Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sobek Shree


.Sobek Shree.

(pronounced Soh-bek)

Species: Near-human.

Gender: Female.

Age: Approximately 19 years old.

Home-planet: Unknown.

Ancestry: Unknown.

Force-sensitivity: Positive.

Faction: None.


Height: 1,66m

Weight: 53kg

Skin description: Pale complected, clear. Marring can be observed in her hands and in the back of her neck.

Eye description: Light purple coloration, sometimes appearing bluish. Sobek does not hold a particularly warm gaze and it is often found lacking in expressiveness.

Hair description: Medium-length and pin-straight, her hair is of a light shade of brown.

Bearing: Sobek carries herself with a certain poise and balance, which betraying the real abilities of her physique, often gives the appearance of being unnecessarily measured. The fact that she insists on moving only as little as possible makes her look stiff and lacking in fluidity, statements that can be proven false. However, this does not erase the fact that she resembles a living-statue more than a normal human being.

Usual Attire: Simplicity is the key word to her tastes. Sober colors and plain designs make up the perfect wardrobe to match her boring self.

Peculiarities: Sobek has a very fast and automatic reaction to her reflexes, leading to rare, sudden bursts of movement that do honor her athletic capabilities but also tends to scare those around her, whom are probably not expecting her to move so suddenly.


Allignment: Neutral Evil

Sobek is in essence a practical being. She shows little love for unnecessary decor and has a very clear understanding of her place in the different situations that surround her life. All that she lacks in emotional and social development, which she tends to purposefully neglect, she has poured into the realm of her mind and intellect.
She tends to keep a meticulous control over the different facets of her being. Detached and aloof, Sobek will only keep to the necessary courtesies and otherwise completely ignore others unless they stand within the short-spanned window she calls her interest.

However, she has also proven to be quite a determined and efficient performer, never questioning a command and absolutely given to the task of bettering herself. Curiously enough, the stoic woman does worry herself with keeping an impeccable reputation where it counts and even if lacking charisma, knows how to read the social games of others very well.

.Strengths and Weaknesses.

  • Enhanced Senses: As a result of experimenting, Sobek's sight and hearing exceed the expected sensitivity.
  • Calculating: Observing and quick-minded, Sobek often has every situation under deep, subtle scrutiny.
  • Force-trained:​ Sobek has been instructed in the basic ways of the Force, as well as light-saber wielding.
  • Quick-learner: She is capable of great diligence and patience. This, coupled with her sharp mind, make her an efficient student.
  • Stoic: Lacking expressiveness means she can hide very well whatever thoughts might be running through her mind. However, internalizing every negative emotion and accumulating them is a dangerous practice which could lead to sudden outbursts.
  • Loss of Thermal Perception: What she gained in sigh and hearing, she lost on this often neglected sense. Sobek is not physically aware of the overheating or the cooling of her body. This leads to a myriad of detrimental side effects: from making her more prone to hyper/hypothermia (since her body lacks a response to control her temperature) to poor response against possible infections, since her body does not count with a raising a fever as a mechanism of defense.
  • Socially Impaired: Sobek has a very poor understanding of human relations exceeding the norms of very basic manners. She handles poorly most feelings inspired by others because of being accustomed to a relationship based solely on hierarchical disposition (finds it hard to socialize with her 'equals').
  • Your will, her hands: As long as she does not have a reason to believe herself in the correct footing to go against superior orders, Sobek is obedient to a fault. She might offer an alternative course of action, but ultimately, she does not question orders.


Sprouted from the entrails of nowhere, she was orphaned the very night she was born. Of course, a child in her circumstances had non-existent chances to survive, but luckily for her, fate had other plans.

The little girl just had happened to be born with a strong affinity to the Force, something that would have gone to waste had her blood relatives not disappear from her life. It was this very ability that would ensure her survival, when a man equally gifted found his way to her. She was picked up and taken somewhere far away from the place that saw her birth, never to return.

The old man went by the name Cetus Shree. He was an estranged, forsaken Lord of the Sith, a man who busied himself with matters of body, mind and soul and the deforming of them. With the objective of...furthering his studies, Shree had procured about a dozen infants, all connected to the essence of the universe to serve as the recipients of his many tests and alterations.

By the time she was eight, more than half her "siblings" had died, weakened by the research and the terrible training that their Father had them undergo. About that same time, Cetus Shree concluded that those who had lived this far had now little chance of perishing to his studies and named them. Dryan, Odell, Neith and Sobek Shree. The four little experiments of Cetus.

The rest of her years where spent under the tutelage of the man that had captured and raised them. He never stayed his hand from grievous punishments, his tolerance for his children's failures was non-existent. But with age also came realization, and after a few insinuations, her siblings were convinced that it was time to part from their Father's side. But they decided that it was to be done in the ways that their Father had taught them, the Sith way.

The siblings knew that they were yet unprepared to defeat a Sith Lord on their own. So they schemed against the man that had robbed them of their identities and took his life together. Odell perished during the confrontation and it had been established that once Cetus had been dealt with, it would be time to choose a true victor among them. Only one would live to see the expanse of the galaxy.

Neith and Sobek had been the closest ones among them, they did quick work of Dryan before turning on one another. Equally skilled, Sobek realized that the battle was to be won by a matter of will. So she willed herself to destroy her sister.

After seeing her to a proper burial, Sobek gathered what valuables had been stored in the base and left. Cetus had seen his days as a Sith what felt like eons ago and she had always been aware that his teachings had been tainted with the man's hatred for his kin, whom had turned their backs on him. And so, her decision proved not be hard to make. She already had a path to follow, now she must head to its starting line.

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