Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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So yeah, ahem...


end Force User tyranny
I was gone. Unannounced. SORRY. I did say that is how I can be sometimes though in my intro thread. Family is my priority. When RP starts affecting my family life negatively I go on holiday from RP.

I think I have two threads that were on the go. Not sure if the participants are keen to continue though.
Our thread, along with TONS of data, was lost in the "Purge". However, I'd be more than willing to kick off another one with you. Welcome back, by the way, and I hope everything on your end is going well. :) @[member="Ala Vallen"]


Disney's Princess
Sup. Sup. Sup Sup. Sup'ie, Sup'y Sup'y Sup'y. *Bass Drop*


That's a dubstep song I wrote for you. wb. :)

Jaxton Ravos

Mindwalker of the Outer Rim
Jay Scott Clark said:
Sup. Sup. Sup Sup. Sup'ie, Sup'y Sup'y Sup'y. *Bass Drop*


That's a dubstep song I wrote for you. wb. :)
This is actually just the 30 second teaser they let you listen to on itunes, but if you record and just just loop it eleven times you get the same song.


end Force User tyranny
Cronos Aegir said:
You can always make new threads.
Josiah Denko said:
Our thread, along with TONS of data, was lost in the "Purge". However, I'd be more than willing to kick off another one with you. Welcome back, by the way, and I hope everything on your end is going well. :) @[member="Ala Vallen"]
Jay Scott Clark said:
Sup. Sup. Sup Sup. Sup'ie, Sup'y Sup'y Sup'y. *Bass Drop*


That's a dubstep song I wrote for you. wb. :)
Jaxton Ravos said:
This is actually just the 30 second teaser they let you listen to on itunes, but if you record and just just loop it eleven times you get the same song.
Syn said:
Helle and welcome back, I recall the one thread we were in and with the wipe.. I do not know but new threads are fun
New novel!

@[member="Josiah Denko"]....yus please...

@Jay Plagerism!!!!!!!!!

@[member="Syn"] we had a thread? May need to jog the ole memory banks there :)
Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow
@[member="Ala Vallen"] yes we did kind of... My former jedi master now sith master Tricia and you were talking about stuff.

The jedi however hope you will stay with us and I would love to setup a thread.


end Force User tyranny
Josiah Denko said:
@[member="Ala Vallen"]; Shoot me a PM and we'll get something started!
@[member="Josiah Denko"] Roger that.

Syn said:
@[member="Ala Vallen"] yes we did kind of... My former jedi master now sith master Tricia and you were talking about stuff.

The jedi however hope you will stay with us and I would love to setup a thread.
@[member="Syn"] Ah yes. I remember. Hmmm...thinking.

Jekk Reth said:
@[member="Ala Vallen"]

Wooh, it's great to have you back! I made a Jedi character while you were gone. What do you think?
@[member="Jekk Reth"] YAY ME BACK YAY...who are you? :p

Joshua DragonsFlame said:
No problemo. Welcome back.
@[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] Tanks yous!

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