Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Soah Ty'Jyn



  • Loyalties: Herself
    Rank: Sith Acolyte
    Species: Felacatian
    Age: Young teen
    Sex: Female
    Height: 4'11"
    Eyes: Hazel
    Hair: Dark Brown
    Skin: Tanned
    Special Posession: Tu'kata Bone Knife
    Force Sensitive: Yes
    Homeworld: Felacat

    Soah is a young Felacatian with dark brown hair kept in multiple braids, hazel eyes, and tanned skin that she applies dark black henna to stain with intricate tattoos over her face, arms, hands, legs, and torso. Due to the battle of Felacat, the younglings were gathered up in a refugee sector, working and hunting in the wilds of Felecat, until she was noticed by a traveler with bright orange eyes and an aura that Soah could not seem to draw her gaze from.

    After tempting her to prove her worth to be taken out of Felecat by a test that required her to kill the banshee witch that made her home in the catacombs of ancient royal ruins, Soah completed her mission, single-handedly coming out a stained and bloody wild girl, blood dripping from her mouth and hands. In her fear and anxiety, she had unwillingly shifted into her cat form, forcing her to have to battle the Force witch in that feline form.

    Having proved her worth, the Traveler took her in, taking her off of Felacat towards a new one; one that would have her cross the massive carved doors of the Jutrand Academy.

    • Self Conscious: Soah is a bit sensitive regarding her inability to control her shifting into a huge predatory cat. Being poked fun about it will, ironically, cause her to shift and be prone to act defensively and violently if needed.
    • Hunter: Soah lived most of her life in a refugee community in the ruins and jungles of Felacat. This has allowed her to have keen senses in tracking, hunting, and field first aid.
    • Beast Nature: Because of her racial abilities, Soah also has a way with animals, in terms of that she is treated with respect by 'predators' and what may be considered 'prey' fear her.
    • Able to hunt, process, and cook a meal
    • A good tracker
    • Excellent with a knife
    • Field first aid
    • Unknown Force Potential
    Species Strengths:
    • Felacatian Racial Trait: Soah, in her humanoid form, generally has very fine fur, barely discernable, but has sharp, fang-like teeth, along with a hyperdeveloped sense of balance, perfect night vision, and hyper-fast reflexes and speed. She also has a hypersensitive tail that can detect subtle atmospheric differences and can retract into her body when she is in danger.
    • Big Kitty: When shifted into her predatory cat form, she is as large as a Nexu, protected by a row of heavy spikes along her back, along with claws that could shred durasteel, with heightened potent strength and speed and incredible sensory perception.
    Species Weaknesses:
    • Hyperspace Claustrophobia: When Soah is forced to stand in hyperspace for an extended period of time or when she experiences any level of stress, her body begins to change. Without an outlet for her stress, the Soah's body would shift its form within seconds, becoming a huge, predatory cat.

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