the light side if I am correct. To fight this war you will need both so I will teach you how to use the dark side, but use it for good and not for selfish gain. A hard thing to do, but not impossible."

[member="Oka Osaa"]

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
He kept quiet as Hakora talked. Oka nodded and kept listening until he mentioned his past and about the dark and light side. "Yes, that's where a lot of my force powers come from. I know force blast and a few others that are close to dark but I don't use them to attack with because that might lead to the dark." he paused before saying anything else. "If that's what it takes to make this war end, I pledge my life to your order and I'll work along side you."

[member="Hakora Cinthra"]

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