Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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"So you are Miss Savan?"

Solan walked slowly as he stared at the doors to the Subach offices, his feet going slowly over the ground. There was a certain woman he wanted to see and it took him forever to track her down. He had two reasons now though, the first being that he had a ton of cash but no ship of his own, so there was certainly something he wanted to fix. The second thing was a very different reason, he had recently talked to someone connected to Savan and he was curious as to how Savan was able to twist Genetics like she did. His hands pushed through the doors and he came to the desk. "Miss Savan, i would like for you to page her so that i can meet her."

In Umbris Potestas Est
The secretary nodded, and out came Circe. "Mr... what can I do for you?" She raised an eyebrow. He was new, and she hadn't seen him before. If she didn't know any better, she'd have said he looked almost...


[member="Solan Charr"]
Solan blinked, actually stunned that worked and looked from the secretary to Circe again and laughing. "I know this woman, good try but thats not Circe Savan thats a woman by the name of Cinthra, ive met her before and worked for her before..." He looked now at Circe and walked over to her. "Look, i am joyed to see you again, but i wish to see Circe Savan, and you know full well that im not undead..."

In Umbris Potestas Est
[member="Solan Charr"]

"New body." She rolled her eyes. "Again... What can I help you with, sir? You've kind of yet to give me your name." Her hands on her hips, Circe was growing a tad more annoyed every moment he seemed to misidentify her as someone else.

"Wait you a-... oh kark..." He smiled and laughed at himself before speaking up again. "Sorry about that miss Savan, though what i have to ask you is not something i would like to be done in public... call it a... private matter in the realm of a sharing of knowledge... Oh and Right, my name is Solan Charr, hunter of sith and artifacts... not the former of course at the moment..."
In Umbris Potestas Est
[member="Solan Charr"]

"Very well..." Her hands crackled with energy for a moment before calming down. "Follow me." With that done, she took the man back to her office. "Now, what is it you desired to talk about?, and what do you know of Miss Cinthra?"
"Well its several things to tell the truth and i was curious into if you actually still existed or not, upon hearing of your death a whiles back but i had a very interesting conversation recently. As for Miss Cinthra she had hired me a little while back to do something for her but it no longer is a valid conversation piece. Im more interested in the reason i came here... did you truly create the woman named Charlotte Homura? OR atleast her current condition?" He crossed his hands in his lap and smiled, knowing full well he had evaded her wrath once, this time might not be so true.

In Umbris Potestas Est
[member="Solan Charr"]

"I created her, yes. She was made out of synthesized Zelosian DNA, along with some of my research into Vongspawn. I intended to see if merging her plant-like physique with a plant symbiote would be effective, or have some positive in any way. It didn't - there was a downside, in fact: she had a lack of depth perception." She sighed. "A failed experiment, but still a daughter of mine nonetheless. I care about her... How is she?"
"When i last spoke to her she was fine and we talked for a while. I am interested in the process in which you did this, was it pure genetics or was some form or sorcery behind it... her existence and your skills are both interesting." Solan leaned forward on his hands and looked at the woman whom so many despised, yet he found in that moment to be nothing more than a scientist.

In Umbris Potestas Est
[member="Solan Charr"]

"A cocktail of both. I'm not the sort of person who traditionally utilizes solely one method or the other. It prevents my being able to make sure what I desire is how I desire it. Now, would you like for me to further elaborate on my work, or do you have some other reason for being here? I do have management to work on." And this was indeed true - she was preparing for the next big sales push in the ASA.

"Well yes, i wanted to learn what i could from you on your work if you would so allow me. Im not talking about classified shit i could care less than half a shit about. I want to learn from you what i can whether in force power or in genetics, as either one is useful... i would also like to ask about the experiment involving charlotte was exactly and why it ended in her leaving, did something go wrong?"
In Umbris Potestas Est
"She left because the implant was not as successful as it was supposed to be. However, as a sentient, she was hardly a failure. Like all I've created in my laboratory, she is a daughter of mine in a sense, and I care for her deeply. Hence why I gave her money and a ship to start her own life with." She nodded. "The information regardin her creation is something I prefer not to elaborate on. Not yet."

[member="Solan Charr"]

"Understandable, none the less you have told me what i want to know... though my other question still stands... can you teach me in genetics or the force?" He rose a brow and looked at the woman for a long few seconds, curiosity welling in him at what the woman might know, he had seen what the other one had known and this one looked even more knowledgeable.
In Umbris Potestas Est
[member="Solan Charr"]

"I suppose." She sighed. "But what are you offering me in exchange for furthering your knowledge on such things? Perhaps your time assisting me with my latest project?" She was eager to get back to work on the synthesizing of tibanna, or at least a tibanna substitute, to help ease the Authority's reliance on imported gaseous matter. It was something that could hardly be considered as 'good' without copious amounts of study or research.

"Or do you have something else in mind?"

"Well, there are several things that i could do, i could help with your said project or i could aid in anything else. What im asking you is beyond my right as of my standing, but i do hope that you would allow such a thing. I could also serve for a time under you if need be, act as a guard, become your apprentice in title and follow you, it is completely up to you."

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