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Private So You're The Slicer Boyfriend


That was news. Ara Sheridan Ara Sheridan had a boyfriend.

A Mandalorian boyfriend.

A slicer, Mandalorian, boyfriend.

Iris had no idea what that meant. Or what that was supposed to make her feel. Worried, mostly. After Kyell, after getting so close to getting expelled from the Order, was she really going to date someone else again? Was she going to risk it all again? No, she trusted Ara. Absolutely trusted Ara. The boyfriend? Maybe not. She crouched outside a minor facility in the lower levels of Coruscant. Corpos. With connections to Denon. The Senate had denied the investigation of Denon, but here on Coruscant it was fine.

Probably. Asides, if this new boyfriend was as good as Ara made him seem, it wouldn't matter.

"You in position yet?"

It was a simple break in, 'acquire' the information needed, leave. Without being caught on camera. Which was his job.

"How long have you know Ara for?"

Kayl Krayt Kayl Krayt
"The Misfit. One and only!"


Coruscant | Coruscant Underworld, Lower Levels
Tags: Iris Arani Iris Arani


Another day, another gig. In the dark and deep slums of Coruscant's Criminal Underworld no less.

And seemingly official contract at that; he was on a Jedi’s payroll for this one. She had hired his skills to assist her in this mission; a simple infiltration in pursuit of illegal operations carried out by some Corpo in the underworld.

As ‘simple’ as she had said it when the Jedi shared the details of the op, it had the potential to turn into a ‘smash & grab’ instead of a stealthy infiltration.

Clad in his armor, brought along sufficient amounts of weapons, munitions and grenades along with him, he had geared up adequately for the occasion.

Lowering himself to a crouch behind a large dumpster at the end of a backstreet, the small compound in question was within The Misfit’s line of sight as the young Mandalorian peaked his helmet visor from the corner of his cover.

"You in position yet?"

Pulling himself behind cover at the brief sight of a sentry several dozen yards to his front, patrolling the premise idly, he responded to Iris over their comlink channel. <”Affirmative,”> he said, reporting in. Screwing a silencer onto the threaded barrel of his carbine, he went about quickly squaring away the last minute gear checks of his kit, while he sent a private message to his 'one and only' ( Ara Sheridan Ara Sheridan ) in the meantime; his utterance was transcribed into text in less than a second as he spoke, his helmet annunciator as well as his comlink speaker toggled off for the moment.

:: At work. I'm uncertain how long it will take. It can be a quick or a more long winded gig. But I will be okay, don’t worry about me. See you soon! ::

Finished, The Misfit clipped his carbine to his belt, raised and held his vambrace before him horizontally; he whipped open the touch screen of his computer terminal built into the vambrace with a precise, outward flick of his wrist.

The level of cyber security he’d have to deal with during this was something he’d need to see for himself, as much as he had produced several educated guesses. What little gathered intel Iris gave him regarding the compound's security measures left a lot to be desired.

"How long have you know Ara for?"

A surprised expression would be swift to take hold of his features at the question; in the verge of slipping into his hyper focused state as his gaze lingered on the screen before his visor, he was taken aback for a moment.

He was not at all expecting an inquiry such as that to be raised at him.

How did she know of Ara? Who was she to her?

The two were more than likely acquainted, that much seemed to be the case, and easily deductible from her question alone. But how close the two of them were, that was unknown to him at that time. Ara hadn’t mentioned Iris to him before; he had met the latter when she had hired his skills for this mission.

<”It has been several months,”> he answered her inquiry, after toggling on his helmet comlink speakers once more; the intonation of intrigue was very much apparent in his voice. <”I would ask in turn if you two were acquainted, but it would be an inquiry of the rhetorical kind,”> The Misfit remarked as he went about running a quick scan of the compound and the surrounding premises. <”Why did you want to know?”> he asked her in kind instead, as much as he was quick to theorize several reasons why on his own.




<"She's one of my best friends. Who'd already been hurt once. So if you hurt her I'll kick your ass.">

No, she wasn't going to hide that much. Iris slipped down the black mask she was planning to use as a back up to hide who she was. If the Corpo's here got wind, the Senate would too. And that'd spell all manner of trouble down the line, for her and the others involved. Iris slipped off the stun baton on her waist. Yeah, no lightsabers this time around. A stun baton would work just as well. And she had no intention of killing anyone here.

<"Cut the door and cut the feed. Keep me appraised of any patrols.">

Giving orders wasn't something she was too used to doing, but right now that didn't matter. She dropped from the roof, cutting through the shadows towards the back door. It was timed, everything was timed. She'd reach the doors and they'd open for just a second. Enough for her to get through, not enough to get attention. Quick and easy. Hopefully.

Kayl Krayt Kayl Krayt
"The Misfit. One and only!"


Tags: Iris Arani Iris Arani


<"She's one of my best friends. Who'd already been hurt once. So if you hurt her I'll kick your ass.">
The draw of a sigh would be the young Mandalorian’s answer that would not find intonation over the comlink channel for Iris to hear, as remained silent; Ara had told him just how hurt she got in the wake of betrayal, at the very night they had hit it off. He did not at all blame the Zabrak for driving her point home, when she had firmly driven and pressed the hilt of her lightsaber to his midriff for that.

Her reasoning behind her rather browbeat gesture made only more sense to him following her explanation that night.

But the fact that her best friend here had to reiterate that, and remind him of the cost of betraying the girl?

He couldn’t help but wonder just how much the Jedi -Kyell Laysel was his name- had actually hurt her; The Misfit detested the mere idea of sadness and affliction taking hold of the Zabrak’s features, in his mind. Even in his imagination he didn’t want to see her sad; her heartwarming smile was too precious to snuff out.

<Kyell,> The Misfit wordlessly repeated the Jedi’s name as his fingers rapidly tapped on his wrist mounted terminal’s touch screen; although mild for now, the young man was starting to harbor some form of resentment within him towards that name.

The Jedi had hurt The Misfit’s ‘one and only’ after all, but he would put aside such thoughts for the time being.

He had a job to do.

<"Cut the door and cut the feed. Keep me appraised of any patrols.">

<”Obtained full access to their CCHV feed,”> he reported to Iris a moment after her intonation of orders; the facility’s level of cyber security was not at all rudimentary, but he was very quick to identify gaps and weaknesses in their defenses, which he had cleverly exploited.

Very briefly, as he momentarily looked up from his screen, he faintly made out her silhouette moving in the shadows while she dashed towards the back entrance of the minor facility; not a sound did she make, expertly making her way around a sentry on her way.


Wasting not a moment, he remotely performed a quick slice on the back entrance to allow her undetected access into the facility, timing the completion of the slice to her estimated arrival to the door. <”I’ll meet you inside,”>

With a swift, inward flick of his wrist the touchscreen closed down as The Misfit rose to his feet; bringing his silenced carbine to bear at the sentries patrolling the premises -numbering no more than two- the kid expertly dispatched them at the squeeze of the blaster’s hair trigger as he broke into a sprint towards the front entrance.

Both of them hit by a stun round, their bodies laid unconscious and unmoving on the ground. Dragging them into a nearby alleyway to keep them out of sight, The Misfit returned to the door.

It did not take The Misfit more than a mere moment to intrude into the facility thereafter; with a faint mechanical click and a whisper-like hydraulic swoosh, the door before him allowed him entrance at the wake of a quick slice. At a heightened caution the young Misfit took a step inside at a leisurely combat pace, holding his carbine at the ready.

In and out; neutralize all hostiles inside, and leave with the data they sought after.

He’d begin securing the ground floor first.




She only touched the floor once. Briefly, in the doorway. All so she could leap up into the rafters. The facility, or what they called a facility, was little more than a warehouse on the inside. All the credits went to making the outside look better than it should. Investors liked a pretty picture. And the classic elevating the neighborhood speech. Her mask lit up, the screen within scanning the environment, the people. Security.

Turrets, cameras. Guard. It was a skeletal crew of guards, probably because of the turret defenses. Anyone crazy enough to try and rob here weren't going to be the type equipped to hack. The locals this far down on Coruscant couldn't afford that level of tech. And, well. Protection as a company made it that much easier to rely on the Alliance to keep any threats that could at bay.

Too bad for them.

Iris slipped through the rafters, leaping from beam to beam as quiet as a mouse, letting her mask to it's part in keeping her from the prying mechanical eyes all around. The mask, and of course the Slicer boyfriend.

An alert popped up. A room she couldn't scan. With a pair of turrets at the door? <"Found our mark. Sending live feed. Think you can shut down those turrets and open the door without tripping any alarms?">

Kayl Krayt Kayl Krayt
"The Misfit. One and only!"


Tags: Iris Arani Iris Arani


With prudence and at a leisurely pace, The Misfit walked the halls of the facility. The carbine in his hands swiveled from one corner to the other as he moved, all the while the young man kept an eye on the live feed of the cameras -exterior and interior alike- keeping tabs on the whereabouts of the patrolling sentries within, and keeping an eye out for any unwanted visitors without.

It was mildly strange just how barebones the interior of the facility appeared, compared to its exterior. As much as it was clean, bereft of a thick coat of dust and the all too familiar humid smell of mold, he expected the interior to look different. Certainly, matters of the aesthetic kind mattered not for the Corpos that owned this here plot of land, save for the installation’s exterior.

<"Found our mark. Sending live feed. Think you can shut down those turrets and open the door without tripping any alarms?">

A grin pulled at the young man’s lips. <”I assume that’s a rhetorical question,”> he quipped at the girl. With the press of a button on his left vambrace, The Misfit engaged a jamming sequence before rounding the corner; with its targeting sensors fooled and scrambled by the young man’s heavily modified long range comm backpack, the kid continued wholly unbothered by the presence of an activated, ceiling mounted auto-turret on his way to the closed door underneath it.

Behind the armored door lied the security center of the facility.

Producing a scramble key from one of the pouches on his web-gear, the doors before the young man opened with a soft hydraulic hiss not a moment after slicing the keypad, allowing him access into the security center of the facility.

Sensing commotion from the door behind them, a pair of security guards turned to look at the entryway from their stations, a moment before their unconscious bodies fell limp and unmoving on their seats. After swiftly clearing the rest of the room, The Misfit shut the armored door behind him before approaching the console. Grabbing the unconscious guard by his collar, sitting on a chair between him and the console, the kid thrusted him away with some effort onto the cold, duracrete floor.

Plucking a code cylinder from the breast pocket of the unconscious guard sat beside him, The Misfit used the guard’s access to gain entry into the system. At the sequential press of several buttons on the console of the terminal after navigating to the ‘turret controls’ on the screen, he could see the pair of turrest powering down and retracting to their housings on the ceiling from Iris’ live feed.

The armored door beneath the turrets unlocked with a soft mechanical click shortly after. <”On my way to you. I'll meet you inside.”>




<"Look at that, you are good.">

It was certainly a backhanded compliment. A bit more biting that even Iris expected. She frowned under her mask, but she wasn't going to say anything about it. Protectiveness of her friend only went so far, she knew that much. Kayl hadn't actually given any reason for Iris to doubt, yet here she was, doing just that. Searching for a reason to not like him. Ugh. The drama of having emotions.

Of growing up, at that.

Once the turrets retreated she slipped forward, dropping from the rafters in front of the door. Slipping inside a moment later. Colors. People. She spun, lifting the stun baton right up into the chest of a guard within before he could even ask why she was there. A quick zap sent him unconscious to the floor. Then, silence. The room itself was far more high end than the others. No, not high end. Sterile.

An operation room to the left pulled her gaze, just for a moment. Then to the other. Server room?

".. The hell do they do here?"

Kayl Krayt Kayl Krayt
"The Misfit. One and only!"


Tags: Iris Arani Iris Arani


<"Look at that, you are good.">

Although the kid remained wordless at her remark, the slight grin underneath his helmet faceplate continued to linger as he removed the security guard’s code cylinder from the console and left the room to regroup with the Jedi; he couldn’t help but find her remark to be a bit snappish. As much as The Misfit expressed his trust in himself and his abilities with his quip earlier, he did not at all intended for it to come off as a smug remark; he thought that was apparent.

Well, maybe not. Why else would the Jedi utter a snappish remark as a response to him?

Deciding to think on her words after they extracted from the facility along with the data they sought after, The Misfit cautiously made his way towards the Jedi’s position in the facility without any issues or run-ins with a patrolling pair of security guards; not only were there not a lot of them guarding the facility, they had a decent amount of time in their hands until their next scheduled shift change.

Passing the pair of deactivated auto-turrets above him, the young Mandalorian’s vigilant gaze shifted from one corner of the room to the other, scanning for hostiles as well as the layout of the room; as much as the Jedi had already cleared the room before he even got there, there was no harm in double checking, leaving very little to error and chance.

".. The hell do they do here?"

The kid muttered not a word as he slowly paced about the sterile, large room; one of the first things he noticed was a signal jammer nearby, and a server farm not too far away. The former had begun to interfere with the sensor scrambling sequence he had initiated with his comm backpack; not that it mattered anymore. The turrets were all put offline, anyway; his connection with the cameras remained. That mattered the most.

To conserve battery power the kid turned off the jamming sequence with the push of a button, turning off the device.

It wasn’t for long until his gaze shifted towards the operating theaters, not far from the server farms; through the large window he could see the telltale signs of a medical procedure carried out not too long ago; the blood on the high tech medical tools set on the mobile instrument trolley, as well as the gurney beside it, looked fresh.

Some of the aforementioned tools appeared to be cast aside on the tray in a hasty manner.

He could see a door opening to what he thought to be a storage unit at the far corner of the operating theater, and what appeared to be several unmarked packages of sizes small to large, a handful of them the size of a limb, lying on a counter beside the door.

It wasn’t difficult to put two and two together, at least not for The Misfit. They were in a Corpo blacksite, that much was certain; a strangely understaffed one at that. He wagered there would’ve been more guards and on site personnel around here.

And under normal circumstances, there would have been; hearkening back to the subject matter of a senate debate a few weeks ago, and the subsequent vote to take action to address the debated subject, it was only logical to assume the Corpos pulled the plug on their illegal operations here not terribly long ago.

They got here just in time before they could erase their tracks. It was safe to assume they had a clean-up crew on the way to do just that.

It was for the best to hurry up, then.

Assuming all of this obvious to the Jedi, the kid wordlessly made his way to the server room nearby at a brisk pace. <”Streaming security camera live-feed to your heads-up display,”> he muttered as he clipped his blaster carbine to his belt and flipped open the screen of the terminal mounted onto his left vambrace.

Aware of his very difficult to interrupt focus when performing a slice that demanded all of his attention, he would have no way of keeping tabs on the cameras until after he was done.

<”Keep me covered, please?”> The Misfit kindly requested of the girl as he lowered himself to a crouch before one of the tall racks of the server farm. Quickly getting to work on accessing the database once he would bypass the server's security with a successfully initiated slice, he would set out to unearth the secrets the Corpos wanted to stay buried.

Soon, after connecting to the server mainframe, The Misfit would appear to be wholly indifferent to most, if not all external stimuli throughout the entire process of the slice.




The feed came in as she took position by the door. Watching, waiting. Thus far they hadn't alerted anyone, but all it'd take was a trip now for the guard to be alerted. For the whole place to go into lockdown. She tightened her grip on the baton she'd taken up in place of her lightsaber. Something she could use in a similar way, but not actually flashing around a saber.

Which, all things considered, wasn't going to help. Last thing the Corpo's needed was to get an idea it was the Jedi looking into them. A Mandalorian though? That'd be fine. Part of the reason why she brought Kayl in was in the case of them being caught. Not that she had any intention of being caught. Especially not if it meant making Ara's boyfriend the fall guy. Maybe that's the other reason.

To have a reason not to just out him.

<"Be quick. When the guards don't check in this place'll lock down.">

Kayl Krayt Kayl Krayt
"The Misfit. One and only!"


Tags: Iris Arani Iris Arani


Aurorae’s urge to make it quick was lost to The Misfit the moment he plugged his wrist computer to the stack of the server farm before him. He was responsive to external stimuli no more.

Shifting his armored visage onto the screen, the young man was quick to be met with streams of data flowing before his helmet visor as he looked at the screen of his wrist mounted computer; the console’s system was not of the kind he was unfamiliar with. Although certainly it was nothing to scoff at, he had pulled off successful slices on terminals that possessed security measures more difficult than this.

Possessing physical access to the data stack before him, he manually bypassed the terminal’s security measures and login without any difficulties with the use of previously; not long after, the kid soon possessed the encryption key to the system, gaining the ability to sift through the data stored in the stack’s holo-drives without revealing his intruding presence to the security countermeasures of the system.

Nonchalantly, his hand shifted from the touch screen of his wrist mounted terminal and onto one of his pouches on his chest rig; producing an empty, high capacity datastick, the young man inserted the data storage medium into the GIB port of his vambrace computer. Copying over the zettabytes worth of data would be the most time consuming part of the process; not to mention he was forced to divide the download between the storage device and the data storage unit installed into his wrist mounted terminal due to the sheer size of the data.

Identifying what the Aurorae was interested in amidst the proverbial mountains worth of data was of no difficulty, however.

Patient data and their medical records listing the full extent of their augmentations, and the medical procedures carried out on the dozens upon dozens of individuals of varying backgrounds had went through were all listed before his eyes; all of which were supplied with cybernetic augmentations of the highly illicit kind, by the Corporation whom they were intruding into their company grounds right now.

When he plugged out of the server farm once he was finished downloading the data, and erasing his traces of intruding into the servers, The Misfit was quick to pack up his slicer gear and put away the datastick back into a pouch. <”Right, I got what we came here for,”> he informed the girl over the comlink as he stood up and turned around, blaster carbine unclipped from his belt and in his grasp.

Unresponsive to most, if not all forms of communication while he went about slicing the terminal, whether they had been made by the security detail or not, would remain unbeknownst to The Misfit for the time being.




The timing couldn't be more perfect.

Iris flicked up the stun baton, clicking on the end as she peered ahead. Knocked out guards were only going to go unnoticed for so long, even with the camera feeds on loop. Backup was here. Decked out in seeming military gear at that. Cybernetics, probably. Military training, for sure. Her mask picked up their movements as they seemed to stick to the shadows, tried to stay out of sight, the like.

Corpo's weren't messing around with keeping their secrets.

<"Good, you can help with the fight. Isolate us a way out first. Once they make contact this whole place'll hit lockdown."> No one wanted to tip their hand early, after all. She shifted out of sight, reaching up to click on the lock on the door.

<"You've got twenty seconds till they hit.">

Kayl Krayt Kayl Krayt
"The Misfit. One and only!"


Tags: Iris Arani Iris Arani


<"Good, you can help with the fight. Isolate us a way out first. Once they make contact this whole place'll hit lockdown."> No one wanted to tip their hand early, after all. She shifted out of sight, reaching up to click on the lock on the door.

<"You've got twenty seconds till they hit.">

The time he spent slicing the server farm and extracting the data they were after remained unbeknownst to him, but that hardly mattered anymore; the clean up crew whose purpose was to dismantle this Corpo blacksite had arrived.

With noteworthy gear and firepower.

<”Hold on,”> he beckoned her to keep the blast door unlocked as he briskly walked towards the doorway near her. <”I can create a small diversion for us; we can get out of dodge while they deal with that,”> The Misfit explained to her, counting the amount of time they had left before the Corpos would obtain visual contact with them, all the while he kept an eye on their movements and whereabouts from the live CCHV feed streaming onto his HUD; the blast door opened with a gentle hiss with the press of a button on the door frame’s keypad.

Stepping outside, the young Mandalorian wasted not a precious second; free of the restraining influence of the jammer inside the server room, he could obtain control of the blacksite’s interior defenses. A force of habit, he tended to slave the controls of the terminals he’d slice in, to his wrist mounted computer terminal.

It took just a few seconds to alter the targeting parameters of the automated turrets mounted on the ceilings, identifying the clean-up crew as intruders.

Not a moment after he executed the parameters, the large blaster cannons of the turrets whirred to life on the other side of the facility; the sharp barks and shouts of orders, pained yelps and intense blaster fire from the Corpos were drowned out by the long, howling salvos of the turrets.

He could see the small squads in their approximate facility, moving about the hallways in tactical formation, spring into action towards the opposite direction from him and Aurorae, to aid their colleagues under fire.

Closing the screen of his wrist mounted terminal with a precise, inward flick of his wrist, The Misfit brought his blaster carbine to bear. <”Now’s our chance, let’s move.”> he beckoned her to move out as he spoke to her, sparing her a glance over his shoulder.





The turrets came to life. For a moment, she tensed. Reached for the lightsaber she kept hidden under her jacket to ready herself for defense. Only, they turned. Aimed at the Corpsec coming in. She blinked slowly, lowering her hand. That diversion. Under the mask, she laughed. He wouldn't hear it, no one would, but she laughed none the less. Maybe she should learn how to hack into things. Domxite seemed to be good at that.

Maybe that'd be something for her to talk about with her gem friend. Another time. She fell in behind The Misfit, keeping low. Keeping out of sight. For all intents and purposes these cooperate smucks just got robbed by a ghost. Good. Maybe at least this way she could live up some to Valery Noble Valery Noble 's title.

Then again this wasn't really shadow business. Heh. Not that she was going to tell Kayl that.

<"Let's get gone. So you can keep making Ara happy.>"

Kayl Krayt Kayl Krayt
"The Misfit. One and only!"


Tags: Iris Arani Iris Arani


<"Let's get gone. So you can keep making Ara happy.>"

He extended his response to Aurorae with a quiet nod of his head before he sprung into action at a brisk pace. Though as much as the young man turned a deaf ear at her snarky remark at that time, and throughout the entirety of this mission, he couldn’t help but wonder what it was that saw him earn such a comment from the Jedi. He wasn't sure if it was something he said that had them get off at the wrong foot.

He theorized that, judging by her remark from earlier before they had quietly intruded into the Corpo facility, her remarks were in relation to her friendship with his ‘one and only’. That much seemed certain without a doubt.

But he could hypothesize no further than that at the moment to get to the bottom of things; it was not at all the time nor the place for such things. They needed to get out of the facility first.

Taking point, The Misfit navigated the hallways towards the back entrance -where Aurorae had initially made her insertion into the facility- all the while the ear splittingly loud shriek of the blaster cannons thrummed from deeper within the facility; that, and a quick glance at the live-feed suggested the heavily armed clean-up crew was still very much busy dealing with the little diversion he had made to occupy them; a pleased grin pulled at his lips at the sight of it all.

Wholly unchallenged by any hostile opposing force as a result, they emerged back into the slums of the Coruscant Underworld in no time.

<”Meet you at the RV,”> The Misfit said as he clipped his carbine to his belt and broke into a sprint towards a nearby backalley, soon to disappear from the Jedi’s line of sight; the screen of his wrist mounted terminal raised and kept before his helmet visor, the young man erased what little trace they had left behind at the press of several keys, namely erasing his digital footprint he might’ve left on the Corpo terminals, as well as the security camera surveillance recordings of the facility.

For all the Corpos would know, they were just hit by ghosts.




The colors turned violent. A quick escape, an easy escape, but she could see it. Panic, fear, pain. Death. Iris's expression hardened under her mask as the two slipped out into the night sky. Unseen, unheard, unfound. But a line had been crossed she made clear she didn't want to be. Something to talk about later. The RV? She gave a brief nod before slipping into the shadows the opposite direction. Split up, make distance. Regroup elsewhere just in case either of them were tailed.

They weren't, but the extra precaution was a good habit to keep up. Never know when that could change.

Still in her mask Aurorae stared up at the sprawling city above. An abandoned building, still in ruins from the Maw's attack. The Sithspawn had been cleared out, but with all the focus elsewhere no one had bothered to repair it. That was the Alliance these days. Too focused on external threats to realize the ones within.

"What'r the odds those turrets were on nonlethal?" She spoke up only when she saw the colors of the Misfit approach, turning her visor his way. Keeping her expression, thoughts, everything hidden.

Kayl Krayt Kayl Krayt
"The Misfit. One and only!"


Tags: Iris Arani Iris Arani


It all went down without a hitch.

At least it was so from his perspective as much as there were several, albeit minor complications that occurred throughout the mission. What bothered him somewhat was the passive aggressive notions that underlied Aurorae’s words, for the most part. Although he did not take personal offense from her rather cynical remarks, and thus not allowing such feelings of anger or resentment of any kind to get in the way of their mission objective, he couldn’t help but wonder why; what was it that he said or did earned him such remarks?

His thoughts dwelled on that subject matter as he ascended the stairs of a derelict, war-torn structure at a slow pace with the lively city lights outside seeped through the cracks and holes on the walls and onto the flight of stairs; having made himself scarce and made sure he was not followed, the young man had reached the predetermined rendezvous point without trouble, all according to the time table they had set for themselves to get it done.

Having made his way to the top floor, he could see the girl on the other side of the floor, with her gaze lingering on the dancing lights of the city outside; the rubble and debris strewn across the floor softly cracked and crumbled as the young man approached her.

Without a doubt sensing his presence, it wasn’t for long until she spoke, raising him a rather seemingly peculiar inquiry.

"What'r the odds those turrets were on nonlethal?"

The young man came to a halt at the question, just several feet away from the girl; The Misfit would break the silence that befell him once Aurorae turned around, when her featureless visor met his own. <”Quite unlikely,”> the young man answered truthfully, understanding the notion underlying her question; eschewing the use of deadly force against enemy combatants throughout this mission was but one of the conditions she had set for the both of them.

And his parting gift he had left behind for the Corpo clean-up crew, his diversion, was in direct violation of that condition.

But he had his own justification for the action he took, aware of the very plausible reprimand the girl would voice at the wake of his decision.

But sensing, or rather assuming that a scalding, a censure would be underway from Aurorae following his answer to her question, the young man fell silent, casually crossing his arms while his gaze underneath his emotionless T visor lingered at the girl’s armored visage that shrouded her features from him.


Last edited:


Unlikely, huh?

Under her mask, she frowned. Closed her eyes to take a breath. That wasn't what was agreed upon, but in the moment, it made sense. Kept their cover. She lifted her arm, pulling up the holodevice she had attached there to scan through. Data from what was hacked. Just ensuring it was there. Then, payment. His. The agreed upon amount, though some deduction.

"You're payments been sent, minus a penalty for lethal force. Not much, given it kept our cover."

Kayl Krayt Kayl Krayt
"The Misfit. One and only!"


Coruscant | Coruscant Underworld, Lower Levels
Tags: Iris Arani Iris Arani


Standing casually with his arms crossed as he waited for her response, The Misfit tensed up ever so slightly at the growing silence that got a hold of the room; he was expecting a retort, expecting to be raked over the coals for violating the engagement parameters she had set for the both of them for this mission. Although it was his calculating mind and not his desire to take lives that urged him to turn the automated turrets against them, perhaps he could have found another way of handling that situation.

But it was what he could come up with in a short span of time; he could not allow the Corpo clean-up crew armed to the teeth to lay eyes upon the both of them. Donned with considerable high tech gear, it was very likely that not only their helmets had the ability to record footage, but more than likely had a live feed patched up to their TOC back in their headquarters, watching the mission and advising the Corpo operatives as they went about their jobs.

He did not want to wake up to a Corpo kill squad knocking on his door.

No doubt Ara Sheridan Ara Sheridan would’ve given him an earful about it if such a thing were to occur.

"You're payments been sent, minus a penalty for lethal force. Not much, given it kept our cover."

The young man’s head slightly tilted to the side. He was mildly surprised at her demeanor; he was expecting a far more confrontational response, judging from her previous remarks during the mission. But it appeared she was more or less on the same wavelength with his way of thinking.

Raising his left vambrace vertically to his helmet visor, the young man flipped open the screen of his wrist mounted terminal with an outward flick of his wrist; a quick check of the account he had given her for payment confirmed the transaction.

Looking up from the screen before his eyes, the young man produced the datastick from an empty magazine pouch containing half the intel he had gathered during the mission. Gently tossing it her way for her to catch it, The Misfit leisurely approached the girl. Pulling a connection cable from his left vambrace, the young man held it out in his hand for her to grasp and plug it into her datapad in order to hand over the remainder of the data.

<”Speak your mind,”> The young man would kindly urge her with a faint intonation of expectation as his gaze remained on the touch screen of his left vambrace, monitoring the upload of the intel onto her datapad; although he had reached several conclusions regarding what underlied the attitude she gave him, he would’ve like to hear it from her nevertheless.




Iris let out a sigh as she caught the the datastick. Glanced it over. Job done. Time to leave, right? .. Oh. She squinted as she took the cord to plug it in. So not all the information was on the same device, huh? Smart, if delaying her leaving. Her eyes squinted right at him as he spoke up. Was- Yeah that had to be why, huh? Maybe.

"Mandalorians and Jedi don't mix. If you pull her from her path after everything she went through to get it back, I won't stop at kicking your ass."

Kayl Krayt Kayl Krayt
"The Misfit. One and only!"


Tags: Iris Arani Iris Arani


"Mandalorians and Jedi don't mix. If you pull her from her path after everything she went through to get it back, I won't stop at kicking your ass."

At her words, his gaze underneath the helmet visor would not waver off her armored visage, as much as he couldn’t help but feel the sting of annoyance at the subject matter, starting to grow within his heart; he expected a different kind of statement from Aurorae if he was to be frank. He was well aware of the shared history between his people and the Jedi. He was well aware their kind did not get along well with theirs.

But there had been instances where people hailing from the aforementioned cultures got along quite well!

Unlike what Aurorae appeared to think of him, he had no intentions of leading his beloved from the Path of the Jedi. He understood Aurorae’s worry for her, her visible protectiveness of Ara as a close friend of hers -that's why he hadn't uttered not a word at her warnings, aside from his professionalism- but.. He couldn’t help but think the intonation of these warnings to be out of line, and unnecessary.

He had no other girl in the galaxy in his mind, other than Ara Sheridan Ara Sheridan .

But despite the hurt he felt from Aurorae’s remark, the young man would offer her a faint -albeit bitter- smile underneath the armored visage of his helmet nevertheless. A faint white flicker emerging from the bright blue haze, glowing off the touch screen of his wrist mounted terminal, would implore the young man to shift his gaze from the girl; the data transfer. It was complete.

With a gentle tug, the young man would plug his left vambrace’s connection cables free of Aurorae’s datapad; with a faint whirr, the cables reeled into a small housing on his left vambrace.

<”It was a pleasure doing business with you.”> The Misfit would mutter at the Jedi as he looked up at her armored visage, with the bitter smile continuing to pull at his lips; with an inward flick of his left wrist, the young man closed the touchscreen of his terminal, and turned around to leave.

Paid, -albeit with a small amount deducted from the pay that was agreed upon, due to breaking rules of engagement, even though it was for their best interest- he had completed the terms of his contract.

It was time to head home now, and get some rest.

//Exit Thread​



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